

Hundreds of Cedric's soldiers approached Lorwich, setting the whole place on fire, while villagers ran about trying to save themselves.

Houses got burnt to the ground, while people moved around, tears in their eyes, watching their only hope crumble right before them.

Bellona who was stood right outside, watched in fear when someone came crashing into her, causing her falling to the ground.

She felt someone's arms on her, looking up only to see Pavlos, stretching his arm towards her.

"C'mon, let's go" He offered.

Pulling her up immediately, they wasted no time as they both fled away from the vicious soldiers and the fire.

Elpida had her feet up, fleeing the scene, with her parents by her side, when two arrows were shot at them.

The woman on one side fell to the ground instantly, with the arrow sticking out from her back, and her breath getting burdened.

"Mother!" The loud scream of Elpida rang out.

She ran over to hold the woman, while tears dropped from her eyes at the sight of her mother, who was desperately fighting for life.

Her father who was still struggling to survive, was suddenly struck in the chest by one of the attacking soldiers.

Taking one last look at his daughter, he breathed his last and then passed on to the spirits.

Pain, shock and sadness, appeared on the face of Elpida, staring at the cold bodies of both her parents.

Voices rang out from around her as more villagers were being shot to the ground, fire crackling as houses and properties got burnt.

Some kids got beat down with large rods, the soldiers showing no mercy, regardless of age.

One of the soldiers in black picked up a crawling kid who had tears in eyes, with snot coming out his nose.


The kid's light cries could be heard as his eyes searched around for the figure of his mother anywhere.

With a cold heart and no affection whatsoever, the soldier picked the boy up, tossing him straight into a fire.

He dusted his hands, feeling proud of himself as he watched the little boy burn down.

A loud scream suddenly grabbed everyone's attention as they all turned to where it came from.

Elpida, the source, was up on her feet with glowing eyes and rage on her face, screaming loudly.

A sudden gust of wind made things fly in different directions. Dust filled the air as people ran away trying to take cover. Cedric's soldiers included. The rage of Elpida got everyone frightened, that no one could go anywhere near her.

Zamarion spotted her in the crowd of dust, with eyes glowing while her hair swayed, leaving the commander in a state of shock.

"Kill her!" He commanded to his soldiers.

Arrows were shot, but all crumbled to the ground upon getting to her figure.

With eyes still glowing, she took a look at the soldiers, and immediately, a gust of wind whirled from nowhere, pushing them off their horses, some landing on hard ground, others being unfortunate and crashing directly into blazing fire.

"Retreat!" Commander Zamarion ordered in a loud voice.

Horses neighed as the soldiers rode out of Lorwich, with the commander leading in front.

Aiden's eyes rested on Elpida who was still standing at the centre of the village, with eyes still glowing and the wind circling around her.

Her hair flew wildly in different directions, while rage became so evident on her face.

In a quick motion, her head snapped towards Aiden's direction, as he cautiously approached.

A move which got him a bit frightened.

"Elpida, it's me" He tried calming her down.


His voice was calm and assuring, with both of their gazes never leaving each other. Elpida, with a dangerous look, while he had a pacifying one trying to get her back in her normal state, and make her feel better.

Slowly, he moved towards her, and at his sudden touch, her eyes went back to normal, while the storm calmed.

Her eyes stared into his own, and at that moment, she crashed into his warm arms, tears stinging her cheeks, and pain filling her heart.

"It's okay" He whispered into her ears while stroking her hair.

"You're fine now"

"Let's go find the others" He said to her.

Wives, mothers, fathers, maidens, lads, warriors and children, lost in the fight.

Lorwich, a once peaceful, village with lots of greenery and an ever-flowing spring to boast of, had in a second, turned into a place of misery.

There was still fire everywhere, and bodies sprawled on the ground.

Blood which got spilled, flowed into the clear waters of the spring and rivers, tainting its purity with evil.

This was a moment that would forever remain with those who survived the turmoil.

A moment that would stay deep in the hearts of men.

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