

Arriving at the tiny cottage which was feet away from them, Nerida and Hardin got tense while moving to it slowly.

Nerida held on to Bellona's arms tightly, scared of getting to it, knowing of what was to come the second they all walked through that doorway, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. Fear had taken over her completely, turning her numb.

Light knocks were heard as Orion's knuckles connected softly to the ancient wooden door.

"It's okay" Bellona whispered to the young girl, grasping her hands warmly in hers.

Their eyes were all focused forward, waiting patiently for a response, when suddenly the door creaked and an old lady appeared from behind.

She was gangly looking, with bones so visible while green veins appeared on her scaly hands.

Her scanty grey hair flowed past her back, swaying as she moved.

The cream dress she wore swept the floors as she stepped out from the cottage, her eyes on Orion who was stood directly in front.

"Oh my!. To what do I owe this visit" Her voice croaked as she spoke, her head shaking at every movement she made.

Her eyes connected with Nerida's instantly, and for a quick moment her smile faded, not until she forced another one up on her face.

"Do you know these kids? They led us here" Orion uttered, stepping aside for her to have a glimpse of Nerida and Hardin.

"Of course! They live here" The lady responded.

"Forgive me for the impudence, I'm Alvina" She introduced herself.

"Do come in" She gestured.

Nerida tugged onto Bellona's hands, pleading with her eyes for them not to walk in, but the latter didn't get onto the message as they were already cramped in the tiny cottage.

It was nothing compared to what it looked like from the outside. Housing lots of beautiful artifacts and crystals, it boasted of much beauty.


"Welcome to my home" Alvina uttered in a cheery voice.

"Who are the visitors?" A male voice echoed in the large room.

A chubby man soon stepped out from a room, walking towards Alvina, his boots clicking as he walked.

"These kind souls brought back our kids" Alvina uttered with a smile on her wrinkly face.

"I can't thank you guys enough for your help"

"This is my husband, Rowan" She said to them.

The man named Rowan gave a nod at them, his hands resting on his plump belly.

"We're more than delighted to bring your kids back to you, but we would have to get going now" Pavlos uttered to Alvina, stepping forward as he spoke.

"Why do you hurry?" She asked immediately.

"We've got a journey ahead" He responded.

"Oh please, it would be much pleasure to offer you all supper and a place to rest your heads for the night" Alvina spoke in an exquisite manner.

"Oh, don't bother about that" Orion began.

"I insist" Rowan spoke.

He wore a straight face, staring intently into the eyes of Orion.

Bellona got scared at his sudden expression exchanging glances with Elpida who also was confused.

Orion was silent, his eyes shifting from Alvina to Rowan, trying to see through their expressions.

"Okay" He said softly.

"Do you think that's a good idea. We've got a place to be at" Pavlos debated.

"It's the least you could do. Please don't refuse our kind gesture" Alvina said to him.

He sighed while staring at Bellona, noticing how scared she was.

They finally agreed to it after much contemplations.

After warming up to her kind offer, she led them straight to the supper table, laying down food of all sorts on the long oakwood table.

Orion's mouth watered at the sight of the meal after days of walking and starving out in the woods. Wasting no time, he dived in and began munching.


Where were you guys headed to?" Alvina questioned them.

"Sedona" Bellona was quick to respond.

She turned quiet the minute she saw Pavlos sending her a message through his eyes, telling her not to say more.

Curiosity got the best of Alvina as she questioned the reason why they were on their way to Sedona.

"I'm sorry, we can't say no more" Pavlos uttered.

He poked at his plate, losing all appetite immediately.

"Forgive me for being nosy" Alvina spoke with a weak smile. She pressured them no more while they all enjoyed the meal, except Elpida who kept staring at the old lady, with an expression of uncertainty.

"Why did the kids run away?" Elpida forced herself to say.

Everyone on the table turned to her at the sound of her voice, listening as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, what?" Alvina spoke.

"Nerida and Hardin. Why were they out in the woods" She uttered with a straight face.

"Oh they're kids, they do crazy things all the time"

"They probably just wanted a glimpse of the outside world" Alvina responded.

From the way, Elpida stared at her, one could tell she didn't believe a word of it. She was onto something and had caught on to the suspicion already.

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