《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 25


Y/n's Point Of View.

"Miss, let's go."

"I can walk out myself, don't touch me." I hissed at his men and yanked their hands away as they were about to drag me out of here.

"I don't thi-"

"Didn't I say not to touch me?!" I slapped the hands of his men away from me as they tried to grab me again.

"Uhm, Miss we have to hurry up." He said.

"I know! Stop telling me what to do." I started walking away from them.

"No, Miss. What I mean is we have to hurry up because our Boss is going to kill us if you didn't arrive to France the moment their plane landed."

I frowned, looking at them confused. "What are you talking about?"

"We just got a call from our Boss, saying that he wants you in France as soon as their plane arrive." He explained.

I was stunned, I was not even expecting that. And as they were saying that. The other men gave me his phone, I was still confused but I took it and put it beside my ear.

"I love you more." It was Ran's voice.

And after that, he hung up. "Let's go Miss."

I don't even know how to function but I started walking with his men as they assisted me to a new plane. I literally look disgusting and my dry tears are probably still on my face. Talk about my dirty feet since I came here barefooted.

He made me cry like that but in the end he's taking me with him? I almost died due to how many tears came out from my eyes and then now he's telling me that he loves me more?

He's really unbelievable.


I washed my foot on the bathroom sink of this plane. I also comb my hair and wash my face, I look disgusting.. that's probably why Ran doesn't want me to be in the same plane as him.

I was accompanied with his three men, they're just sitting quietly as I was sniffing my nose nonstop.

"What are your names?" I asked, my throat feels so dry.

But basing on their looks, I don't think they're allowed to even have a conversation with me. So I just sat there quietly looking at the view beneath me.

I didn't even have my phone with me. I'll worry about Mr. Haitani later, but for now.. I need a lot of explanation from Ran Haitani.


After 12 hours of flight. One of his men gently woke me up, telling me that we have arrived. That's when I fixed my hair once again, I'm literally in pajamas..

I wish he could've got me something to wear. Anyway, I was still barefooted once I finally step in France. It was already afternoon here, around 4 pm.

As I got down, I saw some men approaching me from my side eye. And you guessed it, it was Ran and the other Bonten Executives.

Not all of them though, it was just their boss, the pink haired dude, Kokonoi, then Ran and Rindou. I literally felt ashamed because they're all looking so fancy.

"Ran please, don't do this to me.. I beg you!" The pink haired guy created a dramatic girly voice as he clings on Rindou.

I glared at him, so they saw that too?

"I like her pink cat designed pajamas." It was their boss who gave such an emotionless comment about what I'm wearing.

"I-i love you!" He hugged Rindou, but it seems like Rindou got pissed off so he pushed him off of him.

I decided to ignore him, "Explain." I looked at Ran.

"I obviously felt bad, plus you're so cute when you cry like that.. and I don't want you to be in the same plane as Koko." He explained in such simple words, enough for me though.

"Oh yeah, sorry about what I did to you Y/n. I was really being truthful about running away with you until Haitani number 1 pulled out his baton." Kokonoi interrupted as he was awkwardly laughing.

"Ahh yes, the bonten is here."

All of our attention were caught by whoever said that. Because I was about to look when Ran suddenly pulled me to his chest, and used his blazer to cover me again. I was basically inside his blazer.

I smelled his cologne, and it smelled fucking amazing. The feeling of just wanna be here though.

"Woah, it seems like you guys added a girl to your group." The unknown man was being cocky and he sounds irritating already.

"She's none of your business." I heard their boss said, he really speaks so low.

"Anyway, let's go and talk about our business then?"

"Y/n, you need to go with my three men okay? I don't wanna take you to places like that, it's dangerous." Ran whispered to me.


I nodded my head, and when he released me. I was shock to see his men around us with black umbrellas covering me. I really feel like a celebrity.

"I'll go back to you once we're done. Just wait for me." He placed a soft kiss on my cheeks.

I just nodded my head as he signaled his men. We left them there, we hope in a new car as we started to drove away as I saw them getting to their cars as well.

Two of his men are sitting next to me, making me in between them as the other one was driving.

And after what it seems like forever. We finally arrived at a big mansion located at out of nowhere. No neighbors and everything, it's just this huge mansion located on top of a mountain.

I almost got car sick while experiencing a zigzag road on our way here.

"Who's house is this?" I asked Mathew, I finally figured out their names.

Mathew is a blonde guy, Aspect has black hair, while Thomas has brown hair.

"This is the whole bonten member's property, Miss. This is the house that they stay in when they visit France." He replied.

The three of us walked to the doorway. It has high securities as well, not even going to lie.

"So this is where Ran is going to live for good?" I was asking that to myself.

"No, Miss. He has another home not so far away from this area." Mathew is the most talkative one.

"Oh wow.." The house is really big and fancy. I think it's the size of Mr.Haitani's house but this one is more modern and like advance if that's what you call it?

It's pretty!

"This is the way to Boss' room, Miss." Mathew pointed the stairs.

I followed them, I can't believe that I got here in France by wearing nothing on my foot, and some embarrassing pajamas.

Anyway, so yeah they took me to Ran's room. And then they told me that they'll be outside the room incase I needed something.

I sat down on his bed, bouncing a bit as I look around. It seems like they have maids here as well, but they don't stay. They just clean and leave.

Because the whole mansion was quiet. They're that rich to afford this?

Oh shit, did I forget to mention that I'm not wearing any bra?

I mean, I'm literally going to bed when I heard the garage. But looking at my breast, I don't think it's that visible. Plus this pajama is big to me.

Anyway, since I didn't have my phone with me. I just decided to watch on the huge flat screen inside his room. I am one hundred percent sure that this room is twice bigger than his old room.

It's like a whole apartment in here.

I'm still wondering why Ran has to cover my face earlier? Is it because of his enemies? It feels like he's a celebrity and I'm his secret girlfriend.

Anyway, long story short. Ran and the others arrived around 8 pm. So I basically waited hours for them, and all I did is to watch some movies on Netflix since I can't speak french to be able to watch these other shows.

"Here, I got you some clothes to wear." He was carrying multiple shopping bags as he got in. He placed them on top of his bed

Then he loosen up his tie and remove his blazer. I stared at him, because I can and I want to. I watch every movement of his. Like him taking off his watch, unbuttoning some few buttons and removing his belt. He placed them all on top of his bed.

"Do you wanna fuck?" He asked, not glancing at me.

"Where did that come from?" I frown from his sudden question.

"You're staring a bit too much." He chuckled.

"I'm not in the mood for that. And besides, you just got home... you probably stink."

"You'd still love me." He gave me a smirk as he started to walk towards me.

He sat down on the couch next to me, placing his palm on my thighs as he started to do the thumb thing.

"I haven't had anything yet.. I'm hungry." I complained, I was too shy to asked for some foods earlier.

"They'll call us when dinners ready.. but for the meantime... Y/n we really need to talk."

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