《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Buckys Bad Dream Turns Kinky


A Russian man is turning him into soldier saying lines and missions for him to go after. Hes being brainwashed and tortured. He was sent after the Avengers to finish them except one person stood in his way. Captain America. They fought and Bucky almost won when he jerked awake.

Bucky wakes up in a sweat, hes breathing heavy and shaking. He looks at the clock and it says 2:45am. He makes his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water but all he can think about is the dream, everything he went through came back. The killings, destroying things, almost killing Steve. Many people tell him that it wasn't him that his mind was played with but Bucky still knows he was the one who did it. He drank his glass of water but he was still mad so he crushed the glass with his metal arm. He layed back in bed but he couldn't fall asleep. He got up and walked towards Steves room. He slowly opened the door to see Steve peacefully sleeping. Bucky didn't really know how to approach someone sleeping so he just stood by the door in the dark and waited for his presence to wake Steve up. A few moments later Steve moved but jerked up and turned his lamp on.

"Oh my god. Bucky you cant just stand there." Steve put his hand on his chest

"Sorry." Bucky apologized, he still stood there.

"How long have you been there?" Steve asked looking at his clock it said 3:20am

"About 20 minutes." Buck said, walking a little closer to Steve.

"Whats wrong?" Steve finally got to the question Bucky was waiting for. Bucky was quiet for a moment.

"I had a bad dream..." he finally said.


"Aw come here." Steve opened his arms for Bucky to come in to. But Bucky didnt hug him he just sat on the bed.

"Do you want to talk about?" Steve asked. Bucky told Steve about his dream and how he almost killed him.

"Buck it wasn't you." Steve said

"Yes it was!" Bucky snapped

"They played with your mind you wouldn't of done any of that if it was your own mind." Steve said calmly.

"I'm sorry." Buck said and laid back putting his hands on his face. Steve pulled him to the top of the bed and put some blanket over him.

"Its okay Bucky You arent going to hurt anyone else." Steve wrapped his arms around him giving him a kiss on the head.

"Can i sleep with you?" Bucky asked, even though it was kind of obvious Steve wasn't going to let him sleep by himself.

"Of course you can." He said sleeply. Bucky layed on his side and stared at Steves lips, he traced them with his finger. Steve knew when Bucky traced things it helped calm him down so he was fine with it.

Steve fell asleep but Bucky was still tracing things on his body. About an hour later Bucky was starting to get tired and was also running out of things to trace. He looked at Steves soft lips and connected his to them. This woke Steve up but he wasn't angry he just contributed back. Bucky layed his head in Steves chest and drifted off to sleep as Steve played with his hair.

The next morning Steve was the first one to wake up but Bucky was still passed out in the same position he fell asleep in. Steve could feel Bucks hand in a dark place but he didnt move. When Bucky woke up and looked at Steve who was also looking at him.


"Have you been watching me this whole time?" Bucky asked in his morning voice.

"Just for a little." Steve said with a smile. Bucky realized where his hand was and decided to get a little dirty.

"Hey." Steve moaned " i can do the same to you." Steve plopped himself on top of Bucky and grinned.

"JARVIS lock my door." Steve said

"Yes sir." JARVIS replied

"Someones been working on their gluts." Bucky smiled and grabbed Steves ass. "And you know what you've been working on?" Steve quesioned with what seemed to be an evil smile.

"What?" Bucky bit his lip

"This." Steve said as he did a gesture. Bucky screamed but they both laughed.

"What the fuck is going on in there?" Clint asked Natasha

"What you just said." Natasha told him

"What?" Clint was confused

"Think about it." Natasha said as she walked out of the hallway. Clint spent the rest of the day thinking about.

"JARVIS what did Natasha mean." Clint later asked

"What she ment was when you said fuck they were ____" JARVIS said. Clint banged his head on the table out of how dumb he felt.

"Sir you could give yourself a concussion I advise you dont do that." JARVIS told Clint.

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