《Close friends》Keep the strap wimmie pt.1


Lord Jesus can Raymond and his little chimpanzee leave me alone for one fucking second. They've been following my every move for the past week that I've been at this God forsaken hell hole of a school.

"So Sean would you like to go out with-"No"I cut Ray off "What?"he said with a bitch what expression "you fucking heard me N.O Ray I'm tired of dealing with you and honestly I like the little baboon he's my kinda people you are not now leave me the fuck alone"I ranted as I closed my locker door and began walking down the hallway.

Man I need some weed right now! I wonder what Red and Airi up to today? I was deep in thought while walking down the hall only for someone to snatch me by my neck and pin me to the lockers. "Ayo what the fuck"I said punching the person who was sneaking me.

"What is your problem my dude?!"I said looking at Ray holding his face. See I knew something was off about his ass but imma let it slide just because he caught me when my guard was down.

"Just go out with me simple"Ray says "Two words Fuck.You"I said while flicking him off and he smirks and says "When?"and I roll my eyes in disgust.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up "Yello"I answered "YUUUUURRRRTTTT!!!"Reggie yells through the phone like a complete dumbass.

"What do you want"I get straight to the point because I'm so fucking fed up today I have had it up to here with all the bullshit that has happened this week. "Damn you so mean Sean"Reggie whined into the speaker of the phone causing me to cringe on how young he sounded.

If you didn't know him you would think I'm talking to a 10 year old by the way he talking and act. "Lemme say it again what do you want G"I said as Ray just stared at me like he plotting some shit.

"I'm finna come scoop you ma' we got some shit to do y'know and boss is not in the mood for any no's right now"Reggie says as I began walking out the school. Ray is silent too silent matter of fact he went to class grinning the whole time I was on the phone with Reggie.


"Aight I'm here"Reggie says as he hung up and came around the front to get me I took one step and like that some goons in blue pop out shooting at the school.

The bullets were so loud that kids form upstairs started looking through the window and started screaming,getting down,running, y'know normal shit you do when a drive by happens.

"Ahahahhaaha"I heard one annoying ass voice echo from my ears as I grab Reggie's gun and start shooting at them while Reggie getting down. "NIGHTY NIGHT REGGIE!!!"The dude in the left window says as he pulls out a uzi and starts spraying.

I was mid into shooting you know doing my thing, I got like 4 out of the 10 that was their but they was still going so I was just about to shoot the driver until I ran out of bullets. Such a convenient time to run out😑

I reached in the car to get some ammo but they was shooting through the glass of Reggie's car and Reggie was getting cut by the shards of glass and I couldn't see my surroundings. So, I unbuckled him and pulled him out the car as they continued and someone was even bold enough to jump out the car and start doing that GTA run and gun shit.

"Reggie GO!!"I yell and say less this nigga took off I saw the dust form his shoes as he ran. I got shot in the arm by that bold dude but trust me I knocked his ass out and took his gun and started blasting again and killed the driver.

The others in the car screamed as they hit the truck and the dude on the sunroof went flying and landed hard on somebody who was driving car.

I run over to the car and yank one of the dudes out and snatch his mask off putting the gun to his head and he was singing. "Man please don't do this I'm just doing it for the money"he says "Who sent y'all"I said "Don't make me sni-"Nigga quit playing with me I promise you I'll air this bitch out on you"I yelled cutting him off and he was crying.


Looking at him closing he looked no younger than about 13 "Imma say this again who sent you"I said with no emotion whatsoever and he cracked after I asked this time "P-Pimp h-he wanted R-Reggie dead so he said he'll promote us if we killed him"he said and I looked at him with disappointment.

"You to young for this shit"I started only to be hauled on the ground by some cops as they put handcuffs around me "Nigga stop touching me!!AYE!!"I yelled and he looked terrified at what he was witnessing "DONT END UP LIKE ME NOW GO!!"I yelled as they shoved me into the car and chased after the 13 year old.

Luckily he was fast and got away quick enough and when the cop that was chasing him came back empty handed I sighed in relief. I couldn't have a kid go to any type of jail just to be in a gang that's just not me maybe the old me though. "Damn"I said as I looked at the school which was about shot up with blood splattered on some of the windows and girls screaming.

As we was pulling off I noticed that Ray was laughing hard with shamar as he holds his phone to the glass that had 911 on it. That bitch set me up😤

When we arrived at the station they did the things they would normally do and after about a couple minutes they came and got me out my cell and up to the front with Airi and that same 13 year old who was hiding his face.

"Your free to go Sean, now please stay out of trouble"the annoyed officer says while eating a donut. As we walked out and got into Airi's car Red,Xavier,Rico, and Lorenzo was in that hoe roasting each other. When they saw me they got quiet.

"Aight now let's talk business! Kid tell us what you told Lorenzo"Red says while exposing his gun and the kid shivered "It was Raymond the leader of my gang he wanted me to take Reggie out I swear I didn't want anyone to get hurt I just-" Red shot him right in the center of his head and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? you've done worse besides he the reason why Reggie in the hospital"Red says and my eyes widened "WHAT!"I yelled "well after you carelessly let him go he found Reggie and shot him 5 times"Xavier says.


"Is he-"Let's not talk about it right now alright!FUCK!"Red says storming out the car while cutting me off. "It's not your fault Sean you just wanted to show mercy into a kid which is fine but it's not fine you let someone go that was targeting Reggie"Airi says.

"What do you mean? What happened to him!?"I yelled "Reggie was at the door way when the kid shot him and the other 4 times was 2 boys our age one with dreads and the other with a durag and a hoodie on"Lorenzo says.

I twitch out of anger because I know exactly who did this shit and because of me Reggie might be close to dying right now. I was supposed to protect him and I'm out here about to let him die.

"Drop me around the block"I said "what?"Airi asked "drop me around the block"I said "but that ain't our territory that's Trays little brothers-"I SAID WHAT I SAID AIRI DAMN!!"I yelled out of anger causing her to roll her eyes and start driving towards the main issue of this whole factor...


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