《Close friends》The confession


I was seated in front of an officer. It was traumatic. He blew out a puff a smoke then fixed his papers "Sean Ranes, right?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

It was my first run in with the law and it didn't help that they find me at Hakeems house street fighting. Plus I was armed and had narcotics on me so this was not going to end well for me. "Care to explain the drive by that occurred earlier this week that killed Abigail Wallis?"he deadpanned with a glare. "I don't know nothing aight I ain't working for nobody I'm a whole 11 year old fam"I nervously snapped.

This is when it started getting scary, a women with red lipstick walked in and took a seat in front of me she slammed her fist onto the table "DONT lie to authority child or we can send you to juvenile right now you damn delinquent"she yelled and my palms started to get sweaty while my breathing was uneasy.

"Now! Did you or did you not have a conversation with Abigail Wallis before the drive by!!"she shouted and my face started burning I could feel tears about to come "Y-yes"I stuttered. "Did you two get into an argument while you were talking?!"she shouted and I clenched my fists "Yes ma'am"I replied while my eyes started to hurt from holding back the tears.

"Are you very fond of Ronnie or Donnie or whatever their overseer name is" she added "I think it's Pimp"the man said while inhaling another cancer stick.

"I don't know them like that I heard of them but ion know them"I lied because that weekend I was partying with Pimp because he had proposed to the girl and we accidentally kissed because we was so high. "Mmhmm ok, are you aware that the men who did the drive by all claimed that you threatened their lives to do so"she asked we a stale look on her face.


"I-"Are you very aware that her neighbors said they saw you leaving the house that night with your closed messed up and how Abigail was calling 911?"she added and I bit the inside of my cheek.

I was silent as the bitch was pulling evidence out of her ass.

Until she said "Are you highly aware that you killed someone based in your own selfish reasons and that this woman had a son and let us not forget that she is in fact your cousin Abigail Ranes-Wallis!!"she boomed through the room and it started to make me feel claustrophobic.

I don't know what ticked me off but I snapped "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED SO DONT BOTHER!!"I yelled at her "She said she was leaving with him so they could get a fresh start and that I needed to survive on my own when I had no one!!" I snapped "Yes we got into an argument and fought a little but she held a knife to my throat and almost killed me if her son wasn't in the house!!"I ranted.

"Yes I have feelings for her significant other but by her almost killing me set something off inside of me I didn't even want to argue with her she started it!!"I felt tears come down "The reason she called the cops was to get rid of me since I was living with her, but I was helping her pay bills with the money I got from my sister but that never satisfied Abigail!! Oh no she wanted more things she wanted the house clean or she'd cut me with her butchers knife!! And if I could I would've killed her my damn self the bitch was crazy literally, she had a bipolar disorder, when no one had her back I did!! The fact that she almost killed me pissed me off because of the betrayal" I went on before showing them my scars.


"I'm proud for taking that crazy bitch out of this world so her child wouldn't experience it so yes I did threaten them is that what you wanted to hear? And if so please take me away because being in jail is way better than my dysfunctional family!!"I finished while breathing hard but I felt 10 times lighter after getting all of that off my chest.

They just stared at me in shock like I just said something new to them. I've been calling 12 for the past week and they would only assume that I'm joking because of how nice Abigail was on the outside.

The male officer coughed while asking out his cigarette and sighed heavily.

"6 months..."he said and the woman looked at him crazy "She just admitted to initiating the murder are you ser-"Chanel shut up because what does this badge say?"he asked while cutting her off "your the chief but-"ok then that's what I thought!"he snapped "Can you leave please Chanel?"he asked and she rolled her eyes and walked out.

Another man came in with the tape with our voices and etc.

"Burn it, the break it to a million pieces"he said and the other male nodded and ran out the room with it. "Listen kid I'm only going to do this once and one time only since I'm on the Wallis's payroll and I don't want to see anyone else die so I'll give you 5 but do 6 months of good behavior then I'll see what I can do to get you out before your 17th birthday"he explained and I nodded.

"This is only between us so whatever happened today you must take it to the grave, understood?"he asked and I bit my lip and nodded.

"Good because I'm going on lunch break"he added before telling me I'm free to go.

"What was she talking about you killing your cousin Sean?"Pimp asked and I memories came flooding back but only one thing stuck out to me take it to the grave "Oh that? She was talking about Jessie's snitch ass"I answered with an eye roll and he smacked his lips "Man I told them that lil girl does to much research on people"he grumbled before taking off his shoes.

From messing with Sheila when he was in middle school to almost really marrying Abigail , they are both dead, so sad but both tried to kill me so...

There's a reason why we all get the names we get for example Pimp, he got his name because women really through theirselves at him and he basically pimped them out when he first started his empire. Ronnie on the other hand real name is Ronnell jr why his dad is Ronnell senior, who also worked in the streets, we call him Ronnie to show difference in between the 2 of them.

But as for me, I'm called raven which is almost always symbolizing death or cleverness which in my case works both ways since both seem to happen to me when I least expect it. The death thing not the cleverness because I'm always clever, and don't you dare bring up the incident where Devonte was stolen!

Anyway I have a feeling that me and this little girl are going to get along just fine... "take it to the grave"

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