《Enchanted (NatsumexMikan) [COMPLETE] - Short Story》PART 4 - 10,000 REASONS


After the steamy scene that natsume and mikan made, everyone can't get over on the confession.

Mikan who was already at the backstage is still a blushing mess, Natsume on the other hand was calm ang composed, but his change of attitude like smiling and talking surprised everyone.

On the other hand, Mikan's bestfriend hotaru is already preparing for the worship song before the start of the evening presentation.

" Good afternoon everyone! We are now gonna start with the evening presentation in just sa few hours, but before you all oeave for dinner, we have a final performance as a worship song to bless the academiy anniversary, give it up for Hotaru Imai and Ruka Nogi!" Narumi announced cheerfully.

Ruka went out first with a smile on his face as he waved at the crowd followed by a stoic faced hotaru.

Two chairs were prepared in the stage, with a piano on the other one with their microphones on the stand. Both sat on their perspective place.

"Can you tell us something about the song?" Narumi asked with a smile

"The title of the song is 10,000 reason and What a beautiful name. It's a mashed up song duet, praising the lord and bless the academy" Ruka explained with his gentleman smile.

"Alright, Once again Ruka Nogi and Hotaru Imai!"

The audience cheered and applaude.


Ruka startplaying the piano. Hotaru then started singing.

🎶The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning

It's time to sing Your song again

Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me

Let me be singing when the evening comes🎶

Everyone was dumbfounded, never they thought that hotaru had a beautiful voice.

Then ruka joined in.

🎶Bless the Lord oh my soul🎶

Oh my soul

Worship His holy name

Sing like never before


Oh my soul

I'll worship Your holy name

Yeah, worship Your holy name🎶

Ruka started his part as hotaru backed him on other parts.

🎶What a beautiful Name it is

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King🎶

🎶What a beautiful name it is

Nothing compares to this

What a beautiful name it is

The name of Jesus🎶

Both of them started to sing the part together i synchronized.

🎶You have no rival, You have no equal

Now and forever, God You reign

For Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the glory

Yours is the name, above all names🎶

🎶Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul

Worship His holy name🎶

🎶What a beautiful Name it is

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King🎶

🎶Sing like never before

Oh my soul🎶

Ruka singed the 2nd ti the last line..

🎶Worship his holy name🎶

Hotaru sang last.

🎶The name of Jesus🎶

As te keys of the piano ended, everyone applaude them for a wonderfuo performance.

Both went back at the backstage. they were approached by their friends.

"That was wonderful hotaruuuuu" Anna said cheerfully.

"How did you both decide on those song?" Nonoko asked

"Well.." Ruka started


"I want to sing 10000 reasons!" Hotaru stated which is unusual.

"It's better if it's What a beautiful name, it captures the essence" Ruka reasoned out

"What idiotic essence are you talking about, Either we sing this or we sing alone"

Hotaru said she took her camera and scroll on it.

Ruka sighed at his girlfriends antics, Never he thinks that his girlfriend could act childlish.

"Hotaruuuu" Ruka whined as hotaru ignores him

"Are you gonna keep ignoring me?" He asked from behind her, hotaru keeps ignoring him.


Finally fed up, he grabe her by the shoulder and pulled her towards him

"What are you-" He silenced her with a kiss.

Hotaru was surprised but nevertheless glad and kissed him back.

Ruka pulled away to catch a breath and smile at her

"Now babe.. dont ignore me again okay?" He said with a mischievous smile as hotaru sighed in defeat.

"Seriously.. How did they cone up with a gentle prince? you are everything but gentle!" Hotaru exclaimed as ruka laughed at her.

"Now.. We can do a mash up about this. I heard mikan and natsume also did this" Ruka said as hotaru nodded.

End of flashback

"Oh so you juat both decided to combine it like natsume and mikan did" Nonoko said

Ruka didn't further tell aboug their make out session and leave that out only for him and hotaru to remember.

"Okay everyone! Thank you for watching out Song event, see you later tonight fir the evening presentation directed by Ruka Nogi!" Narumi announce as everyone applaude.

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