《Close friends》Its all about the baby


"Ow!!"I hissed at my stomach. This damn baby getting out of control! If only Pimp used a damn condom I wouldn't be in this pain. But, anyways I'm driving or whatever just to see what food they got out here because I realized I haven't left the house and go explore ever since that Tobi incident and let's just call it attempted murder but In reality it's "On purpose" and he's dead

So I'm making my rounds and I see a wing stop, canes, Popeyes, McDonald's,and other fast food places.

When I decided what I was gonna eat I parked my car and got out. But, just as I was about to walk in the building my phone rings multiple times.

"Speak"I said outside the chick-fi-la "Sean I know this is dangerous waters I'm finna send you to but can you please go pick up the kid I'm babysitting today!!"One of Reggie's cousins ask me and I groan "I don't do fucking errands Chantelle"I said "Please I'll give you half of my money!!"she begs "first off that's like you calling me broke and I ain't broke"I snapped at her.

"I'll um... I'll buy you food!!"she yells and that's when my ears perked up "say less where the lil mother fucka go to school at"I enthusiastically say as I race to my car and skrrt down the street. Don't call me fat I just love food!!

"Send me your location and I'll direct you there"she says "You telling me to pick up a kid that you don't know what school he at?!"I exclaim "I mean I know where it is just not the name..."she says "whatever I sent it" I said and she tells me all these fucking jumbled up as directions but I finally made it to some random ass school and it looked private.


"What I do now?" I asked "don't worry I texted the child and told him to come outside he should be heading your way right about..." she paused as I heard a knock on my window to see a lil boy with blue eyes and blonde hair and a super baby face.

I unlock my door and he gets in and puts a seat belt on with a smile. Creepy...

As I was driving to Chantelle's house I stopped at a stop light and then the lil nigga gon jump in the front seat and touch my belly. "Yo what the fuc-Oh it's you"I said as he rubbed my belly. "My daddy says that this is going to be my new best friend"he says with a smile.

Skrrrrt!!! Back up! Hold the fuck up!! What did he just say?! "Hahn? Can you say that again saweetie"I said "My dad says this is my new friend"he says with a smile . Oh this kid like to smile a lot. "Who's your dad?"I asked while rubbing my temples "Antonio"he says with a bright smile "what's your name?"I asked "Valentine Parker Antonio jr ma'am!"he exclaims.

"Cute..."I said as I start dialing Chantelle's number and start driving towards her house "hello?"she asked and I covered the lil boys ears as he sat patiently with a smile "Chantelle..."I started off calm "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT TELL ME THIS LITTLE KID WAS ANTONIO'S CHILD!!"I snapped at her suddenly and she cursed under her breath.

"Look I'm sorry but the money is right with Antonio and I kinda..."she started but stopped "you kinda what?"I asked still furious and I pulled into her drive way and Parker ran out the car and towards his dad and my car got surrounded. Oh hell nah this bitch set me up?!


They ran towards my door and I locked them hoes as they struggled to open it I was about to pull off to one of they cars pulled behind so I was legit stuck, and Antonio was walking closer to my car.

So I thought fuck it and I made a run for it down that fucking street and some of them chased after me. Good thing my shit at big big or I'd be rolling down this hoe.

I turned the corner and jumped over the fence and I hear one of them who was out of breath say "This fucking puta here!!"he yells and I laugh and slide under a car and run all the way home. Fuck that I went to chick-fi-la because me and my baby hungry. Then I ran all the way home and I think I'm seeing Deja vu because these girls are attacking Pimp.

I slowly walk over there and put my food down and grabbed one girl by her hair tilted her head back grabbed her hand that had a gun in it and made her pull the trigger on herself then I grabbed the gun off the corpse and shot the other girl 20 times and I made sure to shoot her in the head 10 and her torso 10.

"What the fuck! Why weren't you fighting back?"I asked "I don't fight girls I respect women!!"he answers while opening the front door and calling the clean up crew. We went into the living room and Reggie's in there watching spongebob.

He looks back and asks us "So...how was y'all day?!"he was holding back a laugh because I know damn well he heard his dad getting beat the fuck up outside.

"Well I ran into Antonio and his son Parker..."I started "What!! He didn't hurt you did he!!"he yells "first off calm down he needs me alive because he wants Devonte"I said and they both look at me strange "why Devonte?"Reggie says "because it was my favorite dead cousin name"I said "why not Kristopher"Pimp says "I made up my damn mind and if you got a problem me and this baby can leave because I'm almost due anyway I have only a week left"I snapped at them and they both rolled their eyes.

"Which means they finna come for you until that baby is here"Pimp says "you don't look nine months or a week from that Sean"Reggie says "my dad family don't get that big and besides this is only a big ass shirt"I said and Reggie nods "put me in the game pop I can school them Mexican bitches"Reggie says "please you can't even win a fight against a cat"I joked as I ate my food and Reggie glared at me.

"I mean she not wrong"Pimp says remembering that time he had to call animal control because Reggie ass was getting beat up by his cat Raven.

"Mane we don't speak of raven in this household!!"Reggie snaps while rubbing a deep scar raven gave him.

"Anyway Sean you can't leave the house no more and where the fuck is my car?"Pimp asked and I tried to creep away as he looked into the garage. "Sean you bitch!!!"Pimp snapped as he chased me upstairs.

Did I forget to mention while all that was happening I was in Pimps car...I didn't? Well now you know.

But besides that I'm thinking of a plan that could stop this for once and for all without killing anybody because the lil boy still needs his dad so this is going to be a difficult executive decision I have to make.

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