《Bakugo x Villain Deku》Chapter 10


After 3 hours, shigaraki was done. I walk in and see no scratches or scars on them. They were pretty knocked out though. I walk to them slightly but asui woke up.

"Sorry..." I whisper and place collars around them.

I take off the chains from the hands. As soon as I did, asui wrapped her arms around herself.

"You can come if you want" I say and reach my hand out.

Asui slowly takes my hand and gets off the bed.

"Here I don't have clothes for you but I thought it would be better then your ripped up hero costume" I say.

I take off my black hoodie and my long white socks.

"T-turn around" Asui says.

I turn around and see asui throw her ripped up hero outfit in the bed. I turn around when she tapped my shoulder and I looked at her. She actually looked really cute. My hoodie was overgrown on her.

"You have a-any shirts or p-pants M-Midoriya? I o-only have a b-bra and p-panties under" Asui says embarrassed.

"Don't think toga would want to share her clothes with you so I'll go buy you clothes at the mall today" I say as she looks up at me.

"O-ok" Asui says as she follows me out the room.

"Hungry?" I ask and she nods.

I grab a plate from the cabinet. I put some rice, mashed potato and some chicken. I hang it to her. She grabs the spoon and starts eating. I smile at her then hear a stomach growl. I look around the room and look at the torture room.

"Wait here asui" I say and walk to the torture room.

I open it up and see Todoroki but no Bakugo. Todoroki looked cold, don't think his heat was working to keep him warm... I walk out and go into my room. I grab my really overgrown hoodie and blanket. I go back in the torture room. Todoroki woke up when I lifted him up.


"M-Midoriya?" Todoroki says.

I put my hoodie on him and throw the blanket over him. He hugged the blanket for warmth right away. He kinda pulled on his chains hurting himself but didn't care, he just wanted to get warm.

"I-I promise to c-check on you later" I say and leave the room.

I go back to asui who had finished her food. I grab the plate and wash it.

"Wanna go to the mall with me to get you some clothes" I say and asui nods really fast "Ok just but I'm going to have to shock you if you try to escape. That's why that collar is around you, it's a shock collar"

Asui looks in the mirror at the collar and gulps a little.

"You ok going to the mall like that? Or do you want some shoes" I ask and asui looks down at herself.

"C-can I have pants at least?" Asui ask's and I nod.

I go through my closet and grab out pants that don't fit me and gave them to asui. She went into the restroom and put them on. She came out with the pants and shoes on. I walk to her putting her hoodie over her eyes a bit to hide her face. I loo through my closet and put on a gray hoodie. I put it on and a blindfold over my eyes. It was see through but it was good enough that my quirk couldn't kill anyone. I grab asui's hand and we walk out the layer. We were on the streets looking down not trying to attract attention to our selves. Asui was in front of me and I had my arms on her waist as we walked. We soon made it to the mall and walk in. I look up just to see which way to go when I spot Uraraka and Momo. I wrap my arm around asui's neck and quickly walk to a girl store without them spotting us. Asui starts looking around well I watched over Uraraka and Momo. Soon they started walking this way. Crap!! Asui was about to go in the changing room when I grab her and go in with her.


"Mi-" Asui says.

"Shhh!!" I say.

I hear Momo talking. Asui's eyes widen.

"Is that m-Momo?" Asui says.

Momo's voice stopped.

"Asui?" Momo says.

I hear them start to search around. I did the only thing I thought would calm asui down. I pushed my lips against Asui's. Her eyes widen but it did calm her down. I break the kiss after they left. I started breathing heavily to catch my breath.

"S-Sorry, it was t-the only way I-I thought you keep y-you quite" I say as blush went across her face.

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