《Close friends》Warning to threat


Facts! I'm chilling in the look out right because 2 days ago a nigga gave birth to a whole human and I wanted to leave immediately. Also I didn't have time for Pimp to be criticizing me about what I named the baby but he agreed to it though so...

Anyway, I'm just chilling with baby Devonte when I heard glass break "what the fuck?"I said to myself as I picked him up and took him downstairs with me because ion trust him alone knowing people after him. But, I made it downstairs to find a brick with a letter on it.

And by the handwriting this is Raymond. I thought he was in H-town??

I picked it up and I read it out loud as baby Devonte played with my hair. "Dear Sean, it took me awhile to realize that my feelings for you are real and that I'm not stopping until I have you. You may be dating my brother but I still want you and to see you have a baby by him makes me even more pissed that I even listened to him. So I teamed up with Antonio just for you love Ray"and I scrunched my face up at the note and I put it in the paper shredder.

I started to make Devonte's bottle until another brick went through the same window with another note and I roll my eyes as I read it.

"You have 24 hours to give us that baby before some people start disappearing"and I crumbled it up and threw it in the trash. After I went through fucking 3 hours of giving birth ain't no way in hell I'm giving this baby up.

I was sitting in the look out again with baby Devonte until the door bell ringed and I opened the door aggravated as always "What!"I said then I looked down to see that lil boy I think his name was Parker? Valentino? Whatever it was this motha fucka reaching for my son. "Unt uh you need to bounce"I said while holding Devonte in one arm and pushing the kid back with the other.


He pouts and says "my daddy said I can take him!!"he whines "Do I look like I give a damn?"I asked and he got quiet...to quiet so my dumbass gon sit Devonte in his baby crib upstairs.

You know being stupid.

Me and this kid went back and forth for almost 30 minutes until he stopped and got back in his lil limousine with whoever drove him over here.

I closed the door and locked it then walked upstairs to get my baby because the house was quiet especially Devonte's room and he always laughing for no reason because he goofy like his dad. But, I open the door to see the window wide open and Devonte missing and I'm not gon lie a bitch screamed.

I'm talking them scary movie screams when you see a dead body type of scream.

I run downstairs and I bump into Reggie and Pimp who came in with clothes and shit. "What's wrong Sean?"Pimp asks and Reggie went upstairs to put his shit up "Well-"I started until I heard Reggie scream then run downstairs "DAD HE'S GONE!!!"Reggie yells and Pimp starts to panic.

"When the fuck did they take him Sean!?"Pimp asked "when I was arguing with the bastards kid I put him down on his baby bed like a dumbass but we need to get him back"I said "Back?! That gang has many facilities it would take weeks in order to find him!!"Pimp hisses.

"I'm all out of fucking ideas!!"I yelled "Reggie call Chantelle and tell her that she's dead and get the gang on the line"Pimp says and Reggie nods "I never liked that bitch anyway"Reggie says bitterly.

The house was in panic and when Pimps goons showed up they sat in the living room waiting for Pimp who came down in all black with different guns on him.


"Alright! Antonio went to far today so you know what we gotta do right!?"he asked and they all nod "I'll contact Spade sir"Lui says as he calls somebody who I'm guessing is spade and puts him on speaker.

"Ciao"spade says "Aye spade we need back up send Enrique,Lorenzo,and the others and make sure them niggas got my plants alright"Pimp says "Sì,Signore"spade says and hangs up. "Lui get my fucking red coat nigga this black ain't cutting it"Pimp says while snatching his jacket off. "Carlos, Bando, and Dj I want y'all to be my eyes and ears since y'all make the most trades with Antonio y'all are able to get near him so do that and gather info"Pimp directs.

They nod and go "And everybody else I want y'all motha fuckas working I'm talking on Antonio's blocks to make sure he don't get no more money"Pimp says and they all get up and bounce.

"As for you Sean...Your coming with me because your going to be bait alright"Pimp says and I nod.

"So what's the plan"I finally asked

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