《Close friends》New school


The first thing I get when I wake up is my sister saying "wake yo black ass up its time for school"I look around "School? I dropped out"I said "Well you going back so get ready"she says with an attitude.

"I can't stand that bitch"I said then she yelled "I CANT STAND YOU EITHER BUT YOU LOVE ME!!"I rolled my eyes but got dressed in my bape fit then grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

^this what it look like except the jacket zipped up.

I headed downstairs and she handed me some breakfast while Randall was talking about some bullshit. "Baby come on we can leave him here alone he'll be fine"he says pointing at me.

"First off that's a girl a second off you heard that note I'm not losing my little sister just to come to your meeting so you can show me off to your friends"she says eating a strawberry and grabbing her car keys. "But honey she's a thug she'll be alright"he says "we will talk about this later Randall"she says as we walk out the house.

She drove us to this big ass white school with these fancy cars and kids boasting about there mommy and daddy's career. "No!"I said "Yes! Now get out I'll be back at 3"she says while driving off after kicking me out. "Fucking bitch"I said while walking.

Kids were looking at me and talking about some "We have another thug oh lord we have enough of them here"one girl says I ignore them because this is my first day here so I'm trying not to give my sister a reason to put me in military school.

I walked to the front desk and the lady just smiled "may I help you"she asked "yes um I'm Sean Ranes I'm new here and I just came for my schedule"I said and she handed it to me. "Have a wonderful day miss ranes"she said as I walked out.


The first place I went to was my first period since the bell was about to ring. I walked in and all eyes were on me and then the teacher asked "Um who are you?"she asked "Sean Ranes ma'am"I said handing her my schedule.

"So that's who ray is after"I heard someone from the back whisper but I paid no mind to it "ok Sean go sit in the back near Brandon BRANDON RAISE YOUR HAND!!"she says and he raises it and I walk to the back with people already gossiping about me.

They keep saying this nigga named Ray but I try not to pay attention to it so I just sit back and go to sleep. When the bell rung I headed out and went to my 2nd period Art which is one of my favorite subjects since I'm like a young Picasso 🤪

I'm in Art and i see these niggas looking at me I'm trying to contain myself so I'm ignoring it. They were whispering some shit then one of them walked up to me and the other followed. "You said yo name is Sean right"the one with a durag and hoodie on says as the other one stands in the back glaring mighty hard.

"The one and only why?"I asked "Last name"he asks "Ranes"I said still on my drawing then I was grabbed out of my seat and dragged into the hallway by the one with dreads.

"Can I help you and you"I said seeing the other one come out they both looked pissed ion even know them. "Wow who knew you would just come to me"the one with the dreads says "who are you?"I asked.

"Names Raymond But people call me Ray and the nigga in the back is shamar"he says while he still had me pinned against the wall. "I only asked for one but ok why y'all want me" I said getting straight to it.


"Wow you are as blunt as they say you are"the boy says "who tf is they??"I asked "Remember someone named Tray?!"Ray says gripping all hard on my fucking neck like I kill people and sell drugs for a living what you doing.

"Oh the nigga who brought the knife to a fist fight"I said now connecting the dots as to who this anonymous person who named Tray was. "You must be his lil brother, Ray"I said with no emotion "stop catching an attitude"shamar says "Nig-What y'all want"I said.

"You dead on my momma since you killed him and he died because of that lil fight he had with you"he said "I'm sorry but I don't have the slightest clue on what the fuck your talking about"I said looking off. "Don't play dumb we saw you stab him in the chest 10 times with his own blade"he says "Well isn't this just fucking awkward" I said.

"Do what you want but listen here baby boy..."I said while grabbing his dreads then whispering "you playing with me now keep confronting me and you gon join him 6 feet under"I said before letting go and they must've been in shock because I just walked back in the class to finish my drawing.


"Shamar"I said because his scary ass was shaking "y-yeah"he says "that ain't no nigga"I said "but his name-"Nah that's a whole female but either way she can catch this"I said "N-nigga that's a real killer tho you saw what she did to Tra-"DONT SPEAK ON HIM!!"I yelled cutting him off.

"Damn nigga I understand"he says walking back in the classroom as I had a lil break down remembering my brother. He was like my father that nigga raised me and to see that he gone and it's all Sean's fault just pisses me off.

Oh she will pay and I mean that shit.

back to Sean POV

At least now I know who to look out for but him and his lil monkey assistant can catch this fade any day if they try me they must not know who I am.

He came back in and now him and his baboon sitting at my table "let's become great friends shall we"Ray says looking at me with killing intent "I agree"I said giving him a wicked smile in return.

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