《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》33. The Unforgiveable Sin


'You insulted me—in front of everyone—now I will insult you so much that you will regret very bad.' He said angrily then pushed Anaya. She gasped as she fell on the bed. Immediately, she tried to sit up but Maaz pushed her down again.

'Maaz, leave. You are not in your senses.' Anaya tried to make him see sense. But Maaz was too drunk in anger and alcohol. Blinded by rage he wasn't thinking straight.

'You dare order me to leave my room.' He growled yanking down her sleeve and Anaya stiffened for a minute. She panicked and tried fanatically to push him away, but he was too strong. After a brief struggle she managed to escape his grip but he grabbed the sleeve of her cardigan and peeled it off her body.


He quickly climbed down the bed. Anaya took steps back while he slowly approached her. She gasped when her back hit the wall, her hand hit the show-table and a ceramic vase tumbled cracking into pieces. Anaya and Maaz's gaze fell over it for a second before looking at each other. Anaya trembled terribly and was about to run when Maaz cornered her. He placed a hand beside her, inches away from her head. She began to sweat badly, her lips quivered, and her face turned pale.

Maaz smirked, - 'This fear. I like it. You should always have this fear.' He said and held her wrist. Anaya tried pulling her hand away but his grip was iron-strong.

'Please Maaz, don't. I am begging you.' She cried. Maaz's smile broadened. He pulled her closer.

'You insulted me in public and I now I will insult you in private—you won't be able to show your face to anyone,' – he held her arm tightly, - 'unfortunately, no one will take you seriously as we are husband and wife.' He ran his fingertip along her cheekbone. Anaya shivered, feeling very uncomfortable with his touch.

Maaz observed her carefully. A small conscious part of his brain warned him, - You will regret this very badly.

His gaze fell over her trembling lips and he smiled to himself. He leaned closer. Horrified, Anaya watched his face approach her. She gathered all her strength and pushed him. Maaz's eyes sprung open as he fell on the bed.


Maaz felt a terrible headache. He felt different, something he had never felt before. He grumbled shifting from lying on his stomach to his back. He shivered and winced. He touched his bare skin and winced again. He realized he wasn't wearing his shirt. He got up and noticed marks all over his chest. Maaz was troubled now. He removed the duvet from over him and his eyes widened in horror as he spotted a pool of dried blood.


Blood! Maaz's mind went to Anaya. He recollected their struggle in the night. But he blacked out after he fell on the bed. What happened? - He thought, terrified.

Maaz leaned forward grabbing his head. He took a deep breath and got down the bed. He needed to find Anaya and make sure she was okay. He prayed fervently that what he was thinking shouldn't have happened. As he went around the bed, he found Anaya lying on the floor beside their bed. Maaz's heart dropped and he took a moment before rushing to her.

Anaya was a mess. It looked like she had toppled down the bed. Her face covered with her hair. Maaz was horrified to notice her torn clothes.

Shit! He clenched his hair. He hesitated to touch her.

What the hell did I do? Maaz felt tears sting his eyes. His palm hovered over her arm and before he could touch her, Anaya shifted, and he retracted his hand. Slowly, she moved her hair from her face. Maaz gasped looking at her bruised lips, smudged kajal, and red eyes. She winced and slowly moved her eyes up. Maaz felt his heart stab seeing fear and horror in her eyes.


Before he could call her, she let out a small scream and hurried to stand. But she winced clenching her stomach and sat down.

'I am—' Maaz was interrupted by Anaya's hand. She stuck out her palm to him.

'Are you—you happ—happy now?' She spoke with pain. Maaz lowered his gaze. Slowly, she tried to stand up. Maaz pressed his lips tightly still not meeting her gaze. After a few seconds, she managed to stand and dragged her feet towards the bathroom.

As she passed Maaz, he held her hand and she froze. Maaz turned to look at her. Now, he didn't stop the tears rolling down his cheek.

'I am really sorry. I didn't mean to,' – he pressed her knuckles against his forehead, - 'Please, I will do anything. Just, just forgive me. I am really sorry. I am sorry.' He cried. Anaya pressed her lips tightly and freed her hand from his grip. He looked up.

'Divorce me.' She said simply. Maaz blinked at her. 'I can't stay with a monster like you.' She clarified. Maaz took a moment before lowering his head and nodded a second later.


Anaya sighed and then winced holding her lower abdomen. Instinctively, Maaz looked up and raised his arms to help her but she shifted.


'I don't want to see your face.' She said angrily. Maaz leaned back. Still kneeling, he watched her struggle to walk towards the bathroom.


Zainab was very worried because Maaz wasn't coming out of his room and Mehnaz had told her Anaya wasn't feeling well. At the breakfast table, everyone was seated. Though they were eating, everyone was disturbed from the last night's event. Rashid was having his toast omelet when his gaze fell on his wife who was seated next to him. She was fidgeting with her food.

'What's wrong?' Rashid asked and continued to chew on his food. Zainab looked at him with annoyance. She snatched her husband's knife and fork taking him by surprise.

'Your son hasn't come out of his room and you are munching breakfast. What kind of father are you?' She scolded him. Rashid gaped at his wife for a while and then grabbed the cutlery from her hands.

'He is not a kid nor a teenager.' – He began cutting the omelet, - 'and besides when has he woken up early?' He said casually. Zainab bit her lip. She reasoned with him reminding him of the incidents of the night and expressed her concerns. Before Rashid could answer, his sister, Rashda interrupted them.

'You worry too much, Zainab. Perhaps he must be ashamed or guilty to come down. Relax.' She assured her. Rashid also agreed with her and Zainab gave up. She mentally decided to talk to Maaz after her husband leaves home. Hannah listened to the whole conversation and grew concerned for Maaz. The whole night, she kept feeling guilty for instigating Maaz. That moment she fell to temptation and hoped to create a rift between the couple. But later realized she might have done something serious. Maaz was drunk out of his senses. She feared he might have done something regretful. A minute later, she excused herself from the table. Cautiously, she made her way up-stairs.

She felt tense as she stood in front of the door to her friend's room and as she was about to knock the door swung open. She flinched and took a step back. Maaz looked up. Hannah's heart sank looking at his tear-stained eyes and messy hair. Maaz was very conscious of his looks and wouldn't be caught dead not being perfect.


'Not now, Hannah. I need some fresh air.' He said and was about to walk away when she grabbed his arm.

'I am coming with you.' She said seriously. Maaz exhaled deeply and agreed. He didn't have any strength to argue with her. Besides Rukhsar, Hannah was his friend with whom he could share his feelings and insecurities. Rukhsar would definitely be enraged about hearing what happened last night and reprimand him but Hannah, Hannah would definitely understand and be calm.


Maaz and Hannah sat silently on a bench in a nearby park. An awkward silence between them. He kept staring at the park with blank eyes while she kept playing with her fingers, at times looking at Maaz with concern.

'Maaz, please talk something.' Hannah said softly. She was unable to take the silence. Maaz sighed softly and looked down at his hands.

'I am a criminal now, Hannah.' He said and she shifted uncomfortably. She placed a soft hand on his shoulder. 'I—' Maaz couldn't speak further. He felt ashamed and guilty. He couldn't forget the look of terror and hatred in Anaya's eyes when he had seen her in the morning.

'Maaz, please don't talk like this.' She said in a frightened tone. He shook his head and buried his face in his palm.

'Hannah! I am a terrible person. What I did to Anaya is tearing me apart. Hannah, I—' he turned to look at her. He wanted to confess everything but also feared Hannah might loathe him.

Hannah understood his discomfort and held his palm. She squeezed it gently. Her touch wasn't comforting him. Maaz was too disturbed.

After spending some time with Hannah in silence, Maaz was felt a little lighter. But he knew the moment he will see Anaya again; all his guilt will rise again. He didn't know how he would face her. How would he look into her eyes or stay under the same roof with her?

Hannah didn't want to leave Maaz's side, but he insisted. He requested her to leave, telling her that he had some work. Hannah reluctantly left him.

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