《✶ c h a n g e d ✶ { Female Deku AU }》Four


Recovery Girl walked back into the room, "You are free to go, Todoroki, but make sure to keep ice on that eye," she told Todoroki.

The male next to me nodded, "I will, thank you Recovery Girl."

"You're welcome, and the teachers and I will have a talk with Bakugo and his behavior, for the eighty-eighth time," Recovery Girl muttered and went back to her computer.

Todoroki and I left the office and started walking to lunch. Because of all that happened, we didn't have that much time to eat, but that didn't bother me since I was still so full from breakfast this morning. (Seriously, my mother doesn't know when enough food is enough.)

"You know, Midoriya, you didn't have to come with me to Recovery Girl's office," Todoroki told me, breaking the short silence between us.

I looked up at Todoroki and gave him a small smile, "Please, if I didn't go with you, you wouldn't have gone in the first place. Also, I wanted too since you're my friend."

When I said that, I saw another blush form on his face. Why does he keep turning pink, was it something I did or said? I asked myself, I was deeply confused.

We came up to the cafeteria and Todoroki waved goodbye at me, "I'll see you later, Midoriya," and with that, he left. I was going to ask him to join me for lunch, but it was too late for me to catch up with him.

"Deku over here!" I heard my name being yelled, and I saw Uraraka waving me over to our table. Smiling, I waved back and rushed over to the table.

I sat down and joined my friends Uraraka and Iida, Urarka gave me a look, "How come you're so late?" she questioned as she took a bite out of her lunch.

"I would like to know the answer to this as well, and why did you walk in with Todoroki?" Iida asked.

I told the whole story to my friends about Kacchan pestering me, Todoroki and Kacchan getting into a major fight, and going with Todoroki to the nurse's office. Once I finished, it all started to make sense for both of them.


"Ohh, that's why Bakugo came into the cafeteria all beat up..." Said Uraraka.

Iida crossed his arms over his chest, "With his anger issues, I don't think Bakugo should be a hero."

All I did was nod my head and gazed off into the distance, and then I saw Todoroki in the corner of the cafeteria eating. I didn't know I was staring at him until Uraraka poked me in the shoulder.

"Who you lookin' at, Deku?" She asked with a smirk on her rosy face, she looked over at Todoroki then back at me.

"N-No one!" I defend myself and look the other way.

Uraraka smiled wider, "Don't lie! I saw you drooling at the sight of Todoroki!"

"Uraraka, how about we leave Midoriya's business to herself?" Iida suggested, but Uraraka shushed him and went back to me.

I felt my cheeks warming up, "Okay fine I was, but just to check if he was okay!"

After I said that, Uraraka smirked again and took a sip out of her water bottle, "Mmhmm, sure."

I frown, "It's not like that, Uraraka! Todoroki and I are just friends!" I tell her, and Uraraka kept drinking her water, obviously not believing what I'm saying.

"Keep telling yourself that, Deku," Uraraka told me.

Sighing, I put my elbow on the table and rested my head on my hand. Even if I liked Todoroki, there was no way he would like me back. I'm positive about that.

It was now the next day. I was walking to school earlier than normal because I wanted to go to the library to get some books about the location Todoroki and I are doing.

I walked into UA and headed to the library. Once I found the large room and opened the door and started looking through the huge shelves of books.

"Hmm, Hero Biographies, News articles, How To Take Care Of Your All Might Action Figure..." I scanned through what seemed like thousands of books and newspapers until I finally found what I was looking for. The problem was the book I needed was on the very, very, VERY top shelf.


I saw a small ladder and brought it over to me. I climbed the ladder and reached for the book, once I finally grabbed it I smiled, but then the ladder started to wobble and I felt myself about to fall.

When my feet finally left the ladder behind, I thought I was going to the luxury place 'Cracked Open Head Land', but instead, I fell into a pair of muscular arms. I turned my head around and saw it was Todoroki.

"O-Oh, hey T-Todoroki!" I stammered, still in his grasp.

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked me with a concerned expression on his face.

I nodded quickly, "Yep, thanks to you!" I smile.

Todoroki let me go and I brushed off my uniform. I looked up at him, "So, what are you doing in the Library?" I asked.

"Looking for information for our project," said Todoroki.

"So was I! Hey, since we're both here and school doesn't start for another hour, how about we look for more books for the project!" I suggest.

Todoroki slightly smiled and nodded, "Okay, that sounds great."

After that, both of us looked around the library for more information about the location we picked. Todoroki literally forced me away from all the ladders and high shelves and grabbed all the stuff that I couldn't reach.

We kept grabbing papers and books until our table in the Library had no space left on it. Todoroki and I sat down and started sorting through all of it.

"This is a lot of articles we found, there's so much villain activity there it's hard to believe!" I exclaim.

"I agree, it's going to take such a long time to sort through all of this," said Todoroki, "maybe we could work on this somewhere after school?"

"That's a good idea, how about we meet at the cafe tonight?" I ask.

Todoroki nodded, "Okay, would five work for you?"

"Yeah, five works for me!"

Then the bell rang for school to start. I and Todoroki gathered up all the books and checked them out.

"See you tonight, Midoriya," Todoroki waved goodbye with a small smile on his pale face.

"Bye!" I waved back, smiling wide.

"OH, MY GODDDDDD!" Uraraka squealed loudly. She and I were walking to homeroom together and I told her about tonight with Todoroki and she flipped out.

"Uraraka it's not what you think!" I protest, but Uraraka keeps yelling and screaming with happiness.

Because of all the noise, the other girls from 1-A walked over by us. "What's going on over here?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Yeah, why are you yelling, Uraraka?" Asui questioned.

Uraraka looked at everyone, still having a wide smile on her face, "Deku has a date tonight!"

"With who?!" Ashido asked with an excited look in her black and gold eyes.

"It's not a date, Uraraka is exaggerating!" I say.

"It's with Todoroki!" Uraraka practically yells, and I cover her mouth with my hands, and I could feel my freckled face turn pink in embarrassment.

All the girls had an excited look on their faces. "Oh, my god! I didn't know you were interested in him!" Jiro smiles.

I take my hand away from Uraraka's mouth and cross my arms over my chest, "It's not a date! We're just going to the cafe to do homework!"

The people around me shared a knowing look with each other and looked back at me, "That's what a date is, Midoriya!" said Yaoyorozu with a large smile on her face.

While we were all standing there, the bell for the first hour rang through the school. I was thinking to myself the whole time walking to homeroom. It couldn't possibly be a date, the girls are just taking this too far. I tell myself, Or are they?...

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