《✶ c h a n g e d ✶ { Female Deku AU }》Six


As I was walking into school this morning, I couldn't help but feel this fuzzy feeling in my chest. What was weird is that every time I thought about last night, I felt it. Maybe I'm getting sick from the cold or something.

I grabbed my books and started heading for my homeroom class, while I was walking I got attacked by a crazy girl with brown hair, a.k.a Uraraka.

"Tell me everything about last night!" My best friend told me, her voice giddy.

"Uraraka, we just did homework!" I tell her, feeling a slight blush burn on my cheeks.

Uraraka gave me the seriously look™ and raised an eyebrow, "I know there's more to the story, Deku. Spill."

I sigh and feel my face burning up even more, "Well after we left the cafe we were walking to my apartment, and it was cold and he gave me his jacket-"

"HE. DID. WHAT?!" Uraraka asked-yelled, I saw students looking at her like she was insane, and I was thinking the same thing.

"Oh my god, do you know what this means?!" My friend asked me.

"That he was doing a nice thing for a friend...?" I say, and Uraraka looked at me like I said the stupidest thing in the entire world.

Uraraka facepalmed, "Deku, my poor, innocent, dense Deku."

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned Uraraka.

The first bell of the day rang, and Uraraka waved me goodbye, "I gotta go, see you in class later!" she rushed off.

I stood there, still confused about what she told me. What did she mean by calling me dense? And what was the big deal with the jacket? I shook those thoughts away and continued walking to class 1-A.

I found my class and walked in, and then set my stuff down on my seat. Soon I heard someone say, "Good morning, Midoriya." I jumped in fear, and when I turned around I sighed in relief, it was just Todoroki.

"Jeez, you scared me!" I say to him, putting my hand on my chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Todoroki told me.

I shook my head, "It's okay! Anyway, good morning to you as well!" I said in my usual peppy tone and brightly smiled. Todoroki looked away from my gaze, and his face turned pink. Oh no, did he get sick from the cold last night?

"Are you okay, Todoroki? You're looking really pink..." I ask him, looking at his face.


Todoroki's eyes widened and the pink on his pale face deepened, "W-What? I'm fine!"

Did he just stutter? I was questioning on why Todoroki was getting so flustered, I've never seen him this way before. He's always so calm and stone-faced, I wonder what was going on.

"If you say so..." I say, then my eyes widened and I put my hands on my face, "crap! I was going to give your jacket back to you today! I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Midoriya. You don't need to apologize," Todoroki told me.

"But it's your jacket, don't you want it back?" I asked.

"It's just a jacket, I have others at home, you don't need to worry about it," He said.

I nodded but still felt bad about the jacket. I know Todoroki said it was all fine, but I couldn't let it go that easily.

Todoroki and I stood there for a while in silence, then Todoroki broke it by asking me a question, "Our project is due tomorrow, you got all your information down?"

"Yep! I'll send it to you, and you can send me your information and tonight we can get our report done!" I say to him, and Todoroki nods.

The boy with the red and white hair was about to say something when we heard our teachers voice somewhere at the front of the room. Then we saw Mr. Aizawa get out of his yellow sleeping bag and stood up to face everyone.

"Everyone, change of plans. Instead of taking a test, we are going to the training grounds at UA. Get into your gym clothes and meet me there." All the students started to head out of the class and to the locker rooms.

When I walked into the girl's locker room and saw all the girls getting ready. Uraraka saw me awkwardly standing by the entrance and walked over to me, "What's wrong, Deku? You look pretty uncomfortable."

I looked at my friend, "It's just...I'm not that okay with changing in front of other people," I tell her.

Uraraka smiled, trying to comfort me, "We're all girls here, Deku. It'll be fine."

I softly smiled back and nodded, "Okay." Uraraka walked with me away from the entrance and all the girls saw me and smiled.

"Hey, Midoriya!" Ashido waved, her bright pink hair rustled around her face.

"Glad to see you here," Yaoyorozu told me.

"Same, ribbit!" Asui said.

I looked at everyone and sheepishly waved, "Hi, guys."


Uraraka gave me a girl's gym uniform and I started getting dressed with the other girls in my class. Yeah, it was kinda awkward, but after a while, it wasn't so bad. But it was still going to take some time getting used to.

While I was tieing my shoelaces, Ausi asked me a question, "Hey, Midoriya. I forgot to ask, but how is it like for you to be a girl now?"

"Yeah, I've been wondering that as well," Jiro replied, twisting her earphones with her finger.

"Well, at first I was pretty scared and confused about all of it. Then I started to feel better about the whole situation and learned how to accept it," I tell them.

"So, how was your date last night with Todoroki?" Ashido asked me.

My green eyes widened and I felt my face heat up, and Uraraka smiled and answered for me, "He walked her home and gave her his jacket!" My friend informed the girls of 1-A.

"Really?!" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Sounds like it was a date after all," Jiro said with a smirk.

While they were saying these things, my hands were covering my face in complete embarrassment. "It wasn't a date!" I protest.

"Keep telling yourself that, Deku," Uraraka patted me on the shoulder.

Everyone was done getting dressed and we all headed out to the training grounds to meet Mr. Aizawa. Once we got there we saw the whole entire obstacle course that could be bigger than a whole city.

"Listen up, class," Aizawa tells the whole group of students, "Since your projects are due tomorrow and we are going to investigate crime areas next week, I thought it was necessary to do this obstacle course to get your ready for the events to come."

Mr. Aizawa kept talking, "All of you will start here and travel through the course until you find the finish line. Understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa," The whole class stated.

"Good, now get going," Our teacher said and then sat down on a bench to go to sleep.

All the kids started running up the obstacle, and so did I. The first obstacle was jumping from one ledge to the next, which was easy for me because of my quirk. I activated it and started leaping to each ledge with no problem.

Once I got off the last ledge I looked at my next challenge, which was to grab onto bars and climb across without falling off. I started to climb, then I felt someone push me hard, and now I was only hanging on by one hand. I saw Kacchan starting to get ahead of me, and I knew it was him right away.

I re-adjusted my grip and starting grabbing each bar again, and found myself right next to the boy with the ash blonde hair, and he tried pushing me off again.

"I'm going to win this, Deku, so I need you to get the hell off these bars," Kacchan growled.

"Not in a million years, Kacchan!" I tell him and start going even faster than before.

Kacchan glared daggers at me and used his quirk to get me off, but dodged the ball of fire and continued to climb. Soon after we both got off the bars, and Kacchan pushed me off the course and I landed right on the hard ground.

"Now I'm going to win for sure now you're down," Kacchan smirked and started to head off, but I decided to be stupid and run my mouth.

"You're going to push me off and run away? How about you actually fight me Kacchan?" I asked him, glaring at Kacchan and clenching my fists.

Kacchan stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me, "What the hell did you just say?" he asked.

"I said fight me, or are you too much of a coward to do so?!" I asked.

"Who are you calling a coward, you piece of shit?!" Kacchan jumped down and threw an explosion at me. I jumped but a part of my gym pants caught aflame.

I activated One For All at five percent and jumped at the taller male, punching him the jaw. Kacchan fell on his knees, but quickly got up and created more flames. I felt the fire scorch my arm, and I cringed in pain, but I kept going and attacking Kacchan.

"You're weak, Deku! You know I'm right, you'll never become a Pro Hero!" My childhood bully yelled.

I stood there, looking down at the ground. I wasn't going to let his words get to me, "I'm stronger than you know, no matter if I'm a girl or not!" I yell and charge at him with a fifty percent punch, knocking him down to the ground.

Kacchan glared at me and raised his hands while he was still on the ground, and a huge explosion was hurled at me and I fell to the ground as well, and that was the last thing I remembered.

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