《debut love ; kihyun ff》12


shownu quickly walked back to the two boys, since they were close to being next in line to order.

"i wanna try that iced lemon pound cake." shownu pointed to the display.

"is that the new one that just came out?" kihyun asked. shownu nodded.

"it looks delicious." minhyuk mumbled.

"what should we get changkyun?" kihyun asked, thinking aloud. "he is sick, so we shouldn't get him something wild."

"just get the kid plain water." minhyuk joked. kihyun slapped his shoulder playfully and laughed.

"what about the chocolate smoothie?" shownu suggested. "i heard cold stuff make your stomach feel better."

"it is warm stuff, hyung." minhyuk corrected. "that is why people use heating pads when their stomach is sore."

"yeah, let's just get him that, i am sure he doesn't wanna burn his mouth today." kihyun said. "should we also get cake pops?"

"yes!" shownu exclaimed, hitting kihyun's back. the three boys were finally next in line, finalizing everything they were ordering.

after ordering, they stood by the counter and waited for their drinks. kihyun just remembered about someone wanting to talk to him.

"i will be back." kihyun said as he nervously started to walk away. he approached the person who wanted to talk to him, making eye contact.

"ahh, yoo kihyun." the man greeted, giving him a handshake.

"yes, hello park kwangji." kihyun said, bowing to him and the other members of his group. "i will have to leave in a minute, please make this quick."

"well, i have been noticing lately that y/n has been hanging around you and your group." kwangji explained. "is there something going on between you guys and her?"

"no." kihyun replied. "we are all just friends."


"i see, i see. by any chance, is there a way we can also visit her?"

kihyun's eyes widened when he heard the question. he then thought about a couple of days ago, when minhyuk started to talk about how y/n acted a bit uncomfortable when group a's name popped into the conversation.

"i don't know. we have to ask y/n."

"yes, please ask her. can you ask her as soon as possible?"


"number fifty-one!" the barista called out. kihyun sighed in relief and looked at minhyuk and shownu, who was already walking toward the counter.

"i have to go, it was nice talking to you." kihyun bowed, jogging quickly to his friends. kwangji groaned as he took a long sip of his drink.

"almost had it." kwangji said, pounding the table. "i think i can trick him."

"honestly, i don't know why this is such a big deal to you." minkyun complained. "if i were her, i would not want to see your face ever again!"

"yeah, what you did was wrong, what do you want from her?" gunhee added on. "you want to get her back? pfft, in your dreams."

"you guys do not get it, do you?" kwangji asked as he chuckled and leaned back in his chair. the others looked at each other in a confused manner. kwangji just shook his head and looked outside of the window, taking long sips of his drink.

"so, what did he say?" minhyuk asked.

"it was about y/n." kihyun replied.

minhyuk almost spat his drink. "huh? no ways! what-"

"minhyuk calm down." shownu said. "since this is pretty big news for all of us, you should keep it until we arrive at the dorm."


"ahh hyung!" minhyuk complained. "the suspense is going to drive me nuts!"

"well, we better hurry home then, right?" kihyun teased. minhyuk immediately started to sprint to the building. shownu and kihyun watched him and laughed.

"yes, i will definitely save it for the dorm." kihyun said, sighing afterward.

"why, is it that interesting?" shownu asked. kihyun thought about what just happened and realized that nothing was interesting. kwangji only requested if his group could visit y/n, and kihyun didn't see a big deal about it.

"hmm, not really. at least, in my opinion, i don't think so."

shownu and kihyun finally reached the building where the dorm was. after kihyun entered the code, they found minhyuk sitting on the stairs, waiting for their arrival.

"what took you guys so long?" minhyuk asked impatiently. "i am waiting to hear what happened, and the suspense is killing me. come on!"

"maybe if you helped us carry stuff, we would be much quicker, minhyuk." shownu taunted. minhyuk took the cup holder from shownu and ran up the stairs, making the two laugh.

"with this happening, we can get him to do anything." shownu said.

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