《Close friends》Secret letters


I woke up this Saturday morning annoyed because my phone kept on going off last night.

It ranged again and I yanked it off the charger "SPEAK NIGGA!!"I yelled at the person on the other side of the phone "Watch yo mouth bitch, let's not forget you work for me"My boss, Ronnie, spats back at me causing me to jump.

"Oh shit,sorry Ron what is it"I asked as I put him on speaker while getting dressed in a black wife beater & sports bra, black nike joggers, black Jordans, and braided my hair down as I grabbed my phone and took it to the restroom.

"Sean word round the street is that Tray lil brother trying to take my fucking costumers!? You better put a cap in that nigga because he messing with my money now!"Ronnie furiously says into the phone "You don't say do you Ron?"I said so not interested.

"Bi-shut up and get down here you gotta do some rounds, then we are going to go check on Reggie, next we hitting the bay because LA owe me some money, and Carmelo want to do the initiation to get in Pimps gang"Ronnie says and just as I was about to say something back the dude gon hang up on me.

Anyway, after my morning was rudely interrupted, I put my black and white durag on and then grabbed 3 guns. After that I ran downstairs only to be stopped by my sister and...ugh...Randall.

"Where are you going Sean?"Randall says as my sister attention turns to me and I swear if he wasn't married to her I would've been killed him.

"Imma go link with Reggie and Airi duh"I said and Sheila just looked at me unimpressed like shit if I needed a better lie tell me then. "Uh huh so explain to me why Reggie is in the hospital and Airi's mother just called me telling me to tell you to come get some girl?"Sheila says with a 'matter of fact' tone in her voice.


"Oh come on Sheila your in love with a rich cocky roach and you don't see me complaining"I hissed "first off you complain every second you get and second I meant what I said Sean now go sit yo ass back up stairs"Sheila says and I started to walk up until I realized that I'm actually obeying a bitch.

Man I'm really going soft😡

I ran back down "I don't know who THE FUCK you think you is but I will not tolerate the disrespect and by all means if you have a problem with my lifestyle you can always kick me out"I ranted "I'm just trying to help you Sean because it seems like your in to deep it's time to call a quits and live your life the right way"Sheila says as Randall looks back in forth while sipping his champagne.

"Why are you so concerned about what I do huh? Is their this major secret you don't want me to know or something and if so tell me now?!"I yell and Sheila gets mad quiet.

"That's what the fuck I thought! now I'm out of here and I'll be back by 12 am don't come looking for me"I said as I slammed the door on my way out. I was not in the mood today to be arguing with folks over some petty shit. But, I arrived on my gangs side of town and walked in the bosses mansion.

"Aye Ron! Sean here"Ricky says and Ron nods and I walk in and sit down "Aight here's the bag now start selling that shit before I start killing mothafuckas who don't do they job! Shit!"Ronnie says while sparking a blunt.

I roll my eyes as I took the bag and did my necessary routine, first stop was Trevors house and lord knows what the fuck this crazy ass nigga need weed for. I knock and the door swung open "Aye Sean wassup nigga how's it going you got that good good"Trevor says as his pet cobra slithers around his neck. "Yeah here my dude now pay up"I said and he handed me the money as he kissed that fucking snake.


And as soon as he closed that door I shivered in disgust "Dudes got issues"I mumbled to myself as I walked to my next stop. Which is Liza,who is one of those rich white girls,but trust and believe she can get physical if need to be since she married a mafia leader and carrying his seed.

When I arrived she was waiting on me and her eyes lit up when she saw what she requested. "Hey Sean! Sorry about your parents..."she started but stopped but I just shrugged and handed her the kush and she laughed "y'know your pregnant you shouldn't even be smoking"I said "And your a felon who put an ankle bracelet on my dog"she growled at me causing me to back up out of respect because we cool with these people.

"Aha you got jokes huh well we will continue this when I come again!"I yelled as I ran off the lawn.

The last couple stops went by like that and I even made it back early enough to give Ronnie his damn money. I walked in the drug infested place and I saw people making and lacing all types of drugs, smoking, watching the football games, gambling, and do some other dumb shit that I would not be apart of because last time I did some shit with these motha fuckas somebody called Pimp and Pimp lost his shit.Also they just fucking love to cheat like damn let it be fair😒

I bust into Ronnies room to see him fucking some Latina "Oh God"I snarled as I turn away in disgust, he was balls deep in that hoe, "Oh come on Sean I thought you wasn't coming back for another hour...matter of fact bitch get out go"he said while pulling out the female and pushing her out of the bed and throwing her clothes at her.

"You'll regret this papi!!"she yelled as he threw a pillow at her ass before she ran downstairs.

"You tripping nigga you know that?"I said while handing him the bag of money "Whatever! Now here take yo shit and let's go I have to pick up something and you coming with me!"he yelled with anger laced in his voice.

"Nigga are you ever happy?!"I joked "I was until yo ass busted through that door"he snapped causing me to roll my eyes at his remark.


We rolled around the block and the towards this court house, 15 minutes later he came out and then we drove to the hospital to check on Reggie. Who was actually doing quite fine but the one thing he told me before we left him there was "Please Sean DON'T tell my dad"Reggie begs "Aight lil homie, but get some rest so when he get out he won't notice yo ass in the hospital"I said as I walked out.

This day went like a breeze it was so easy today no Raymond and his trusty sidekick shamar and Breezy no shootouts and not even 12 was in sight today.

Ron drove up to the trap and parked the car but locked it "Sean...I think it's time for you to know the truth about Pim-"before he could finish his sentence bullets started flying from his bulletproof glass on his car.

Everyone else came running out and started busting, hell even Ronnie was shooting because he don't even need us for his protection because this nigga right here is a survivor. "FUCK YALL!!"one of the guys yelled and I groaned as I remembered Tommy's annoying ass voice.

I pulled my gun out and started shooting too because I really wanted to kill Tommy, like I hate this little annoying Hyena with a passion.

This went on for a couple minutes until they drove off and left a note on the ground addressed to me. Ron picks it up and hands it to me saying "You have a lot of fucking explaining to do Sean"

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