《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 26


Y/n's Point Of View.

I suddenly got nervous when he said that. We never had a proper talk. And he sounds so serious.

"About what?" I asked, I feel like I needed to act a little cuter since he usually goes soft when it comes to that.

"Like everything, I'm sure my old man is looking for you. And the maids or guards could've told him that you went after us." He sighed, resting his head at the backrest of the couch.

"I'm sorry." I pouted, I wasn't really sorry.

"You don't have to be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry about. I just wanted to know what do you want to happen to us now?" See? He's speaking softly.

"I don't want to marry your father, if that's what you wanna hear. I wouldn't go there in the middle of the night to beg for you to stay if I don't really love you." I feel like those were the words he wanted to hear. So I just decided to be honest with him.

"I love you too, and I'm willing to fight for you when my dad came to take you back. All I'm asking is for you to fight for me as well, don't deny me.. be true to yourself. Because I will always protect you." I felt his warm palm on my cheeks as he leaned for a peck.

They say actions speaks louder that words, but Ran Haitani can do them both. He shows and tells you how much he loves you.. and that's why I decided to finally call off the wedding.

"I'm just a little worried about our relationship.. since your father is my fiancé.. people will definitely call me a slut or some shit."

"I'll kill them, no one is allowed to call you that rather than me." He chuckled deeply and sexily.

I'm getting more addicted to him.

"So.. are we a thing now? Like, you know.." I was too embarrassed to get to the point.

"Yes, so you don't need to court me anymore." He laughed once again, making me hit him on his shoulder. "Ouch, okay, okay... yes we are in a relationship."

Omg, so like.. he's really my boyfriend now?

"I promise you that I won't go back to your dad anymore. He might get mad and ended up burning my stuff left there, but since you got a lots of money.. I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem." I joked.

"Of course, you can do whatever you want with my money. I'll just need a kiss in return." He smiled.

I feel like a teenage girl who just had her first boyfriend. I'm so flustered and probably blushing hard right now but who cares.


I'm so happy to be with Ran.

"Go on, take a shower already so we can go down for dinner." He said.

"Why don't you just take a shower with me then?"


I was wearing a really comfy clothes as we head down for dinner. My guess was right, maids just only come here to do their job and leave.

We walked pass some of them as they were leaving the place. And when we arrived at the dinning are where no drama is going to happen again, yeah everyone is already here.

Except for their boss.

I sat down next to Ran and Rindou being on my other side. In front of me was Sanzu (Ran told me his name earlier) and Kokonoi.

"Dad hasn't notice she's gone. He probably hasn't return home yet." Rindou said, in the middle of our dinner.

"That's a good thing, I doubt that your dad will take him time to fly to France when all he wants to do is work. If that's the case then why is he looking for a wife?" Sanzu was mumbling because he's speaking while his mouth was full.

"How did you really met him, Y/n?" It was Kokonoi who asked, I don't feel any hatred towards him by the way.

"I met him at a bar, and he started complimenting me and then telling me stories about his business and how rich he is. Then he told me that he will give me a better life if I marry him." I basically told them the shorter version of my story. I barely remember what happened.

"Well I think you will have a better life even if you don't marry him." Sanzu added, pointing Ran using his lips.

Ran was eating though and he didn't notice what Sanzu was doing.

"Although you might get yourself in many troubles because Ran has many friends." He spoke once again.

"Don't scare her like that, Idiot!" Rindou hissed at him.

"I already know what he does from the start, I don't really mind." I shrugged, I mean he's always going to protect me.

But looking at our situation, I know for the fact that we won't be living in peace until I don't settle the things between me and Mr. Haitani.

I'm tired of always running away from him. So.. I decided to just face him. I was sure of my plan, but I never bothered telling this to Ran.

Instead, I seek help from his brother. He told me that it was a great idea and he will give the all the assistance that I need.

I sneaked out of the house after Ran and the others went away for a business purposes. I had to sneak out because of his men.


But Rindou told me that someone will be waiting for me to pick me up and drive me to the airport.

Long story short, I came back to Japan after spending a day in France. I wanted to settle this by myself.

And Rindou also told me that it's better to do this without Ran because they might end up in an argument and things will only gets bad.

I didn't head to the mansion because I know that I will never see Mr. Haitani there, so I went to his main company..

I was nervous as I didn't even bother to go to the desk and asked permission to meet him. I went straight to his office which was located at the fourth floor of the building.

"Come in." I heard his voice after I knocked.

I open the door to reveal myself, I saw how he was surprised to see me. He immediately sent his assistant away as he soon as he saw me.

His assistant closed the door after him. I was hella nervous, but I'm doing this for Ran. He has done so much for me already, all I needed to do for him is this.

"It's a surprise to see you here, what's up?"

I forced my feet to go towards his desk and sit on his visitors chair. It feels like my heart is about to jump out from my chest.

"I need to talk to you.." I began, he was silent so it means for me to continue. "I am calling the wedding off."

He raised his brows after hearing that, "Why? What happened?"

"I can't marry you.. I don't want to anymore."

"Explain everything, I'm listening." He sounded so intimidating but I have to do this.

"I-i.. I'm in love with Ran and I want to live with him forever, I'm sorry if I became unfaithful to you. I know I deserve all the hard words in the world and you don't have to feel bad after saying those to me. But please, I am begging you to let me be with him."

His eyes were really scary as I told him this. But this is the only right way, I wanted to be honest with him because if I lied.. everything will be bad.

I heard the man sighed, "You don't deserve those harsh words, Y/n. And I am not going to say anything mean to you.. I'm an adult, I accept whatever needs to be accepted."

For somehow, what he told me actually removed the burden in my chest. I felt so relief.

"If you and my son truly loves each other, then why would I be the reason for your sorrow by separating you both. I am not stupid not to notice the way you look at each other. So I forgive you." He was totally calm as he said this.

"Really? Thank you, and I am really really sorry." I put my hands together as I was feeling nothing but joy.

I was worried over nothing.

"Just be faithful to my son okay? And please, don't even think the situation is going to be awkward since we used to be in a relationship.. Y/n, take care of yourself.. I want to have a grandchild as soon as possible." He laughed.

I smiled at him, he's really a good guy. And I never deserve him from the start. I'm happy that he understands the situation clearly and finally let me be happy with Ran..

But, if his father approves? What about his mother right?

It seems like fate was testing me, because I literally saw Ran's mother outside the building. It seems like she was waiting for me.

"You're really trying your best to get into my sons head huh?" I was shock when she suddenly grabbed my arms.

"Let me go, freak!"

"Ran is only for Heather, and she is worth to love more than a hoe like you. I will never let you have him!" She literally yelled at me.

I yanked her dirty hands away, "You don't control who he wants to be with. We don't need your permission to be together you witch! And stop talking to me as if you're such a caring mother when all you did was manipulate your son into thinking that you're the victim here. Clearly, you are not! Imagine all the traumas that he has to bare because of your stupid parenting style? Honestly, you need to seek some help!"

"How dare you speak to me like that!"

I did not just receive a hard slap, I was even more concerned when I felt her pointy nails literally scratched my face.

My jaw dropped as I saw a blood from my hand after touching my face.

"I-i'm coming back for you!"

She was also surprised and was not expecting it. I think she got scared and don't want any trouble, so she didn't hesitate to go back to her car and started droving away.

It was painful to bare, and it hurts like hell. I used a handkerchief to whip off the blood. But it keeps coming out. I sighed as I look at my reflection on the mirror on my phone.

"That bitch literally gave me a souvenir."

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