《Speak (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》[27; let me explain]
[Monoma's POV]:
<< 5 years ago:
"What's wrong with that guy?"
"I don't know, but stay away from him. My mom told me he's not 'all there' in the head."
Monoma scoffed, his bottom lip curling in distaste. It seemed as though today, like every other day, he found himself being ridiculed by the lesser masses. Presumptuous it may have been, for a ten year-old boy, but he was almost certain that the majority of his classmates—if not all—were a bunch of uneducated buffoons. It was the only plausible explanation as to why they spoke about him the way they did, and kept their distance from him. It couldn't have been his personality. He was nothing if not pleasant, though perhaps his intelligence was a bit daunting.
Yeah, that had to have been it.
Monoma smiled inwardly, feeling a little pleased with himself in spite of the other children that were furrowing their brows in his direction. He didn't mind if he didn't have many "friends", or whatnot, especially if they were only going to drag him down with their stupidity. The fact that he was always playing by himself at lunch wasn't a big deal, either. Yeah. It was just fine.
"...You kind of scare the other kids away, huh?"
The blonde frowned, cocking his head to the side to find himself looking down at a girl with [h/c] hair and curious eyes. He spent a few moments pursing his lips, but eventually was able to remember who she was. [Name]—that's what you went by.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" Monoma crinkled his nose, not appreciating your condescending done. You merely shrugged your little shoulders and grinned.
"Well, I've never really seen you hang out with anyone during breaks. You're always alone, but I can sort of understand why. The others are pretty mean to you, and they always talk behind your back."
He rolled his eyes. "I don't care about all that."
"You don't?"
"No. My family's made it clear to me that people only behave that way when they're jealous, so it just means that they wish they could be like me."
You batted your lashes; it looked as though you were glossing over what to say next. Eventually, you managed a small smile.
"That's cool that you don't get upset, even when they're not nice to you. I wish I could be like that."
"Like what?"
"Like that." You gestured wildly to his entire body, and Monoma had to bite down on his lip to stifle his laughter. "The way you don't care, even when you're all alone."
He winced. Somehow, that statement stung a little bit more than he'd expected, although it was clear by the innocent smile on your lips that you hadn't been trying to offend him. He didn't know too much about you—rather, about any of his classmates—but you always seemed to be smiling, even in times when it felt as though you shouldn't be. You were able to put up with some of the most infamous rascals in the class, and Monoma couldn't help but admire your patience.
"So you don't really have any friends, do you?" You were still smiling, and Monoma found himself bobbing his head inadvertently. Your cheeks lit up. "Will you be my friend, then? I know you said you don't really care, but one can't hurt, right?"
His blue eyes flickered with confusion, but some force of nature made him nod his head again nonetheless. Maybe he was reading into things too much, but the way you looked at him was different from the other children. There was no judgment in your eyes; no malice, or fabrication. It was probably the first time he'd ever had a full-on conversation with you, but he was already sure of it—
You were kind.
Monoma cupped a hand against his lips, stifling a yawn. The auburn-haired, self-proclaimed "mom" of Class B, Kendou, was biting his head off for something again. She had her hands placed tautly on her hips, and every time she opened her mouth to speak, her brows would furrow a bit more.
"Are you listening to me, Monoma?! What you said to Midoriya earlier today was totally uncalled for! You can't just go around striking up conflict with the other class simply because you're petty!"
His eyes glazed over. "That's where you're wrong, Kendou. I can go around striking up as much conflict as I desire. If they're truly the superior class, they should be able to handle this much, don't you think?"
"What?" She let out an exasperated sigh. "I swear to god, you're—"
"Witty and charming, yes, I know. I've been told."
Kendou's green eyes began to bulge out of their sockets, but just as she was about to raise her hand and swat Monoma across the back of his head, he quickly scampered off towards the other end of the hallway. He could hear the girl crying out in annoyance, which made him chuckle a bit. By now he knew better than to try and hold a fight with Kendou, that crazy gorilla-woman. Knowing when to retreat was also necessary of a hero, after all.
School was just about done for the day, but he wanted to run some questions by Vlad before leaving. He headed for the faculty room, turning the bend—only to freeze when he saw who he'd run into.
By the looks of it, you'd just stepped out of your classroom. Your bag was in tow, and you spent a moment just to straighten out the pleats of your skirt. You were about to turn on your heel and leave when your gaze darted towards the blonde that was cemented in place. His jaw clenched; you pivoted in place almost immediately.
Monoma was surprised by how shaky his voice sounded. Of all the people he'd had the luxury of provoking, you were by far the least intimidating. Your features were gentle and inviting, much like your personality. Yet now, something seemed different. Those [e/c] orbs, which were usually soft and permissive, shone icy and bitter. You were staring back at him with so much malice that he could hardly believe it was you, and not some villain who just found out they'd been convicted of murder.
"Hello." Your reply was curt and direct, but there was no mistaking the hostility in your tone. You began making your way over towards him, and Monoma couldn't help but stiffen. "I haven't seen you in a while," you remarked. "That's a little convenient, hm? You tell me all those horrifying things, and then you just disappear and let me go crazy all on my own."
He opened his mouth to protest. "I wasn't—"
"You weren't?"
"N-no, I'm—I mean—ugh." Monoma shook his head. His expression crumpled slightly. "When I told you what I did back then, it wasn't meant to scare you, or hurt you. I just honestly felt like you should know. Besides when I was studying abroad, you're the only other person I've met that has a soulmate mark. If there was a chance that something like that could also happen to you, I thought it was only fair that you should know in advance. I thought I was warning you; keeping you safe."
Your gaze hardened. "Really? You did this to keep me safe? Because ever since I found out I've been a total fucking mess. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to tell Katsuki-kun; almost everything I look up tells me that one of us will probably pass away, even though it makes absolutely no sense. I don't know what to make of this. I don't know what to make of this at all, and I'm starting to think that you only told me what you did just to mess with my head."
Monoma licked his lips; they felt drier now. He was honestly at a loss as to what to say. You were glaring at him in a way that he'd never seen from you before. Was this really the same girl he'd met five years ago? The girl with the bright smile and kind eyes?
"...[Name]," he began, taking a tentative step forward. "I think it's been well-established that I outright loathe the morons you share a classroom with, but you're different. Even if we didn't know each other for very long before I moved away, I still consider you my friend. I wouldn't have told you what I did if I didn't think there was a chance it could help you."
"Help me how? You didn't offer me a solution, you just dropped a bomb on me and went "here, figure this shit out on your own". Even right now, if I ask you what I can do to resolve this, there's nothing you'll tell me, is there?"
Your glare was only intensifying as the seconds passed. Monoma clenched his fists. You were right, though. All he'd done was bear witness to a situation; it wasn't as though he knew how it could be fixed—if that was even a possibility. He realized, guiltily, that he'd probably done you more harm than good. Even if he hadn't told you, whatever was going to happen, would've happened. It was out of his control, but the thought hurt him more than he imagined.
"I...don't want anything bad to happen to you," he breathed out. You narrowed your eyes, but he only continued, "We're in different classes now—rival classes—but we both ended up at U.A and reconnected after all these years. We were still just kids back then, but I liked spending time with you. There aren't many people whom I consider to be my friends, but you're one of them, [Name]. It was a selfish gesture on my part, to spring all that horrifying news on you, but I thought I was helping. Perhaps by giving you that awareness, I thought I could prepare you in the event that your mark starting fading, and—"
"It has."
Monoma swallowed. He wasn't sure he'd heard you correctly. "Sorry...?"
"I'm telling you that it has started fading." You lurched forward, eyes glassy and vacant. "I checked it the day you told me that story, and I could see that the writing had begun to disappear. That's why this really isn't fucking funny to me. I need to know exactly what's going to happen to the two of us, and I need to know now—before I lose my mind any more."
The boy's hands dropped to his sides. It was safe to say that he hadn't been expecting this. Yes, your soulmate in question was rude and obnoxiously aggressive, but he didn't expect that you already be going through something like this—so early, too. It was making him sick to the stomach just imagining the consequences; nevermind how you felt.
"I'm sorry." Monoma bowed his head shamefully. He felt nauseous and guilty all at once. "I had no idea that you were already going through something like that. You should've come to me; at least told me what was going on so—"
"So that what?" you glared. "You look me over pitifully and still offer no solutions? It's too late for that now, Monoma-kun. It's already started, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing in my power that I can do to reverse it. I'm weak and useless in this situation. The only thing I can do is wait and see how it turns out. And I have a feeling that it won't be pretty."
He bit down on his quivering lips. "You're right. Me telling you didn't accomplish anything, other than scare you half-to-death. And for that, I apologize. But still," he looked up at you through wide, imploring eyes, "I want you to know that there was no ill-intent behind my words. Genuinely, all I wanted to do was protect you. At the time I thought it was right."
You didn't say anything. Your gaze had fallen to the ground, trailing listlessly over the grooves and chinks in the tiling. Monoma could feel his heart aching. Not only was he riddled with remorse, but he now felt nothing but despair for your situation. If what he'd experienced was anything to base his thoughts off of, it meant that there was a good chance he would lose you, too.
"That's cool that you don't get upset, even when they're not nice to you. I wish I could be like that."
He remembered the first time you'd spoken to him; how bright and wondrous your eyes were as you gazed at him. In spite of the fact that he'd been ostracized by the entire class, you still went out of your way to spend time with him. You looked up at him with both fondness and adoration. He'd never spoken much of it at the time, but he realized now how happy that had made him feel.
Monoma would've done anything to get that back; to trade it in for the cold, muddy eyes you were staring at him with right now.
"I'm sorry," he said again. He didn't know if it would do any good, but he felt obligated to earn your forgiveness. "I really am, [Name]. Please don't hate me for this."
Your expression shifted just slightly, so that you looked more sad than angry. "I don't hate you. I wouldn't hate you. I'm just...scared right now. And frustrated. Incredibly frustrated."
"I understand. I would be too."
The air was so thick that you cut could it with a knife. Monoma was determined to stay nonetheless. It was horrible, what was happening to you right now, but he was certain that you'd be able to figure something out. He slowly walked closer to you, gently placing his hand atop your shoulder. You made no effort to move it, which made him sigh with relief. If you put your heads together, the two of you could surely—
"What the fuck is going on here?"
Monoma winced, but he already knew who he was about to be faced with. He noticed the way you stiffened up, turning to look over at the ash blonde approaching. It took all of five seconds for him to storm over and snap Monoma's hand away from you.
"Keep your hands to yourself, shithead." Katsuki wrapped a hand around your waist, pressing you up against his body. He looked far more intimidating now than he had during the Sports Festival—which was saying something.
You smiled, but Monoma noted that it seemed forced. "It's fine, Katsuki-kun. We were just talking."
"Oh, yeah?" he glared, cocking a brow in the other blonde's direction. "So if you were just "talking", there was no need for him to get all fucking touchy, was there?"
Monoma grimaced. "I barely put my hand on her shoulder. Stop making it sound as if I'm some sort of pervert."
"Huh, that's funny. I don't recall asking you to speak, asswipe."
Monoma felt his blood pressure rising. Here he was, taking shit from this jackass, all the while watching his friend be strung along by said jackass. Your expression looked shaky and uneasy by his side; it was like you had to force yourself to pretend that you were happy. Monoma gritted his teeth. No wonder your soulmate bond was fading, if that was who you were stuck with.
"I think you should be careful with the way you act," he warned. "All you're doing is causing [Name] more and more heartache. You already don't deserve her."
Katsuki's eyes widened into saucers. He whipped his head around to look back down at you, who forced a quick smile and explained that he—Monoma—was your friend, and he'd realized a while ago that the two of you were soulmates. It was evidently an attempt to defuse the situation, but sadly, all it did was rile up the crimson-eyed boy even more.
"If you already know that we're soulmates," he seethed, "then maybe you should think again before talking shit. I can tell that you've got the hots for [Name], which sucks for you, dickhead. She's mine, and she's always gonna be mine."
Monoma saw the way your expression sank; the way your shoulders slumped. You hadn't told Katsuki about your fading soulmate mark then. If that was the case, he had no business butting his nose in to tell him for you, but there were already other things bubbling to the surface.
"[Name] is my friend," Monoma stated coolly. "I do care for her, but not in the way that you think. Regardless, it hurts me to see that her soulmate is going around treating her—along others—the way he does. Because I want her to be happy, I feel obliged to tell you to be careful, and watch the way you behave. You'll lose her if you don't change your behavior, that much I can guarantee."
From that point on, it was only a flash. Katsuki pried his hand off your waist, lurched forward, and was gripping Monoma by the collar of his uniform before the latter could even blink. Monoma spluttered weakly; Katsuki's fingers were becoming less forgiving as the seconds passed, digging their way into the flesh of his neck.
"How 'bout you take that shit back?" Katsuki growled. "Take it back, beg for my forgiveness, and I might just consider not bashing your head in, since I'm such an understanding guy."
Monoma wheezed; he was choking him now. Although he certainly had lost to Katsuki's team during the Cavalry Battle, that had been entirely different. Only now, with the boy's hand gripping down mercilessly on his throat did he truly feel the the extent of the difference in their strength. He would never be able to fight him one-on-one and win—that much he was sure of.
"Katsuki-kun, stop it!!"
Monoma heard your despaired cry, and then the sound of Katsuki clicking his tongue before reluctantly letting him go. He broke out into a coughing fit, small tears pooling at the corners of his eyes as he looked up at his assailant. You were by Katsuki's side now, gripping onto his arm to pull him further and further back. Katsuki was still glaring down at the other blonde with those venomous crimson eyes.
"That was a warning," he rasped. "Touch my girl again and I'll break your fucking neck."
Monoma coughed again; you shook your head dejectedly. Katsuki had began pulling you along by the hand, leaving his victim behind to splutter and rub at his tear-filled eyes. You were like a dainty little angel standing next to him, and he, a god of war—soaked in the blood of his enemies and leaving destruction at all turns. Monoma inhaled bitterly.
He could tell that relationship was doomed to fail.
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hey guysThis is NOT my story I love this book very much, I just had to convert it for you zarries. hope you enjoy!
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