《Close friends》Death in safe zone


Hello loves! How's it going? Well for me, pretty shitty. Why? Because I'm not aloud to leave the fucking house! Along with the kids too, so I'm stuck in a house with a grown ass man child, my bebe kids, this child that knows to damn much and Romeo's trifling ass.

Gomez was upstairs playing with the kids, because he is one, while me and Romeo were talking more about bullshit that only he would come up with.

"Aye Sean?"Romeo asked "For fucks sake Romeo what?!"I exclaimed because he's been calling my name for the past 15 minutes while a nigga trying to eat. "How are you going to react to your kids becoming you?"he asked and I raised a brow "what chu mean jit?"I asked while taking a big bite out of my sandwich. He scoffs "well it's not like your the best parent in the world nor the best influence on 3 little kids"Romeo added.

"Aye bruh I gave birth to them little ni- kids and they seem to be perfectly fine to me"I defended "You and Pimp are really those type of parents that would leave a child in the forest as a form of punishment then come back the next day and beat their ass"Romeo jokes and I just stared at him because that joint was not fucking funny.

"Are you really questioning my parenting because if so tell me what child do you raise in your life?"I asked just fed up and he was quiet "That's right speechless bitch...speechless"I gloated while drinking some water. "Sean are you even a tad bit worried that one might end up like you or even worse Pimp!?"he exaggerated and I honestly don't see the problem in that.

"Sean let's be real you 2 are both legally convicted felons with murder allegations. Hell! I heard you were dipping and dodging bullets while pregnant with Devonte! AND you put him in danger frequently "Romeo says "But he's alive ain't he?"I asked and he just stared at me to show how serious he is "Word on my timbs Sean, don't take offense to this but you ain't shit just from that statement"Romeo said while looking everywhere but me.


"Say bruh I'll have you know that all of them lil monsters are in school and they are going to stay, make a living, then do better than I and Pimp have ever been so don't just jump to conclusions and basically claim we are bad parents because even though it may seem that way we do this shit so they can learn not to and to leave whatever me and Pimp got going on right now alone aight!!"I snapped.

Lately I've been snapping on people and I don't know if it's something in the water or what? All I know is if I'm pregnant again Pimp will never here the end of it and I'm for sure getting my tubes tide because this nigga hate condoms for some reason.

"Aight aight I'm just messing with ya Sean you don't have to get all sensitive" Romeo raises his hands in defense "Didn't sound like it"I mumbled while looking at my half eaten sandwich "Mane Thad just fucked up my meal! It don't even taste right no more"I snorted and he laughed "That's because you dumbass eating Burger King"Romeo joked and I swear to you he gets on my last nerve.

I walked off just thinking about that conversation that we were just having and I thought about it. Damn a lot of people do die when it comes to me DONT they?

I was deep in thought when I smelled something rather unpleasant "Ouu shit what's that smell"Deon says from behind me and I smack him "Language Junior"I said and he rolled his eyes. Smart ass. "Where Deisy and Devonte at?"I asked "With Romeo because we were looking for you! Gomez got annoyed with us as we did with him so we went our separate ways"Deon answers cheerfully.

We started walking down the hall way and face scrunches up even more "What is that smell?"I said out loud before opening the door to where the smell was the strongest.


Deon gasped behind me and screamed before fainting with his Hollywood ass. The room was covered in crimson from the walls to the floor and the trail was leading all the way towards the bathroom. I pick up Deon and I followed the trail as it continues on through the bathroom door.

Strange? I thought as I opened the door slightly but very slowly to see a little pale hand on the ground that is surrounded by a puddle of blood and I shut the door before even seeing the rest of the body. I rushed downstairs and sat Deon done next to everyone, Devonte and Deisy who were watching tv, before pulling Gomez and Romeo into the kitchen.

"Ow ow ow ow"they both said as I turned them around inhaling deeply "Boys we got a problem..."I paused and they looked at each other with curious expressions "Can't it wait until the others get back?"Gomez lazy ass suggests and I shook my head "Nah, no, nooo we can't do that because it's just that bad"I said while biting my lip.

"Sean what happened"Romeo asked just irritated asf about this conversation.

"Remember that little girl that was basically adopted my Rouge?"I asked "You men's that experiment? Yeah!"Gomez says like he had an ahah moment or some shit.

"Oh yeah she chased us to the airport Sean! What about her?"Romeo asks generally confused. I exhaled that deep breathe and mumbled real lowly "she's dead"and they look at me "what?"Gomez asks "She's dead"I said the first part loud but mumbled again on the dead part and they both looked at me concerned.

"I swear Sean if you don't speak louder than we are going to call Pimp, Rouge, Micheal, and the others so quick-"CLEMENTINE IS DEAD!!"I shouted and they both gasped and looked as stupid as I did when I found the body. Well this is going to be a fun conversation when everyone gets home.

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