《Stucky Short Stroies//one-shots//includes smuts》Bucky Gets Sick


It was a late morning in the Avengers house everyone was awake and watching Tv together. Bonding moments. "Wheres Bucky?" Clint asked looking at Steve. "I think hes still asleep." He replied.

"Its 11am. He's usually like the first one up." Natasha stated. Steve walked out of the room to go check on Buck. "Hey you in there?" Steve asked knocking on the door. "Yeah." He replied weakly. Steve opend the door seeing poor shirtless Bucky sweating and he was so pale. "Whats wrong?!" Steve rushed to his side. "I think im sick." Bucky said coughing. Steve felt his head it was burning up.

"I'm going to go get you some medicine." Steve said and got up.

"So is he awake?" Tony asked, they all had moved into the kitchen to play board games.

"He's sick. So i'm going to take care of him." Steve said

"You know i have nurses right? I can get JARVIS to send one in to look at him." Tony said

"Yeah have him do that. Im still going to get him a glass of water though." Steve said and grabbed a glass.

"JARVIS can i get a nurse to Buckys room?" Tony asked the ceiling.

"Yes sir." JARVIS replied

Steve walked back to Buckys room and handed him a glass of water. "How long have you been like this?" Steve asked. "Since 3am." Bucky replied miserably

"Why didnt you wake me up?" Steve wondered

"Because i didnt want to wake you." He said

"Bucky i dont care if you wake me up." Steve told him.

"Hi Mr. Barnes." A nurse said walking in with a cart of things. The nurse hooked him up to IVs and took his vitals. "What is it?" Steve asked.


"He seems to have a bad case of the flu." She said

"How long till he feels better?" Steve asked

"It could be a few days or a week. I'll be checking up in him in a few hours." She said and left.

"You're going to be okay Buck." Steve kneeled by the side of the bed rubbing Buckys hair, he gave him a smile.

A few hours later the nurse came back in and checked his vitals.

*A week later*

Steve is in the Tv room watching Family Guy, he didnt leave Buckys side all week intill Natasha told him he needed to take a shower and rest for himself. Bucky woke up and he felt completely fine, well he wasnt sick anymore. He looked down and ripped his IVs out and walked out of his room. He was wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt, he wanted to find Steve. "JARVIS where is Steve?" Bucky asked

"Steve in the 2nd Tv sir." JARVIS replied

"Thanks." Bucky is still getting used to being able to ask an AI for things.

"You're welcome Barnes."

"Hey 100 year old man." Bucky said in the doorway.

"How do you feel?" Steve asked.

"Obviously better." Bucky smiled and sat down next to Steve. Steve moved closer but Bucky backed away. "Dude i havnt showered in a week." Bucky said

"I dont care. A week without me kissing you." Steve said leaning in. "You know you cant get sick right?" Bucky questioned Steves own intelligence about his own self.

"I forgot. Guess i'll have to make it up now huh?" Steve pushed Bucky backwards and laid on top of him.

Bucky ripped Steves shirt off and traced his Abs with his finger. "I liked that shirt." Steve said with a smile

"Too bad." Bucky laughed

"Sir i would like you to know there are windows." JARVIS said over the speaker

"Well cant you close them?" Bucky asked

"Im sorry but Mr. Stark only wants me to close them when there is an emergency." JARVIS said. Bucky huffed in annoyance that this AI knows what they are doing.

"Guess we'll have to take this to my room." Steve said.

"Like always." Bucky replied

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