《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》32. Angered and Provoked


Anaya sat in front of the mirror and mechanically removed her jewelry. Her mother's words running through her mind. As if Sheeraz's presence wasn't awkward enough. Her mother had to remind her of the fact that she was to wed Sheeraz.

'He is losing patience. Your dad was saying that he is having second thoughts.' Her mother had spoken to her in private. Her words spoiled her entire mood and made her feel humiliated.

Her chain of thought was broken when she heard the doorknob click. She flinched and quickly removed her earrings, licked her lips and held the dressing table. She sniffed a strong aroma and turned her head towards the bathroom door. Maaz stepped out in peach round neck Tee and Jeans. Without sparing a glance at her, he sat at the edge of the bed and began wearing sneakers. Anaya watched him through the mirror. Maaz walked towards her and she stiffened. Ignoring her completely, he admired his reflection in the mirror and adjusted his hair. Anaya held her breath because the fragrance was too strong. She turned to ask him but just then he turned away. She watched him walk out of the room and sighed.

As she looked back, her gaze fell on an envelope placed on the desk.

Best wishes,

From your Dad

Was written in beautiful cursive black ink. Slowly, she picked up and pulled out two tickets. It was a gift from her father-in-law. It was his idea of their honeymoon in a pretence of work. Maaz and Anaya were to travel to Dubai to meet Sheikh Mohammad Ashfaq bin Suleiman owner of a seven-star hotel there. This meeting was for them to expand their hotels in the middle east. She looked sadly at it.

Anaya wrapped sleeveless pink knitted cardigan around her waist and held it tightly as she walked in the gardens of Ali Mansion. At 12 in the night, Paris was slightly cold. Staying in the room, she felt suffocated and sleep eluded her. Maaz's indifference wasn't bothering her, in fact, she had forgotten he had left. Her mother's word still haunting her. But it wasn't her fault, Mrs. Hussain was just mouthing her husband's words. Anaya sighed and kicked the grass underneath her feet. Why can't she stand up to her parents and say no? She is an independent woman, financially stable then what pulling her back? Her zero confidence?

As she silently strolled through the dimly lit garden, Anaya felt a warm palm on her shoulder. She was alarmed and turned quickly. Her breath caught in her throat. She let out a deep sigh upon recognizing Rashid. He looked at her with kind eyes, the one that had a concern.

'Beta? What are you doing out in this cold night?' - He paused looking around, - 'Where is Maaz?' – he looked back at his daughter-in-law, this time he looked angry, - 'did that moron hurt you?'

'No, no.'- Anaya shook her head, - 'Actually, I wasn't feeling well so I thought—Maaz, Maaz isn't at home.' She said. A small voice behind her head warned her to not say that.


Rashid frowned, - 'Huh! Where has he gone? Has he told you?' He asked, now sounding serious. Anaya lowered her head. She debated if she should tell him. She bit her lip. She can't hide nor lie to Rashid sir. Slowly, she looked up.

'Actually—he—has—a girlfriend—Lisa. He must have gone there—' she paused upon seeing Rashid's expressions stiffen, - 'he—told me about—her on—our wedding night.' She confessed.

Rashid clenched his jaw, his face turned red and angrily took out his mobile from his track pant's pocket. Anaya gulped as he furiously dialed the number.

'Maaz Nawab Ali. Come home this instant.' He roared and without waiting for an answer cut the call. Anaya looked fearfully at him as he hurried towards the mansion.

Oh Shit! That small voice in her head whispered.


Maaz trembled and his breathing was heavy as he entered the mansion. He was sweating like a pig. Slowly, he looked up and froze on his tracks upon seeing Rashid fuming. Behind him were confused, haphazard and worried-looking women folks of the family. Anaya stood beside Rashid. Maaz swallowed the tight lump and took a step. He hesitated, - 'Dad—I can explain—' Before he could, his father had marched towards him and slapped him hard. The slap resonated through the massive living room. There was a collective gasp from the ladies.

'Rashid!' Zainab cried. Anaya covered her open mouth with both her palms. Hannah placed her hand over her heaving chest. Rashda Appa was flabbergasted and numb to react.

Now, there was a deadly silence in the mansion. Maaz had his head turned to his right, his palm over his warm cheek. He could feel the sting of the slap which also brought tears in his eyes. Still mad with rage, Rashid grabbed Maaz's arm and made him look at him. Maaz noticed vein pulsating at his father's temple, his eyes red and nostrils flaring.

'What is this I am hearing, Maaz?' His voice shook with anger. Maaz was speechless. He didn't understand why his father was so mad. Just because he left home without informing his parents. He simply stared at Rashid. Rashid grabbed his son's corner and brought him closer. Maaz could feel sweat trickle down his forehead as his father sniffed him. Rashid clenched the neckline of his shirt tightly.

'You have been drinking?' He thundered. Maaz quivered.


'No, Dad. My friends were. I wasn't—'

'Friend or girlfriend?'

Maaz stood still with his mouth slightly open. He didn't understand what his father was talking about.

'I don't know—'

'Shut up. Just Shut up.' – Rashid turned and held Anaya's hand. She quivered as he brought her in between him and Maaz, - 'You just got married and instead of spending time with your newly wedded wife—you are spending your nights with your girlfriend.'

Maaz was shocked. He looked at his father to Anaya with his eyes wide. He kept processing everything still being clueless. Anaya stood there with her head lowered and palms clasped.

'This young girl here is married to you. You have some responsibility towards her but—I found her wandering around and asked for you. So much pain in her voice and in her eyes because of your behavior. And which woman whose husband has affair wouldn't be shattered?'


Anaya turned around, she wanted to clarify that she wasn't upset because of Maaz but because of her parents. Quickly, she turned to face Maaz and one look, she realized he was fuming from inside. Her gaze fell on his clenched fists.

Realization dawned upon Maaz when Rashid mentioned Anaya and girlfriend. He scowled tight-lipped at Anaya. She quivered not meeting his gaze. She felt guilty.

Maaz didn't know Anaya will be so stupid and reveal their private secret. What angered him the most was that there wasn't any girlfriend. Slowly, he touched his cheek. It still pained, the slap rang through his ears and looking at Anaya, he felt his blood boil.

'Zainab!' – Rashid's voice brought Maaz back to his senses, - 'This is how you are raising our son? He is such a shame.' He said and shot a disgusting look at Maaz and walked away. Rashda Appa followed his younger brother.

Zainab wanted to console her son but Maaz doesn't respond and stormed towards the stairs. As he passed Hannah, she called him, but he ignored her as well. She turned to look at him, contemplated for a while before following him upstairs.

Zainab's gaze fell over Anaya and her anger rose. Anaya still had her head lowered. Zainab marched towards her and grabbed her hand. Startled, Anaya looked at her with surprised eyes. Her mother-in-law fumed beside her, her eyes red, - 'Dare you!'- she spoke in a low menacing tone, - 'have you no shame. You insulted my son.'

'Ma'am I didn't—'

'Shut up!'- she pulled her closer, Anaya winced as her long nails dug into her arm, - 'This was a matter between husband and wife. Why did you expose it in front of everyone?' She gritted her teeth. Anaya blinked back her tears, she parted her trembling lips but couldn't reply. Zainab kept staring at her; mentally murdering her. Anaya was saved by Mehnaz. She came and separated her mother and sister-in-law. She stood in between them and tried calming her. When she failed, she requested Anaya to leave. Anaya nervously shook her head and hurried walked away. She was in tears as she climbed the stairs. She could hear Zainab cursing her, her voice getting fainter as she ran towards her room.


Maaz never felt so angry before. He stood by the parapet on the terrace with a burning cigarette in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other hand. He could still feel his cheek burn. But the slap wasn't as offensive as being slapped in front of everyone and because of Anaya. His temper kept increasing with which gulp.

'****' He cursed as his cigarette died out. He threw the burned cigarette in the air and fished out another one from the pack. Maaz trembled with anger and in a drunk state, he almost tripped. As he searched for the lighter, a delicate hand forwarded him a red glass lighter. He looked at the person.

'Han—Hannah.' He stuttered. Hannah nodded gesturing towards the cigarette. Maaz placed the cigarette in between his lips and she lit it for him.

'I know you are disturbed but I had to come to my best friend—but if you don't want me to be here with you then—'

'Stay!' Maaz interrupted her as he took a puff of a cigarette. Hannah sighed and smiled a little.

There was silence between them except for Maaz gulping down alcohol. Hannah fidgeted with her fingers and muttered, - 'She shouldn't have done this.' – she looked up, Maaz looked at her with droopy eyes, - 'she shouldn't have lied about you to Mamu.' She said. He nodded angrily and looked front.

'She did it deliberately.'- Maaz looked at his friend, - 'she didn't want to get married to me. She doesn't like me. Forget about liking she doesn't respect me. She keeps insulting me.' He said and scoffed.

Hannah shifted and quickly licked her lower lip, - 'Maaz—I think you should—teach her a lesson.' – Maaz frowned, - 'What happened tonight was the limit. You shouldn't let her get her way every time. No one messes with you.' She fuelled his anger. Maaz nodded wobbling on spot. He almost fell back. Hannah held his arm steadying him. He leaned forward placing his palms on the parapet.

Hannah held his shoulder tightly.


Anaya kept tossing in bed, pulling the duvet over her or staring at the ceiling. Whatever happened tonight should not have happened. She felt terribly guilty. But seeing Maaz's menacing expressions, she was scared too. This insult would not go too well with him.

And he would not let her go so easily for that. The thought made her tremble with fear. As she kept pondering and replaying tonight's incident the door swung open. Alarmed, Anaya sat up. She could see a shadow. The door shut and the room was engulfed in total darkness. With her heart racing, Anaya tried searching for the switch of the night lamp. She could hear footsteps and her breath began speeding up, her hands trembled. Finally, she pulled the string of the night lamp and dim yellowish light illuminated the room.

She just turned when someone pulled the duvet from her and she shrieked. Then, she felt fingers dig into her cheeks as someone pinched her cheeks tightly. Her eyes widened upon seeing Maaz in front of her. His blood-shot droopy eyes piercing into her fearful grey eyes. She gulped. He swayed a little as he leaned, and she tried moving back.

'You—shouldn't –have done what you did—now, I will teach you a lesson.' He whispered in a deadpan tone. Anaya's heart stopped for a second.

What was he going to do?

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