《Love story//JaceNorman》Chapter Seven-21st



I look at Ashton,Luke and Jenny as the three of them stare at me,today I've had to baby sit because there parents are "busy" and by busy it means there planning a surprise for me or they just cant be bothered today "hey Elsa"Ashton says "yeah ash"I smile resting my cheek on my hand it's weird I'm actually seriously bored with 3 kids I don't get it "where's Ja-Ja?"he asks I shrug,I think Jace went to see Riele or something "can we see if Ja-Ja is on the tv?"Jenny asks I nod they all jump down from there chairs running into the living room

I turn on the tv and go to recorded clicking on Henry danger and playing a random one,which happens to be one of the funniest episodes in my opinion,I leave them to watch that and go upstairs,I walk into our room and just sit on the bed I'm bored out of my skull "hey"I hear Jace say giving me a fright I turn around and he's coming out of the ensuite with just a towel around his waist "I thought you'd gone out"I exclaim my hand on my chest he laughs grabbing a pair of sweats he puts them on and then drops the towel "why you up here anyway?"he asks sitting next to me on the bed I shrug resting my head on his shoulder he pulls me up onto his knee and we just stay there for a couple minutes

"Now what's the matter?"he asks I look up and shrug "I guess nothing exciting is happening lately so I'm bored"I mutter he nods and puts his hand under my chin he turns my head so I'm facing him and he then connects our lips I smile and then kiss back "I'm sure something exciting will happen soon"he whispers I giggle,we pull apart keeping our foreheads resting on each other he pulls off and falls back holding me up a little "I love you"I giggle I put my hands by either side of his head "I love me to babs"he smirks I give him an unpleasing look and he just laughs "I love you too babs"he laughs and pecks my lips


"And here we have the best babysitters of 2020"I hear Perrie sarcastically say and fall to the side thanks Perrie scare the shit out of me "anyway"Jade laughs and they all (Zayn and Niall to)join us on the bed I sit up Jace sitting up too "we have some exciting news"Perrie squeals I give them all a confused look but they just smile "so you know the way you want to get married soonish?"Niall asks I nod and give Jace a worried look "but you guys are like 'leave it till next year'?"Zayn asks doing a very bad impression I laugh and nod my head Perrie then hands me an envelope I give her a confused look but she just smiles

Jace pulls me onto his knee taking the envelope,I feel like he knows what's in this

I turn around,he's got the biggest smile on his face I turn back around as he gets the paper out of the envelope "babs were"he says unfolding the paper "getting married next month"he says as I read the paper I literally scream but stay frozen, on the paper it reads

Bride:Ella Edwards

Groom:Jace Norman

Date of the special day:21st July 2020

The tears then start to form in my eyes as I read the last line over and over again I look at the people in front of me "thank you"I mutter and look back at Jace he smiles hugging me "your welcome El"Niall smiles I get off Jace and hug Niall then Jade then Zayn and then I get to Perrie I wrap my arms around her tight she does the same and I let the tears fall "the dreams come true els"she giggles I laugh "we're the little princesses we always dreamed of being"I laugh she nods I wipe her tears as she does the same to me


In around a month and a couple weeks im gonna be Mrs Norman and im gonna be able to call Jace my husband

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