《Bakugo x Villain Deku》Chapter 9


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I wake up as a guy. Thank god! I get up and shower washing all the sand out of my hair. I changed into a overgrown black shirt and white pants. I walk into the bar and see Shigaraki talking with Kurogiri, Toga and Dabi. They look and me and smile.

"Glad your awake, we need you to go back to U.A and take Todoroki and any others if you can" Shigaraki says as he drinks from his glass.

"Oh yeah" I say and grab my villain outfit from the villain costume closet.

"And Izuku..." Shigaraki says.

I look at him.

"Don't get caught..." Shigaraki says.

I nod my head and go off to change. I come back and kurogiri opened a portal. I walk through it with 2 nomu's and see U.A right in front of me. Bakugo was then thrown out the portal with the collar and leash still in. I grab bakugo's leash and Bakugo follows me with the nomu's behind me. I look around but no one was outside. Guess their in class. I walk inside the school and go to the last floor. I sigh and snap my fingers. Nomu breaks the door but no one was inside the classroom. I was getting angry now. I look out the window and see class 1-A on the battle course.

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I sigh and snap my fingers again. Nomu picks me up and jumps out the window. The other Nomu picks up Bakugo and jumps off still hiding Bakugo in its arms. Class 1-A screamed in terror as they looked at us. I smile at them evilly. Waving as I see terror in their face made me feel great.

(Video needs to be 00:30 here so wait if you have to sorry)


"Get them nomu!" I yell.

Nomu goes running at him with all his strength hitting everyone of Class 1-A out of his way. Kirishma was running at me in anger.

"Where is Bakugo!!!" Kirishma yelled.

Nomu blocks his attack from me blasting him away and into a tree. I laugh as nomu attacked everyone. I spot Todoroki and nomu runs to Todoroki. Todoroki froze nomu in place and I roared in anger. Jiro plugs in her earphone jack to her leg and it blasts her heartbeat at me. Nomu breaks free and whacks Jiro into the ground making her cough out blood. Nomu roared and whacked anyone near me. Then aziawa came and attacked trying to protect everyone. I laugh as he comes. His eyes went red and his hair went up meaning he was using his quirk. I felt pain in my chest. It was harder to breathe. No! He was easing my quirk! I'm going to die here! Nomu hit Aziawa making him blink. I was breathing heavily.

"Kill him!!!" I yelled.

Aziawa is an amazing teacher but you try to kill me. I kill you! Nomu started to attack Aziawa and I was laughing as aziawa's hand twisted backwards and broke. Aziawa screamed in pain and I loved it. The students tried saving Aziawa.

"Bakugo attack" I whisper and soon the another nomu's arms opened to revive Bakugo.

His eyes were white which meant he was under my control. Class 1-A looked in horror as Bakugo came running at them and attacking. Blasting every single student. I watch and laugh at this in amazement. I loved seeing them get hurt and crashed! Todoroki soon was to weak to fight and nomu grabbed him. Soon other classes came outside seeing this.

"Be gone!" I yell and a portal opened.


I laughed as nomu went in with Todoroki and Aziawa. The other nomu grabbed Asui and Tokoyami. Bakugo went in the portal and I was the last one. I see all night looking at me in terror. I smiled at him with my eyes widened and laughed. I went through the portal as students tried to attack me. The portal closed and I was looking at the 4 people we had taken.

(End music)

"Blindfold him" Shigaraki says and dabi our a blindfold over Aziawa's eyes and chained his hands together.

"Release Bakugo" I say and Bakugo was free'd from my spell.

"Bakugo..... back to the torture room" Shigaraki says.

Bakugo looks at his class mates and teacher. Then slowly walks to the torture room. Toga grabs Asui by her hair. Asui grunted in pain.

"Asui...." Tokoyami says trying to get up "Dark Shadow"

Dark shadow comes out trying to attack but Nomu blocks it back. Nomu roars at Tokoyami holding his neck about to eat Tokoyami.

"Bad Nomu" I say and nomu drops Tokoyami.

"I'll keep Asui and Tokoyami in my room" I say and grab asui from toga, placing asui on my back as she hanged on and picked up Tokoyami.

"But I want her" Toga says looking at asui on my bacd.

"I'll make venom drip down your mouth" I say and smile insanely.

"Fine..." Toga says as I walk down the hallways.

"Midoriya...." Asui whispers in my ear faintly.

"Just relax asui, I-I won't hurt you.... I-I was just m-mad back there" I say and open my door.

Kaminari looked at me then at Tokoyami and asui.

"Let me he-" Kaminari says.

"Don't touch them..." I say and push past him.

I place them down on my bed. Tokoyami hugged asui close to him.

"Sorry I have to chain your hands and can't turn off the light or you might escape" I say as I handcuffed their hands to the bed.

"C-Cold" Asui says and I throw my blanket over her.

I put a blindfold over tokoyami's eyes so he would have darkness.

"Hopefully you don't try to escape or I'll have to punish you..." I whisper.

"Sleep asui and Tokoyami.... you will be happy here, I promise... I won't let no one hurt you" I say as their eyes closed.

"Shigaraki!" I yell leaving the room.

"Yes Izuku?" Shigaraki says.

"Go stitch them up, if you don't do a good job of it then I will bring pain to you..." I say and he laughs.

"You wouldn't hurt me but sure... I'll go heal them up" Shigaraki says walking in the room and kicking kaminari out.

He closes the door. I really do hope he helps them... if they die it's my fault.

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