《Enchanted (NatsumexMikan) [COMPLETE] - Short Story》PART 5 - ENCHANTED


Everyone is busy rushing through the remaining time before curtain up. Sumire went through the stage positions thrice, actors have practice their lines multiple times. Mikan and Natsume practiced their scenes thrice for this one hour.

Hotaru tried the stunts that she will do on the stage play despite Ruka's attempt to stop her.

Everyone practiced the timing of the back ground and the in and out of the actors during intervals.

"Koko! You have to wear the god damned tree! and finished that back drop right now!" Sumire shouted and ordered as Koko frantically look around.

"I know! but you are making me carry this stuff! God woman! you don't stop ordering people!" Koko shouted back frustrated as he carries the props to the back, everyone sweat dropped at their exchange of pleasantries.

"You idiot! That's not how you do that!" Anna said as she slapped the back of kitsu's head for messing up the paints.

"Ouch! Then how do you do that?! you can't sway it at the right and neither on the left! what else do you want me to do?" Kitsu demanded frustrated as he scratch the back of his head and continued his work begrudgingly.

"Minna! are you all ready?" Narumi asked cheeredfully as he went inside but no one paid attention to him as they are busy.

"Nani? what happened?" Narumi asked sweat dropped, as he looks around his student rushing and bickering with each other.

Narumi then look at the side and found natsume curled up in a ball, pressure completely overcome him.

"Natsume?" Narumi called trying to get natsume's attention to no avail as he heard him mumble coherent words like 'mikan finally snapped' or 'there's a demon in the stage'

Narumi shaked natsume's body but it slumped backwards and he panicked at Natsume's ghostly pale face.

"Narumi-sensei! since your here help us!" Sumire shouted before running towards him and grabbing his arms then dragged a damsel in distress narumi away.


Mikan on the other hand was also curled up in a ball, she was clutching a script and kept saying the same lines over and over again.

"How does she knoooowww you love her.."

Everyone who was watching her sweat dropped.

'She snapped!' They all thought.

"Hotaru! It's dangerous! Get down from there!" Ruka order looking up at hotaru who was up above the tree namely Koko in a tree costume.

"Rukaaaa get her down! she's freaking heavy!" Koko said which made hotaru irritated.

"Your calling me fat dimwit?" Hotaru threatend as she stepped on koko's shoulder hard.

"AHHHH No hotaruuuuu ITAIIIII" Koko shouted in pain.

"Koko don't agitate her! she's a fucking demon, you should know that! I swear to god if you drop her i'll kill you myself!" The ever composed Ruka swear shouted trying to stop hotaru from murdering Koko as the onlookers stared at them in shock, mainly at Ruka's different attitude

The back stage looks like it's on war, everyone was tensed, nervous and dumbfounded. The Audience can hear their scream and curse which made them laugh, Kitsu also forgot to close the light from behind which made all of them shown on the curtain shadows.

"Kitsu! close the god damned lights! " Sumire shouted and Kitsu immediately closed the light.

10 minutes till show time everyone is now all calmed, Naarumi on the other hand was tattered and bruised from all the helping he did and was slumped against the wall passed out.


"Now! since Narumi-sensei is not present, i will host tonight's event on his behalf! The evening presentation directed by Ruka Nogi called 'ENCHANTED'!!!" Jinno said as everyone applauded.

The curtain pulled up and revealed the first scene of the story.

The scene started with mikan on the tree backdropped singing the snow white signature calling.

"Aahhh~" mikan singed as birds flew towards her and landed on her hands, chirping.

A well appeared on the side as Mikan disappeared at the back. Nonoko went out the stage and stand in front of the well.

"Mirror mirror on the.." Nonoko stopped thinking when on her mind is the mirror in the wall but she is holding the mirror in her hands.

"on my hand! whose the fairest on this land" she asked finally finishing her sentence as the audience laughed.

Anna appeared on stage behind the well as a mirror dressed in white gown.

"It is a girl from deep the forest, young and fresh as an apple, beautiful and bright as the sun, lips red like cherry"

"What?! show me the girl!" nonoko ordered and showed a picture of mikan with birds.

"Let's see if you are still the fairest in the world" Nonoko said and did a spell sign on her hand

Koko went out the stage with mikan above the tree, he attacked mikan as a monster tree, and there appears Ruka with a fake horse being dragged by yuu.

"Beast! let go of her!" ruka said his lines

The narrator told the story that the prince defeated the monster tree and now they are getting married but..

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh" Mikan shouted as Nonoko pushed her in the well, Mikan landing perfectly hidden from the audience as she disappeared behind.

"Bye bye, princess" The evil queen nonoko said.

"Giselle! wait for meeeeee" Ruka said as he tried to jump but was stopped by Nonoko.

"Don't follow her!" Nonoko said grabbing his hands

"Don't stop me mother! She's the love of my life!" Ruka said and jumped in the well as well.

The queen ordered her men to get the prince back and kill Giselle

The next scene was in the modernized world, natsume showed up with a little girl from the kindergarten class.

"Dad, will nancy be my mother?" the kid asked, natsume who is to be supposed father of the child

"Maybe" Natsume replied as they rode a fake car, once again being pulled by Kitsu.

"Help! please! help me!" Mikan shouted from a fake fairy door sign above a house, she's even wearing her wedding gown.

"Dad look its a princess" The child pointed out at Mikan knocking in the door.

"That's not a princess, that's a hypocrite" Natsume deadpanned completely forgetting the right lines as the people at the back watching stared at him with dead eyes.

Mikan felt anger rushing through her but controlled herself as the audience laughed at his lines.

"Come on!" The kid said and ran towards mikan as natsume followed her reluctantly.

"Hey, come down! don't act like a lunatic!" Natsume shouted as mikan went down but accidentally slipped.

"Ahhh!" Mikan shouted and so is everyone but Natsume caught her before she hit the ground.

"Idiot" Natsume whispered as Mikan glared at him.

"Shut up, baka" Mikan whispered before continuing the play.

The next scene was moved forward as the narrator told the story.

Natsume took Giselle back to their apartment to clean herself up. But morning comes and Giselle decided to clean the house which ended up her taking a bath that morning, leaving the mouse, birds and cockroaches in the loving room who helped her clean.


"Hello? what's happening?" Natsume asked playing pretend 'i just woke up' look'.

"Why are there rats and cockroach on my sofa?" Natsume asked as he barge in the bathroom where mikan is showering wearing a towel which made Natsume blushed despite the fact that he knew Mikan wore clothes underneath the towel.

"Oh, robert. You have such lovely bathroom, how come a water flows from up there?" Mikan asked ad natsume looked away embarrassed.

"Its a shower" Natsume deadpanned.

"It's magical" Mikan said with a smile as natsume sighed, acting the lines.

Ding! Dong!

"oh what was that?" mikan asked

The kid opened the door and there enters Hotaru playing the role of Natsume's girlfriend.

"Hey kid, want to go shopping later?" Hotaru asked

"Hi, Aunt Nancy" The kid greeted.

"Wheres your dad?" she asked as she walk in and mikan went out to greet her as natsume acted trying to stop her.

"Hello, It's nice to meet you"Mikan said with a smile as Hotaru acted surprise.

"Hi, who are you? who is she?" Hotaru asked natsume who didn't reply.

"This house had an amazing shower, its magical!" Mikan stated happily acting her lines.

"What?" hotaru asked as natsume acted panicked.

"Okay, I'm done with this" Hotaru stated and walked out the stage to the back.

The next scene was when natsume need to let mikan go away from his life to get back with his girlfriend nancy

"Do you love her?" Mikan asked as she stared at Natsume.

"Yeah.. i think i do?" Natsume said more like questioned.

"Does she know?" she asked again.

"I think she did.. i mean you talk about this things and say it everyday" Natsume said his lines.

"You need to express it! with a song!" Mikan announced according to the script.

"wait- singing?" Natsume asked incredulously.

"🎶How does she knoowwwws you love her! How does she knooooowwwwsss she's yoooooouuurrrsss🎶" She started but Natsume stopped her.

"Okay okay, stop. let's go" He said leading her to walk away when kitsu and koko appeared with musical instruments and sang:

"🎶How does she know that you love her!🎶" They sang

"Oh you know the song?" Mikan said walking towards them as Natsume followed her and they sang.

🎶How does she know you love her?

How does she know she's yours?🎶

"Oh great they sing" Natsume said in defeat as he sighed.

🎶How does she know that you love her?

How do you show her you love her?🎶

🎶How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?

How does she know that you love her?

How do you show her you love her?

How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?🎶

Boogshhh! Clang!

The song was stopped with Nonoko's accudental appearance on stage. Apparently they were in the side pushing each other hence the story is now ruined.

Sumire then passed out due to shock and was dragged away. The dragon costume that was supposed to be used in the ending was accidentally fall down the stage when the curtain on the back fell.

Nonoko immediately appeared on stage and cast a sleeping spell on Mikan, Mikan immediately followed the adlib, rather than feeding her a poison apple.

With mikan on sleeping mode, Ruka will try to awaken her with a kiss on the cheek, jumping from the middle to the end of the scene.

Everyone looked at Natsume as he turns his head 'No' according to the script but Hotaru in role of Nancy said her lines.

"Kiss her Robert" She said as she look at Natsume.

Then comes Natsume, he kneeled beside her, caress her hair and face.

"Please don't leave me" He said and kissed mikan on the lips.

Mikan acted to slowly regained her consciousness.

Nonoko immediately went inside the dragon suit for the show must go on. Everything is now out in the open, a real life scenery of disaster that is in the script, people running and panicking, mikan and natsume on the scene with ruka and hotaru.

Rather than the female who would defeat the dragon, it was the two male lead Natsume and Ruka who defeated the dragon just so the show could end.

Everyone left the stage leaving Hotaru, who picked the glass slipper that Mikan left behind.

"Why a long face fair maiden? That shoe could fit on you" Ruka said kneeling in front of her and took the glass slipper from Hotaru.

"Want to try?" She asked as Ruka tried to put the shoe on her slowly for dramatic effect but it didn't fit.

"Umm.. It didn't fit" Ruka mumbled embarrassed as his face flushed red.

"Shit! Wrong shoe!" Someone shouted at the back which made the audience laughed.

Someone then threw the real shoe and it hit Ruka's head as he stumbled back in pain.

"Ouch!" He grunted.

"Bulls eye" Hotaru deadpanned as everyone laughed again.

"Sorry!" Koko shouted from the backstage.

This time when Ruka tried the shoe it now fits on Hotaru's feet. Ruka took hold of Hotaru's hand as they ran towards the sewers where he first appeared from the enchanted world, then they both jump inside and the scenery changed once more.

Finally the final scene is being played out, its a when they stage that showcase their future

Hotaru and Ruka finally getting married on the enchanted world, of course hotaru wearing the princess wedding dress. On their ceremony when they are about to kiss her phone rang.

"Wow.. check it out they made it" after looking at her phone she said her last line she kissed ruka on the lips as he kissed back.

The stage then turned to Natsume and Mikan on a designing shop where mikan was designing and having her own shop with natsume supporting her. He kissed her surprisingly on her lips and kissed him back too.

"Awwww" The kid cooed as they pull away laughing.

And finally the curtain fell signaling the end of the play.

The Audience applauded despite the rush and ruined presentation.

The curtain once again opened and Narumi who got his strength back announce the actors and actresses and their roles.

"Give it up for Ruka Nogi, as Director and Prince Charming of Enchanted!"

Ruka went up the stage and bowed, he showed a polite smile which made the audience shrieked.

"Hotaru Imai as Nancy of Enchanted!"

Hotaru went beside Ruka and bowed her head and clapped.

"The male lead of Enchanted Natsume Hyuuga as Robert!"

Natsume went up the stage as the audience scream and shouted, he neither bow nor smile, he just stood there.

"Lastly, The Female lead of Enchanted! Mikan Sakura!"

Mikan cheerfully went up the stage and stood beside natsume as she shakes her hand up.

"Give them all a round of applause!" Narumi announced as the audience applauded them for a successful performance.

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