《Badass Deku》Meeting my dad.


Everyone froze, like literally, the temperature dropped.(ToDoRoKi?!)

"W-WHAT?!" Uraraka yelled.

The class started to scream at me , like bitch calm ya tits!

That was until Dadzawa came in like a badass and told 'em to 'shut the fuck up'.


Well, not long after the class started an uproar, my phone rang.

Everyone started to look at me and Aizawa fucken' turned around and told me to put it on speaker.

Who the fuck is calling me in the middle of cla- ...oh shat it's Sangwoo...

I turned my phone on and put it on speaker.


S: DUDE! Hey so apparently your funcking comeing back to Australia!

D: Yeah mate, in about two days normally!

S: Oh my god so much shit has happend since you left, me and Yoonbum got together...

When I was still in Australia, Sangwoo had this huge crush on this cute guy named Yoonbum, it was kinda cute.

(Wait a minute, this doesn't make sense, how TF has Izuku been to Australia if he has never seen his dad...

Let's just say that no one in UA knows that he knows his dad..)

The class looked at me like I had grew a second head, I looked at them the same way.

S:Apparently I'm gonna have to pick ya up, so witch car should I bring?

D: Take the lambo, haven't seen mah child in ages!

S: Sure, sure, take care!

D: You too, bye

S: Bye!

When I hung up, the whole class started to ask who I was talking to.

"He's my best friend since I was a child." I answered, short and simple but it looks like the class just got more confused and curious.


So the nerd has a new best friend huh...


Why the fuck does it hurt so much, it's not like I like that nerd..right...?


————time skip

I woke up at 5:00 am, why the hell shoud I wake up this early...OH SHIT!

I jumped out of my bed and started to get ready.

I kept on tripping over my blanket and wore the first thing I found.

And ran out my room with my luggage.

I ran down stairs, and ran in the kitchen to eat breakfast.

As I got down the stairs, I made sure they knew I was awake.

"Hey Kacchan!" I say happily, but when I look around the rooom I see Kacchan staring at me blushing.

He grunts in a 'hello' and walks out of the room.

I still don't trust the class after what they did to me the other day, so I ignored them, ate my food and started leaving for the airport.

Just as I was about to leave to go to my vehicle, I see Kacchan coming over, but he looks kinda sad.

"Hey nerd.." He said while stopping in front of me.

"Hey Kacchan" I answered.

I don't like seeing Kacchan sad...

"I got you a goodbye gift!" He hugged me and then shoved something into my hands. I looked up to see him blushing.

Aww, how cute...

I smirk internally.

"Oh, thank you Kacchan, but I need to go!" I kiss his cheek and run off to find my vehicle.

And drove off.

———time skip

After a few hours, I arrived at the airport. It was packed.

I hurried around to put my luggage in the plain and made my way to the waiting booth, to wait for the plain.


But not before they check my dumbass passport.

About a few minutes later, two men in business suits come over my way.

"Hello, are you Midoriya Izuku?" The first one asked.

"Yes that's me..." I answer with hesitation.

"Your father told us to come get you." Said the other, what's wrong with these guys, this normally never happens when I go to Australia.

"Please follow us." I followed them.

They brung me to a...PRIVATE JET!?

We got in and it was beautiful.

They brung me to a seat and told me to sit down in it.

The plane started moving and I fell asleep.

I woke up when the assistant told us the we landed.

I walked out of the jet while the assistants brung my luggage out.

I walk into the airport and I see a man that looks like me but with black hair and another man that looks really familiar...

"DAD, SANGWOO!" I scream and run over to them.

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