

"Seeing as to how stubborn you all are, I'll have to kill him myself" She spat.

Muttering some words while her eyes rested on Orion, Alvina summoned her powers out, trying to invoke something on him.

She stopped mid-words, getting hit by something hard behind her. Falling to her knees, her weak bones creaked as she turned to glance at whatever it was.

She realized it was Elpida with a vase in her hands.

Elpida without hesitating, sent the Vase down on her immediately, then ran over towards Bellona.

Alvina on the other end, laid on the ground, struggling to get to her feet, while Orion who had gained prowess over Rowan kicked him hard, smacking his head with the pommel of his sword.

"Where are the keys to the room?" Orion asked Nerida immediately.

"They're with him" She responded.

He reached down to Rowan's belt, and then grabbed the dangling bunch of keys.

Going back down the hallway, he followed Nerida closely while Elpida and Bellona on the other side untied Aiden.

"You'll. Pay. For. This." Alvina muttered in a weak voice.

"No one angers Brenwerth and lives to see the dawn of another day" She added.

"No one"

"I'll go check on Orion" Pavlos uttered, but was stopped by the voice of Bellona.

"You don't seem fine enough to do that. I'll go check on him" She said immediately.

She hurried off into darkness, following the steps, and finally down the large room. She found him still fiddling with the lock with Nerida right beside him.

"C'mon!" He grunted.

He banged at the lock yet again, and with a soft click, it came off.

He kicked the door open with his feet and immediately, his eyes connected with that of a dozen kids.

Some with tattered clothes and disheveled hair, others almost at the point of death. They shivered with fear as he drew closer to them, thinking he was there to lay harm on each one of them.


"It's alright. You're safe now" Orion whispered softly.

He reached forward, holding the hands of a young boy and then squeezing it lightly.

Pain appeared in his eyes as he stared at the face of the boy—With bruises here and there, lips chapped and skin so pale.

"Trust me" He uttered to him.

The boy stared forward, tears slipping out his Left eye. The warmth of Orion's hands made him gasp as he got pulled into his hold.

Bellona who was watching everything behind was almost on the verge tears.

The kids all had little life left in them. Only a few looked strong enough.

She tore her fleece off her body, and then placed it on a kid who was shivering from the cold.

Her eyes rested on Orion who was leading them all out the room.

Watching his figure as he proceeded out, her expression softened.

Amazed at how soft and kind he was to the kids, teardrops, a feeling of warmth rushed to her heart.

Despite the monster Orion seemed to be, he had a heart, so soft it was unmatched. Something must have turned him this way. Whatever it was, it could still be changed.

The beast whom people across the lands fear was far from being the person who was stood in this room a moment ago.

The person she saw right now had a soul so beautiful buried in him. His purity was tainted with darkness, and rage which needed to be wiped away.

Stepping out of the dark room, Bellona hurried off into the hallway to join the rest.

Rowan with hands tied and a worn out cloth placed around his mouth, while he babbled in a muffled voice.

Alvina on the other hand was still sprawled on the floor feeling the pain of the blow she received on her head.


Just as they were all about stepping out of the cottage with the kids, she sprung to her feet, chanting some words loudly.

Her eyes glowed as she stepped forward, a wild rush of breeze encircling her.

Using her powers, she lifted the ax off the floor, sending it flying towards them, but it got stopped in the air as it came approaching.

Her jaw dropped instantly, staring at the person who dared confront her powers.

Anger surged through her, her eyes connecting with Elpida's, furious and dumbfounded at her abilities.

"How dare you?!" She yelled at the top of her voice.

She took a couple steps forward, with her hands raised in the air, pointed directly at Elpida, who she tried dragging off her feet, but got pushed by a powerful force instead, as the piercing gaze of Elpida rested on her with glowing eyes and just two fingers pointed forward.

She was pushed off her feet immediately, hitting her head hard on the torch which rested on the wall, falling down to the grounds while losing consciousness.

Finally leading the kids out the deadly cottage and away from the prying hands of Alvina and Rowan, they all hurried off into the coldness of the night.

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