《Cinderella》8.Her Threat


We had taken a horse and rode to my stepmother's house from the castle and now, we were finally here. It was already starting to get dark and I knew that I had to go inside soon. I dismounted and watched as Anthony did the same. I stood there staring at my house.

"You don't have to go. You can come live at the castle" Anthony offered once again. Throughout the ride, he kept asking me if I would live at the castle instead of going back into the family's service.

"The castle isn't my home, this is" I said. I had told him the same thing each time, but he refused to listen and accept it.

"Then, if you need me send word to the castle and I'll come" Anthony said, finally getting that I wouldn't live at the castle instead of living here.

I already knew he wouldn't come. He would be too busy to come. He was a prince and he had a whole kingdom to worry about. Especially with his impending coronation that would happen before the month was over.

"I will" I lied. I would never send word. If I did, I would be disappointed when he didn't show up to save me.

"I must go now. Till we meet again" Anthony said mounting his horse.

"Goodbye, Anthony. I had a wonderful day thanks to you" I said. I watched as he rode away and I resisted the urge to call him back. If I called him back, he would begin to worry and insist that I go with him. I couldn't have that happen.

He didn't need the added stress that looking after me would bring. He would also chose a wife before he officially became king and I don't think I could sit by and watch as he chose a beautiful princess to take the throne with him. My biggest reason for staying was a threat my stepmother had made long ago. She had threatened to tear up my mother's grave if I were to ever run away.


My mother's grave sat within a garden on my stepmother's property. The garden was one she loved to spend time in and my father had buried her there. If I were to leave and never return, my stepmother would not only ruin the garden, but she would also dig up my mother's casket and throw it into a swamp that sat on the edges of her property.

My stepmother's threat was the only reason that I had never said anything. Her threat was the only reason that I had never run. Her threat was the reason that I had to walk back into that house.

Until I found a way to save my mother's grave from my stepmother's wrath. Until I found a way to secure her final resting place. Until my mother could truly be at peace. Until I could do that, then I would have to be my stepmother's servant. I would have to be her prisoner. I would have to be her slave. I would have to be the girl that was always covered in cinders.

Hey everyone. I know this chapter was short, but I thought it got the point across. Anyways, I know that there was no author's note last chapter and I have an even better reason than my first for that. Ready? Okay. My reason for not having an author's note last chapter is, drum roll please...I forgot. Yes, I forgot to write it and I was too lazy to go back and add it. Also, just the other day, I was hanging out with and she was plotting my murder. So, if this story is never finished, blame her for murdering me. Also, , if you're reading this then haha, I was totally joking. Someone please save me. All that aside, please vote and comment. Write to you later.


P.S. If I die, someone mention pandas at my funeral

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