《Enigmatic: Sapphire City Supers》Chapter 23: Unwelcome Invitations
Two hours later, we were dancing around the kitchen to some radio banger, trying to hold in our giddy laughter. I'd still not heard from Seb to let us know he was on his way, but I'd started dinner anyhow in case he'd just forgotten to text. He couldn't be much longer and we were both hungry already.
"So we're going to be presenting the fall line next week, remember?" Lexa brought up casually, like runway shows were so commonplace in life. For her they really were.
"Mhmm, and you've got a new coat in that line, don't you?" Lexa's designs were always gorgeous, though she was still a junior designer.
"Right. And I have three tickets for the show to give to whoever I want, so I was hoping maybe you and Seb could come, and then you could bring a plus one? Could be Jackson if you're feeling that." Obviously she wouldn't want Seb to show up with a date.
"Um, hell yes I'll be there! Will you dress me or what?" I waggled my eyebrows at her.
"I will give you free reign of my closet so you don't embarrass me," she teased. "Do you think Seb will be able to make it?" This time she didn't make eye contact with me.
"Well, I can't promise on his behalf but I bet he will. I don't know of anything swim wise he has to do next week besides practice. Which reminds me," I glanced down at my watch, "it's seven now and he said he'd be here by now. Maybe I'll give him a call."
When I dialed his phone, I was immediately greeted by his voicemail. No rings at all. I frowned at the screen, as if it'd magically show me something different, and then tried again. Voicemail. "Lex, what happens if you call Seb?" I asked, though I knew pretty well what the answer would be.
"Hmm, nothing. I can't get through," she confirmed.
"Maybe the service in here is being a bit spotty. I'll run downstairs and see if it makes a difference from outside. If you could watch the food on the stove that would be awesome." I jogged out and into the elevator. When I got downstairs I jogged straight out the doors and past Stan the doorman, whom I barely glanced at in my haste. As it turned out, it made no difference to getting through to Seb's phone. I tried a different tactic, dialling Ewan instead.
"Hey Kens, what's up?" He answered after one ring.
"Hi Ewan, I'm just looking for Seb. I think his phone's dead, and he was supposed to be home for dinner. Did he stop by to see you guys or have you talked to him since the meet?" I tried to keep my voice casual.
I could almost hear him frown as he answered. "No, sorry. It's just Grant and me here and neither of us have heard from him in the last couple of hours. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah," I reassured, though it wasn't working all that well for myself. "You know how absent minded he can be. I'm sure he just lost track of time with the team."
"I can ask Tristan if he's with him, if you don't want to talk to him after today?" There was a touch of sympathy in his voice.
It actually made me laugh, in spite of everything. "Thanks Ewan, but I'll face him. I appreciate the offer, though. I'm gonna try him now."
"Sure thing. Talk to you later. Call if you need anything else from us, okay?"
"Thanks, Hammy 1."
"Anytime, Kens." I could hear the smile this time before he rang off.
I turned back towards the building, staring into space for a moment. I'd told Ewan I'd talk to Tristan myself, but it wasn't all that appealing right now. Still, I couldn't shake the knot of anxiety forming in the pit of my stomach and it meant that I'd be doing something about it if I called Tristan.
Just then I noticed that Stan was trying to get my attention.
"Hi Kenna, sorry to bother you, but someone dropped off a letter for you just a little while ago." He reached into his pocket and began fishing around before pulling out and brandishing a sealed envelope.
My pulse quickened as I reached out to take it, and not in a good way. "Did they say who it was from?"
He shook his head. "Just gave it to me, said it was for Kenna Jones, and then disappeared. It was a man, though he had his hood pulled up over a baseball cap and I couldn't really see him. Thought he seemed a bit odd. Is everything alright, Kenna?" His face was tinged with concern.
People had been asking me that a lot today. I particularly didn't want Stan to worry, since he had a fatherly attitude towards both Seb and me. "Yes, it's fine, thanks Stan. Sounds like one of my friends with a weird sense of humour."
Or a psycho Supervillain who's stalking me, I thought grimly as I headed back upstairs, letter in hand. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, right?
I hate to admit it, but my hands were trembling a little with adrenaline as I ripped open the envelope, which had "Kenna" written on it in a neat and tidy script.
Dear Kenna, it began. Predictable.
From our last meeting, it looks as though we've come to an impasse. This is most unfortunate, and I've given you some time to reconsider, but to no avail. Therefore, we have regrettably been forced to resort to more unsavoury methods to ensure your cooperation.
We are currently playing host to your brother, Sebastien, and he will be remaining with us until you decide otherwise. We will be in touch again shortly to find out your decision. Do not worry, we are keeping him perfectly safe.
For now.
Such dramatics were really not necessary, Kenna.
Yours, etc.
A strange combination of rage, fear and guilt washed over me as I scanned over the hideous missive once more. I stormed out of the elevator when it reached my floor and burst into the apartment.
"THAT GODDAMN BASTARD," I exploded once I'd closed the door.
Lexa whirled around from where she'd been hovering over the stove, looking properly startled. "What's happened?"
I stared at her like I was seeing her for the first time, realising that I had no idea how to explain this. It took the wind of fury right out of my sails, and I sunk down into the couch, putting my head into my hands to think.
"Woah, Kenny, my love!" She sounded alarmed, and a minute later I felt her arms wrap around me. "Seriously, what's going on? Is Seb okay?"
Something crazy was happening in my life lately where secrets I'd kept for decades were demanding to be shared. Lexa was going to be a tricky one. I could trust her with my life, but I knew exactly how she felt about Supers, and she'd probably be pissed at me for hiding this from her all this time. I just couldn't see any way out of this where I kept my secret without making Lexa suspicious, offended, or both. Besides, if I was being really honest with myself, it would probably feel good to confide in a normal person who cared about me and who wasn't a member of my family.
"Seb's been kidnapped by Villains because of me." My voice came out muffled through my hands.
She pulled away a little and I knew she was staring at me. "What are you talking about? How is that even possible?"
Finally, I looked at her. "There's something I need to tell you, Lex." All of the pillows on the couch lifted up in the air and started whirling in a spiral towards the ceiling.
Her eyes were wide as saucers when I finished talking. "So, let me see if I have this clear. You can move things with your mind, and an evil jackass wants to use your Superpowers to basically take over Sapphire City and maybe the world with an army of zombie-brained Villains?"
"This is really highlighting for me how ridiculous my life has become, so thank you," I grumbled. "There's a future for you somewhere in creating movie trailers and book blurbs."
"Hold up, wise-ass, don't you start with me." Somewhere along the lines her expression of shock had turned into a solid glare. "What I'm hearing here is that you've had Superpowers for, oh, most of your life, and you've pretended you didn't to my face! And does that mean that ... oh my god ..." she clasped in hands over her mouth in dismay, "Seb! Seb's got them too, doesn't he?"
I hadn't meant to spill Seb's secret since that was his business, but I was obviously also bad at schooling my expression against a suspicious Lexa because she sucked in a sharp breath and then let out a wail.
"Kenna! Is he on the Super team? I've been saying horrible things about them for years, and you knew and you didn't stop me!" Her tiny hands rained down on me in little slaps. "That is so mortifying!"
"Ow!" I complained, although it didn't hurt. "Look, I'm really sorry, honestly, but only a few Supers know about me outside of my family and the Villains snuck that information somehow, and Seb's secret wasn't mine to give away. Just like your crush on him." I looked pointedly at her as the fists of fury waned. "Anyway that's not the point right now, Lex. The time for real apologies is later because right now an actual Villain has my brother and is threatening his well being." I thrust the letter into Lexa's hands, then pulled out my phone to text Gareth and Enigma while she read it.
Instantly her face looked like a thundercloud had settled over it. "That son of a bitch," she hissed. "I'm so sorry, Kenna, you are absolutely right. This is about Seb, and getting him the hell out of there."
"My thoughts exactly. This all feels like my fault, even though I never wanted anything to do with this world. If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have gone after Seb like this and it's eating me up with anger, fear and guilt, Lex." The emotions overwhelmed me for a moment, and a single, rare tear snaked its way down my cheek.
"Oh, honey, no ..." she made to throw her arms around me again, but a sharp knock on the door startled both of us.
When I opened it, I found Enigma standing there. His eyes raked me over and settled for a moment on my glistening cheek. "Kens, it's not your fault," he murmured softly, cupping my face in his hands and tracing gentle circles with his thumbs that wiped the tear away.
Forgetting my surroundings, I melted into the soothing feeling for a moment before a sharp cough behind me caught our attention. Lexa had risen off of the couch and was watching us with decidedly raised eyebrows.
"Uh, Lexa," I said, moving aside, "you remember Enigma?"
"Vaguely," she retorted, eyeing him with slight hostility, like a guard dog spotting an intruder.
His lips twitched upwards. "Nice to see you again, Lexa, despite the circumstances."
"Spare me the pleasantries, Super Fancypants. Are you here to help get Seb back?"
"I can see why you're friends." He sounded amused. "I'm here for Kenna and, yes, to help get Seb back."
"Does he know about you?" Lexa asked me, as if he suddenly wasn't in the room.
"Know what?" He asked with playful innocence.
"Yes," I said sternly. "He does. He also knows I've never wanted to join the team."
"A recent development, to be fair," Enigma interjected, obviously sensing Lexa's displeasure.
She pursed her lips, but didn't say anything.
"Now that we've cleared that up, can we please talk about Seb? I need to find out exactly where they're hiding him and then go tear that stupid lair apart." I chewed my thumbnail in thought.
"Right. Sorry, Kenna. I'm ready to help however I can." Enigma grabbed my free hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
Suddenly, we were all distracted by a tentative knock on the door. I opened it to find Stan there, looking apologetic. "Good evening again, Miss Kenna. Sorry to disturb you. I've got another strange note here for you; I swear I only turned my head for a moment and when I looked back around it was sitting there at my feet. Anyway, as you can see it says to deliver it to you straight away - I do hope everything is alright?" He peered at me anxiously with a fatherly concern, holding out the letter.
I took it with the hand that Enigma had dropped when the door opened and he disappeared. "Thank you, Stan. Everything's fine, just a friend playing jokes. I appreciate you bringing it up for me." Somehow I managed to plaster a reasonably convincing smile on my face, though if I had to hold it too long I suspected it'd become a grimace.
"Okay, if you're sure. Goodnight, Miss Kenna."
"Goodnight, Stan."
Once he was gone, Enigma melted back into sight.
"Well that's disconcerting," Lexa muttered under her breath.
"Hush," I hissed as I pulled open the letter, my hands trembling slightly with nerves and rage.
Dear Kenna,
I do hope you've had time to consider. If you would like to accept our terms and reclaim your brother, Jumper will be waiting to escort you to our premises at approximately eight thirty. Please meet him at the fountain in the nearest park to your home.
And Kenna, I must insist that you come alone. Please do not disregard this; it's a matter of safety, after all.
Yours etc.,
I crumpled the letter furiously, seething at the threats thinly veiled under a veneer of chilling civility.
"How dare he! Who does he think he is, writing me these creepy little letters and imposing terms like a creepy little tyrant?" It was infuriating that I knew I'd be complying; going with Dopey seemed like the easiest way to get into that lair since I had no idea where it was. For all I'd been warned not to underestimate Morgan, I was surprised he was underestimating me. He ought to know better.
Enigma picked up the letter and smoothed it out to read for himself. He looked up sharply, golden eyes glittering. "I think we should tell Gareth about this and get a team assembled. You weren't planning on going alone were you?" When I jutted my chin out defiantly, he frowned, like I'd confirmed his suspicions. "Kenna, you're tough and talented, but we're talking about an entire team of Villains, and you said yourself that you're rusty and unused to fighting. Please be sensible about this."
"I am being sensible; obviously nobody knows where Morgan is hiding out or they'd have shut it down by now. We don't have time to convene and figure it out, so this is my ticket in. How do you suggest we'd sneak an entire team along with Morgan's teleporter? He might be a bit dim but I doubt he wouldn't notice that many tagalongs. I'm not part of the Super team, and this is something I want to deal with myself. Besides, Morgan wants me to come alone 'or else,' and he's clearly a maniac, so I'm going to mostly stick to that." I shot Enigma a sidelong look.
He took the bait. "What do you mean, 'mostly'?"
I let a small smile tug at the corner of my mouth. "Well, you're coming, aren't you? I'll allow myself a partner, especially a useful one who can phase and disappear at will. Dopey shouldn't notice just one extra."
His hand twitched, and I got the impression that if he hadn't been wearing a hood he would have run his hand through his hair in the half-frustration, half-amusement that laced his voice when he spoke. "Of course I'm coming. You're a little mad, you know that, right?"
I nudged his chin with my thumb. "Yup. It's part of the deal. Let's go find Seb. You can tell Gareth later. Tell him I threw your phone out the window with my mind."
Lexa coughed pointedly again. "Hi, still here. Also, I want to come." She glared at both of us when we exchanged a look. "Don't forget that you aren't the only one who cares about Seb. I'll punch this Morgan douche in the nose myself. And I'm not a Super, so technically it shouldn't matter if you bring me."
"Lex..." I stepped forward and grabbed her hand, squeezing it like Enigma had done for me, "you're right, but you can't come. I know that sounds condescending, but you said yourself that you aren't a Super. I would love to watch you crack one on Morgan's nose, but it seriously is a literal lair full of souped up baddies. Righteous fists only go so far, and we can't risk you in there."
"That's so unfair!" She groaned, but in a tone that I knew meant she was conceding defeat. "I'm supposed to just sit here and fret about you guys while you do all the work?"
"Maybe when we bring Seb back you should finally tell him how you feel," I said quietly. When I glanced at Enigma, he was looking fixedly in the other direction, but I knew he'd heard.
Lexa bit her lip, glancing down. "Maybe. Just bring him back safe for both of us, okay? And you be safe too. Even you, Fancy Pants," she added with a rueful smile at Enigma.
"I'm touched," he said, his tilting mouth curving further upwards.
"Kenna?" Her face was serious again. "I think you're a badass."
That made me laugh, and drag her in for a mushy old hug. "You are too, Lexiloo."
"Is it cool if I hang out here while I wait?" She asked when we pulled apart, wiping the hint of a glistening tear from her eye. I'd almost never seen her cry.
"Of course. Help yourself to anything you want, as always." I checked my watch. "It's quarter past eight now, so we'd better go. Enigma, I guess you'd better camouflage before we get out of the building. They'll probably be watching."
"Right you are," he answered while he reached into his shirt for something. "Here's a present for you, before we go." He offered me what looked like two little earplugs.
"What are these for?" I asked, picking them up gingerly and examining them.
"Remember that Villain from the museum, Sonic? We were told that Electron and Jumper had some kind of protection from her scream, so Gareth had our science and design people work on something for us. I snatched an extra pair for you in case they sent her after you. We haven't had a chance to test them against her, specifically, but I'll take my chances against nothing at all. They shouldn't block out speaking voices, just the higher frequencies like what she screeches at."
"This is the first good thing someone has handed me all day. Thanks, E." I popped them into my ears prophylactically. They were tiny and comfortable enough. It would take a good look to realise I was wearing them. "Say something." I frowned as I watched his lips moving soundlessly. "That's weird, I can't hear you."
"You can probably hear me though, because I'm not being a brat," Lexa's voice broke through sarcastically.
"You didn't," I said accusingly to him.
He chuckled. "I'm only a little bit ashamed."
"You two dorks are perfect for each other, and I've only met you a couple of times," Lexa rolled her eyes.
"Come on, let's go or we'll be late for Dopey." I grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the door, feeling a little bashful now. "See you soon, Lex."
"Be safe, kick some ass," she said, gracing us both with a brave smile.
"We will," I promised on both accounts.
First up: this chapter is dedicated to @subeaury for all her support and kind words of encouragement. Thank you so much!!
And now, back to your regularly scheduled author's note programming:
Welp, Morgan's really done it this time.
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