《Close friends》Tears for Sheila













Donnie(Ronnies right hand man)^

(characters that were mentioned and just now get a pic)


Facts! When I got back to Sheilas I open the door to hear breaking glass and screaming and immediately I'm like "the fuck"I said out loud as I crept towards the noise to see Sheila throwing shit at Randall who was dodging like his life depended on it and trust it does because Sheila can fucking throw on our dead momma.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST GON LEAVE ME AFTER EVERYTHING!!"she screams with tears pouring out of her eyes.

"DAMMIT SHEILA CALM DOWN!!!"Randall yells as it looked like he was doing the same, y'know crying like a little bitch but lemme shut the fuck up I don't even know what's going on. "He was the only one there when you weren't because you were gone and Sean was who knows where and it just happened!!"Sheila yells "I may not like your sister but everything you just told me was wrong and you even have feelings for the nigga what is wrong with you!!"Randall yells.

Who the fuck are they talking about and I swear if it's fucking Ronnie imma kill that nigga 😤

"You don't know him like I do or how Sean does you'll never understand how he'll make me feel compared to you"Sheila bitterly says causing Randall to exhale "Wow! Your one fucked up female"Randall says as he runs up stairs "RANDALL!RANDALL!!"Sheila yells after him and I'm just being sneaky and quiet as fuck because I wanna know what's going on and why I was mentioned.

Randall then came down with his luggage and loaded up his car and came back in the house to get his stash of money. "Sheila I'm done you can keep the house and 2 of my businesses for all I care but I am fucking done"Randall says.

And then I hit my toe on the fucking lamp😡

"Ow fuck"I jumped around holding my foot y'all just don't understand this pain I think this shit feel worst than a bullet but that's my opinion so don't dog me.

"Sean excellent timing"Randall says as he hands me his number "call me when she tells you I'm willing to put our differences aside for what she has done"he says as he glares at Sheila then walks out the house and slams the door.

And Sheila cried harder than ever when she heard his car pull off "Aye sis you o-"Just leave me alone Sean you've done enough"she sasses me "the fuck did I do?" I spoke my mind and she looked irritated by my presence for some reason like is this my sister or......


I just shrugged and walked back out the house after I got a change of clothes. I started walking and then I get a call from this unknown number and my slow ass answers it because maybe it's Airi's momma I don't know nigga.

"Speak"I said as I sparked a blunt "Damn ain't no hello baby how are you or are you doing well"the voice says and I dropped my blunt when I heard it "Damn someone fucking my bitch but PIMP?!"I yelled the last part. "Nigga i thought you was in jail"I said and he laughed on the other side.

"Nah I just got out and Donnie came around and scooped me"Pimp says "Well welcome back nigga we got some shit to catch up on because you missed a lot"I said into the phone smiling ear to ear. Then he asked one question and that's all it took for me to wonder about this nigga "How Sheila doing?"he asked "the fuck you mean how Sheila doing?"I said "you know is she coo or..."he trailed off.

"She getting a divorce from that lil gremlin so I guess she cooling?"I said with curiosity in my voice "how you know my sister?"I asked and he got quiet for a second "we old...friends"Pimp says after taking a long pause.

"Well meet us at the trap we having a party for me you feel me"Pimp says "Aight I'll be there in a few since I'm walking"I said as I turned the corner and realized I forgot my wallet at Shelias so I had to run back. "Aight call me when you outside Sean"Pimp says before hanging up.

Like whatever happened to saying bye to people before you hang up, huh? Anyway I made into the silent house and went upstairs to the room I was in my wallet was on the nightstand so I grabbed it. I noticed the room looked kinda funny so I turned the light on to see all my shit cut up in shreds like even the shoes my nigga and my hidden stash of money gone.

Oooooo that person better be lucky I only had a hundred ones or I would've been pissed. Then I came across a picture of me and Sheila when we were little on my bed, I completely forgot I had that hoe, but my face was cut out of it like damn who did this that's when I turn and jumped when I noticed Sheila standing there quietly on the door frame.


"So theirs a party for Pimp Huh well I'll go"she says and I looked at her confused to see her going through my messages with the address. What is wrong with her today.

I quickly snatched my phone back before she see some shit she don't wanna see.

She drives us there and when we get there she disappeared in the crowd almost as if she looking for something. Then I found her sitting and laughing next to the group of people around Pimp and she had her hand on his shoulder...hm.

I walk over to the group and everyone act like they can't fucking see me, I never liked Pimps friends anyway they so 2 faced with me can't tell them shit. I noticed Pimps hand was around Sheila waist as they laughed at her joke...hmm.

Then Ronnie pulled me over to the side "Look Sean enjoy the party ain't nothing to see ova there you know they just getting along"Ronnie says "why the fuck you sound like you hiding something and I'm the only one that doesn't know"I asked and he is dead silent like this nigga is always bitching he never quiet no smart remarks no nothing came out of his mouth.

I looked over his shoulder to see Sheila whispering in Pimps ear and I look at Ronnie and he looked at me "you wouldn't understand your to young"Ronnie says as he starts walking back towards the group and I follow "to young? To young?! Nigga I've been hustling in this streets longer than you the fuck you talking about to young"I growl because I'm really getting mad now because all of a sudden I don't fucking exist.

That's when everyone in the group looked at me like they was annoyed "Oh...hey Sean when you get here"was all Pimp said. The fuck did that come from??!!

"What y'all got going on"I asked and they all looked at each other then at me "nothing that concerns a 17 year old"Sheila says and now I'm hot because bitch you can get rocked right now I'll will swing yo 5'3 ass around this floor.

If y'all don't know by now I'm a fucking hothead😅

I mug her "Ok cool I'll just go then"I said controlling my anger which is so hard because I'm usually the one that starts shooting first but ever since Pimp went to jail I went kinda soft.

"Yeah you do that"Pimp said as they continued what they were doing. I stopped dead in my tracks "Just one more thing though"I said and they all groaned over the loud music and the petty ass Dj gon stop it to see what's going on. "What the fuck is it Sean"Pimp says and everyone was like "oooooo" and Sheila was laughing.

I cock my head to the side at the bitch who is dying right now "Oh so that's how we coming now huh"I said and he looked at his homeboys "Hell yeah!! I'm finna party and you making it hard for me to enjoy my first day out"Pimp says.

And you know I'm over here stretching you know cracking my neck and all getting hype. Like everyone here even Ray dumbass but I know why he here, he just tryna go to a party because he told me he loves parties.

"Sean can you like...go"Sheila says agitated like what???!!!

My eyes turned dark and I felt someone grab me and turned to see Ray "Come on let's go"he says trying to get me out the area "So Sheila was right you was fucking with this nigga!!"Pimp yelled at me and I looked around "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on stop pause freeze bitch hold up hold up I'm not fucking with him"I said

"Yeah right"Sheila says "you really go believe this broad over me Pimp"I said "she been with me since day one before you came along and gotta nigga acting some kind of way so what's up with it Sean you fucking him"Pimp says very irritated.

Ray still tryna move me Sheila glaring at me and Ronnie mouthing "leave" because he don't want blood on his carpets. "Wow you fake as fuck Sheila I should've known this would happen oooo"I said clenching my fist holding back the tears "Let's go"Ray says "fuck off her potna"one of Pimps goons tell Raymond.

"I'm cool I'm calm just a little hurt but I'm calm"I said as I started walking with Ray but turned around and pulled out a gun and shot somebody I don't know who but someone got hurt.

It was a huge commotion as me and Ray ran out of the party as gunshots started firing and people was running out the house. Me and Ray ran to the bayou and sat down he was laughing. "Damn that's crazy-what's wrong"he says and I sniffed "what you mean I'm good"I lied so much shit just happened I am far from good...

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