《Cinderella》7.The Castle


I opened my eyes and wondered where I was. The room was nicer then any of the ones at my stepmother's house. The bed I was lying on was also comfier than my bed at the house, too. I slowly sat up and the room began to spin. I reached out my hand and held onto the wall suppressing the urge to start dry-heaving. I would have vomited if I had food in me. The last full meal I had eaten had been many days ago.

I stood up and saw dark spots on the edge of my vision. I kept holding onto the wall and begun to walk around the room and towards the door. I needed to find someone who could tell me where I was and how to get back to my stepmother's house. She would be so angry when she found out that I was gone.

I opened the door and stepped out into a beautiful hallway. Windows lined the wall opposite from me and overlooked a gorgeous garden filled with colorful flowers. Everything in the hallway looked to be very expensive and fragile. I kept walking, being careful in order to not break anything on accident.

"Cinderella! You shouldn't be out of bed" a voice called from down the hallway. I knew that voice. It was Anthony. Why was he here? Wherever here was that is.

"Anthony? Where am I?" I asked. He looked at me and kept looking at me. I squirmed under his disbelieving stare.

"You're at the castle" he finally said.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's because you fainted right in front of me due to being overworked. I couldn't just leave you there" he explained.

"Oh" I said. I didn't say anything else. He brought me here because I had fainted. What had my stepmother thought when he took me away? She must be furious right now.


"And the family let you take me?" I finally asked.

"No, but when I threatened to have them arrested they stopped protesting" Anthony said.

"Arrested!" I exclaimed.

"There are laws against servant abuse and you were clearly taken advantage of. The doctor said you haven't ate for weeks and you clearly haven't gotten much sleep either. I don't know why you stayed with such a horrible family" Anthony said.

"Would you like a tour of the castle?" He asked before I could say anything else.

"I would love a tour" I said with a small smile.

"Follow me. I'll take you to my favorite places" he said returning my smile with his own dazzling grin.

"Here we are, the kitchens. Whatever happens, don't give me away" Anthony said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"What-?" I started to ask, but Anthony pulled me into the kitchen before I could finish my sentence.

I was instantly greeted by the warmth of many ovens and the smell of sweets filled the air. I watched as chefs ran through the kitchen, placing cooling trays near windows and checking on all the food in the ovens. I watched as pots were stirred and sauces were tasted. As salt was added and spices were picked out. As food was chopped up and ingredients were mixed together. I watched as I once again saw the way a kitchen should be. I also watched as Anthony sunk towards a tray of pastries.

He checked to be sure that no one saw him and then he quickly grabbed a few pastries off the rack they were cooling on.

"Anthony!" A voice yelled out. I watched as one chief stalked towards him. Her eyes were filled with anger. Anthony ran and hid behind me.

"Using a girl as a wall and stealing pastries again. You'll never learn" the woman scolded him. I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. Everyone stared at me as I laughed.


"I'm sorry. It's just that this reminds me of a time when I once stole pastries as well. However, I was much younger when I did it" I apologized once I had my laughter under control.

I watched as everyone in the kitchen slowly smiled and began to laugh. They probably had their own memories of getting scolded for taking food.

"It's been awhile since we've all laughed like this. Who might you be?" The cook asked me.

"My name is Cinderella" I said.

"Well Cinderella, thank you for reminding us of joyful memories from our childhood" she said.

"There's nothing to thank me for. If anything I should thank you. I haven't seen a kitchen as lively as yours in a long time" I said.

"I approve" the cook said looking at Anthony. I wonder what that was about.

"I should introduce you. Cinderella, meet May. She's been the head chief for a long time and I've known her all my life" Anthony said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" I said.

"Likewise" she replied.

"We really should continue with he tour" Anthony commented.

"Take a pastry or two with you" May offered.

"Thank you" I said grabbing a few from the rack.

"Now off you go. I look forward to seeing you again" May said. With that, we left the kitchen and continued our tour.

We visited many places and each time I met someone who Anthony had known from the day he was born, they would always say something about approval. We had almost reached the end of our tour and Anthony took me into the castle's ballroom. It was magnificent. The room itself was enormous. The floor shined under the light from the elegant chandelier that took up most of the ceiling. There was a large set of stairs leading from the door to the ballroom. We walked down them and I avoided tripping down them. When we reached the bottom, Anthony took me hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asked with a small bow.

"There's no music" I pointed out.

"Then we'll have to dance to the music in our hearts" he said.

"Then yes, you may have this dance" I said with a curtsy.

We began to waltz around the room and even without music, it was magical. I found myself wishing that it would continue. Alas, the dance ended much too soon and Anthony pulled me out of the room. He kept walking and we arrived in a garden that was next to the ballroom. He sat down on a bench and I sat beside him.

"Today was wonderful" he commented.

Yes, it was" I agreed.

"Why do I feel that when the tour ends, you won't be here" he asked. He was right. I had to go home. I couldn't stay in the castle forever.

"Anthony?" I said.

"Yes?" He cautiously replied.

"I want to go back" I said.

"Back to your room? Then I'll show you the way" he said clearly not understanding what I said.

"No. I want to go back to that house" I said.

"Why?" He asked disbelief evident in his voice.

"I can't leave. It's my home" I said.

"Why can't this be your home?" He sadly asked.

"Please understand. I have to go back. I can't leave just yet" I said. He stared at me and finally let out a sigh.

"Alright. I'll take you back after you eat" he said. I nodded in agreement.

"Follow me. I'll bring you to the dinning room for food and then I'll take you home" he said. He started walking and I followed behind him.

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