《Avoid Me ➳ two》✖ C H A P T E R 6 ✖


Natsume was utterly dissapointed. He was so close on finding her. She was inches away from him.

He walks back to the lobby and looked around. Suddenly , His phone rang. He checked the caller's ID to see Ruka's name. "Ruka? What's wrong?"

While Natsume was on the phone , Mikan was busy talking with Suzy. "Mikan , Let's go to the cafe near here! There's a new menu that's been really popular lately!" Mikan thought that maybe this could make her at least forgot about Natsume for a bit. He has been making her stressed out lately. She needed a bit of refreshing. So she said "Yes"

Mikan gets ready and wears a bit of make up. Suzy said her face looks like a zombie after crying. Suzy didn't know about her past. Jae-Ho also didn't know. And she hopes it stays that way. She didn't want people to pity her. She hates those pity looks.

The girls walks out of the Mikan's room and goes to the lobby. Suzy said she needed to go to the restroom for a little bit so Mikan is waiting for her in the lobby with her disguise. The beauty scanned through the room and was surprised to see the person she is trying to avoid , looking at her with the same surprise.

Back to Natsume , He was busy talking to Ruka in the phone when he saw a brunette walking past him. The person wore a scarf around her face and a black sunglasses. He was sure it was Mikan. Who else would wear a thick scarf in the summer!

Mikan sat down at the sofa near her and looks around. By now , Natsume was completely ignoring Ruka who was yelling his name at the phone. Their eyes finally met. Natsume puts down his phone and quickly walks to her. He failed his chance to meet her , now he is given a second chance and he will not waste it.


Mikan though is still trying to avoid him. She quickly gets up and was about to leave but she was too late. Natsume reached for her hand and grabs it. He pulled her and hugs her tight. She's finally here , in his arms. "Mikan.. I missed you" He whispered. Mikan felt conflicted . She was both happy and angry. She was angry at herself for still having feelings for him. Even after all those years, She still can't stop loving him.


Suzy looks at the both of them with confusion. Mikan looks at Suzy and is signalling her that they are not what she thinks they are. But Suzy thought it the wrong way. "I'll meet you at the cafe! or maybe you guys should go together! I'll just ask Jae-Ho!" She went off. "Mikan.. I'm sorry.. Please forgive me. Please.." Natsume begged her.

"Natsume.. I.. I don't know"

"Maybe I can help" A voice appeared behind Natsume. Natsume turned around and saw a blue haired girl together with Hotaru. "Nobara.." Nobara looks at Natsume and nodded her head for showing her respect to him and he nods back. "Yukihara-san , I want us to talk alone , if you're okay with it?"

"N-" "Yes" Hotaru closes Natsume's mouth with her hand. He glared at her and released his mouth from her hand. Nobara walks together with Mikan beside her to somewhere out of Natsume's reach.

"What the hell Imai!"

"Do you want her to know the truth or no?"

"Yes.. But-"

"Then let her know it. It's better for Nobara to tell it herself. She has been disturbing me because she wants to say sorry to Mikan. She felt guilty for what she has done to you too" Hotaru explained. Natsume nodded.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Nobara Ibaragi. It is nice to finally meet you in person Yukihara-san" Nobara said. Mikan was about to introduce herself but she was interrupted by Nobara. "It's okay Yukihara-san , I already know who you are. I came here to explain what my relationship with Natsume and to clear the misunderstanding between you two."


'Misunderstanding?' Mikan thought.

"When I was a new student , Natsume was the one who was with me. I sticked to him like glue and that made everyone .. think that we were dating. But we were merely friends. I was interested at another boy at that time. I only thought of Natsume as my friend and only that. At that time , I was fighting with my boyfriend so I wanted to make him jealous so I asked Natsume to pretend to be my boyfriend. I'm truly sorry for destroying your relationship. Please , if you want to hit me , hit me. It's okay" Nobara was prepared to be hit. But it never came.

"It's not your fault.. I was blinded by hurt and revenge. I never wanted to hear an explanation from you or Natsume. It's my fault.." Mikan smiled and hugged Nobara. Mikan felt like a huge weight was lifted from her heart. All this time ,She always thought he was the one at fault but it was actually her. Nobara and Mikan returned to where Natsume and Hotaru were and Mikan hugged 'Natsume.

"I'm sorry Natsume.. For hurting you , For accusing you" she said and cried. She hurt him so bad even though he was innoncent. Natsume smiled and hugged her back. "It's okay Mikan. I'm sorry too for not explaining it to you sooner" "No! I'm more sorry than you!" "I'm much more sorry than you!" "No!! I'm much much more sorry than you"

Nobara and Hotaru watched the couple fight after a long time. Nobara giggled while Hotaru sighed and they gave the couple their alone time. After the long fight they laughed and hugged each other again while smiling. It has been a long time since they fought and it felt awesome.

Eventually , Natsume went home and Mikan went back to her hotel room. She felt nostalgic after what she did. They used to fight even with the smallest thing. Yet , they always make up everyday. Mikan slowly went to sleep , smiling.

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