《The healer Deku》Chapter 2
Izuku was being thanked by the parents of a child he just healed. It's been years since the incident at the mall and Midoriya was now eight years old. About three years ago, he got a part time "internship" at the local hospital. That time he healed his mother when she was at the brink of death was caught on tape.
"Well, his quirk is called Angels prayer. He can heal anybody he wishes to heal" the doctor said astounded.
" Isn't that too convenient? I mean, what are the draw backs? What part of the family is that even from? How does it work? Does something happen whe-"
"Calm down miss, I can only answer so many question." The doctor interrupted the concerned mother. " Conveniently, the only drawbacks is that he can't heal himself, he might get hungry after overuse but I really can't tell. We don't have enough knowledge on quirks in our modern days. Other than that... he might get a head ache and he can only heal pne person at a time. The funny thing about it is, we're not sure how it works but it does. Hence the word angel we could run a few tests but we don't have enough equipment. We could send him to a lab in America, the doctors there would really be interested in the kid. But do you really want that type of life for him?"
Inko lowered her head. " I guess not."
"But hey, on the bright side, imagine all the lives you could save with a quirk like this!" The doctor leaned back in his chair. "Any doctor I know would be envious."
"Mommy, isn't that so cool!" The small greenette said, facing his mother. " I may not be a hero like All Might but I could definitely pull off something like Recovery Girl, the healing hero!"
-End of Flashback-
Izuku managed to make quite the reputation. He managed to get a doctors provisional license at the age of five (we all know he is smart and when dedicated, he is a damn genius), worked at a hospital for about three years and he is studied at multiple labs to try to decipher the secret of his quirk. Nonetheless, he still goes to school. It was a rule Mrs Midoriya put in to at least try to give a normal childhood.
He was quite popular at school (never bullied) due to gaining the trust of his classmates by healing them from time to time. And with a personality like his, he was regarded as the class angel, a being so kind and pure that they all felt the need to protect him. After all, he was still small and quite frail despite his achievements.
"All right class, today you will be choosing your high schools for next year. I will be handling you guys your hand outs." The teacher said.
(IDK how old Deku was when he first met All Might. Google didn't give me a proper answer.)
The teacher proceeded to giving sheets at everyone except Izuku.
"Sir, you forgot Midoriya." Shouted a student. This soon got the attention of the entire class. Forget about their angel? Never!
"Oh, I was going to tell you all later but why not do it now." The teacher slumped in his chair. "Midoriya, come to the front, let's tell the class the good news."
The whole class observed curiously as Midoriya came to the front. He green haired boy began. "A few years ago, I met the pro-hero Recovery Girl, we both have healing quirks which is pretty rare itself. So for a few months, she trained me. That is all information most of you know, I think." He then looked up at the class that was starring at him. Izuku, being the cutie that he is, he began the mumble shyly. It was quite cute but the class was still curious.
"AAARG" the teacher rose up impatiently. " If you're not going to say it, I will. He got accepted into UA through special recommendation thanks to Recovery Girl. She personally requested to take Midoriya under her wing. So now he will be the first student at this school to attend UA!"
The class was in awe. After a moment of silence to process everything in, the entire class began to cheer. Katsuki (in this AU) was actually happy for his friend. They always talked about how the two would be heroes together. He would be the one on the battle field while Deku had his back. He was glad.
Katsuki Stood up. "All right! I was already planning on doing this but now I'm more pumped than ever!"
The ash blond walked in front and gave his filled sheet to the teacher.
"UA, huh. Well you're pretty strong so I guess you could get in." The teacher spoke. The two boys sitting down got showered with praise. One of them (Bakugo) just brushes it off while the other (Midoriya) was blushing intensely at the praise.
-time skip-
Izuku had to use a different route for school today because he had to get away from the crowd.
"It will die down eventually... probably... hopefully." He muttered to himself, so lost in thought, he was oblivious to the villain behind him.
"Hey kid." The sludge villain appeared in front of the young boy. Forcing the boy in his grasp. "Don't worry, I'm just going to take over your body, calm down." it maniacally smiled while forcing himself down the boys throat.(Don't think of anything weird, that's just how the scene go.) Izuku tried to pull it away but miserably failed. "You can't grab me, I'm fluid." It leaned down to the poor victim. "Thanks for the help, you truly are my hero." It said in a Grimm voice while suffocating the boy. Izuku was running out of breath and needed oxygen.
'Am I dying? Am I really dying?' Izuku thought while trying to escape. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and he felt his consciousness fading away. Before he could fade away, he saw something that he thought he would never see in person. "No need to fear, why? Because I am hear." A voice spoke out. Izuku knew that voice all too well... All Might.
Izuku woke up on the hard ground as something was gently tapping his face. He opened his eyes and saw that this something was none other than All Might himself. He quickly got up. To say he was exited was an understatement. It was THE All Might standing right in front of him. He needed to thank him, ask for an autograph, ANYTHING! But then his panic was halted by a strange sensation. Over the time he was an interned doctor, he developed an ability to sense how bad one was injured. And his hero in front was him was fatally damaged.
"Well, I need to take this guy in, I'll see you around kid." The number one hero said as he began to turn away.
"Wait!" Izuku screamed. All Might was about to jump so Midoriya just latched on to his leg.
"Hey kid, I get you're a fan but if you wanted an autograph you could have said so!" All Might said.
"It's not that!" That was all Deku could muster as held onto All Mights leg for his dear life.
Finally landing on a roof top, the hero put the boy down.
"Wait, before you leave!" Izuku yelled, grabbing the attention of the number one.
"What is it kid." All Might sighed. 'What is it this time? Another crazy fan?' He thought.
"You... You're damaged. More specifically, here." The small boy lowered his hands to a spot in his stomach.
"How... did you know?" He was shocked. His injury was a state secret, so how did this kid know?
The hero than transformed to his skinny state. Izuku was not shocked.
"I'm guessing that's your true form. Your physical appearance did not match the injury levels I was sensing.
All Might then explained about his fight and injury and Midoriya was just there. Taking it all in.
"Well, I see the problem. Can you please lift your shirt again." Midoriya said bluntly.
"Wait... kid, I think you're to young for this. Not to mention-"
"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT ALL MIGHT!!!" The boy blushed in embarrassment. (If you're thinking something weird, stop.)
"I have a healing quirk, I've been working as a part healer for years! I only wanted to see if I could heal you!"
The hero thought about it for a second. 'What's the harm?' He thought. "Okay young man. I shall allow it!"
Midoriya approached All Might, carefully inspecting the wound. 'So that's it' the boy thought. "This may take a few minutes, but bare with me. You might feel a small pain but I'll do my best." Izuku then put his hands in front of All Might. They began to glow as well as his eyes. He had better control over his quirk over the years. If he were to heal All Might a few years ago, it would definitely had taken longer. After a ten minutes or so, his hands stopped glowing.
" I re-arranged your organs the way they should be. You should now be able to use your quirk more often. But for now, go easy on the hero work, your body is still quite unused to its state. I suggest you come back to see me in a few days, the time you get used to your body as it is, to restore more of your power and help with your physic. Try using your quirk again."
Turning back to his bulky state, the hero gazed at the boy in awe. " My boy, how did you accomplish something that even professional doctors couldn't!"
"That's my quirk, angel prayer, I can heal someone almost perfectly given enough time. But can you please not talk loudly, your wound was so bad, I got a head ache, not to mention my hunger, I could eat a horse and not care if it's cooked. Over use does that sometimes. Here's my number, I would like to finish healing in a few days maximum, a few hours would be preferable, so be sure to contact me!" Izuku said while handing him a small piece of paper.
"I need to go, the villain won't go tho prison on... where is it?" All Might pondered. "Oh shoot, gotta go kid but I'll be sure to contact you and properly thank you!" Like that, the number one hero left.
'Next time I see him, I should definitely ask for an autograph in my hero analysis book for the futur number 13. (Yes, he still has that, but Bakugo never exploded it.) He noticed there was a huge crowd watching an alley. Entering the crowd to see what was going on, he saw the sludge villain from earlier with none other than his best friend Katsuki Bakugo. (In my story, they are besties. Don't judge.) It appeared that the pro heroes were having a problem with it. All of a sudden, a familiar face appeared.
"I finally found you! You're quite the slippery one, aren't you!" All Might said as he fell from the sky.
"No need to fear, for I am here! DETROIT SMASH!!!" (We all know how it goes ☺️)
All Might held an unconscious Bakugo. (I know in cannon he is conscious but it's my fanfic.) Trying to approach his best friend, a policeman stopped him. "Sorry kid, you're not allowed to pass."
"Ah, it's you!" All Might said as he approached the crowd to get to Izuku. "Let him through, he's a healer."
Izuku then approached Katsuki with one hand over his head. He then smiled at All Might. "Kaachan is going to be fine, I'm impressed he held out that long. If it were any regular citizen, they would be dead by now. I know I would. I just need to arrange a few things though." The young boy's hand began to glow and Katsuki woke up in All Mights arms. "Done"
"What the hell, why am I in All Mights arms... holy! How did I get in All Mights arms." The blond exploded.
Izuku was filming the entire reaction said. "A sludge villain attacked you and the number one hero himself came to save you. I, who so happen to be on scene, healed you and I want Katsudon now because I'm hungry."
"WAIT WHAT! Deku, seriously. This is not real, right?" Bakugo was in shock.
"So Kaachan, are you planning to stay in All Mights arms or do you want him to take you home?" He teased.
Soon remembering his current situation. He leaped out of the heroes arms and apologised. The people watching this were just confused. "Hold on! Kaachan, Deku? What is all of this?" A reporter asked.
"We're childhood friends. So these are just childish nicknames that we never grew out of." Katsuki replied.
After what seemed to be endless hours of interviewing and heroes praising, the two went back home. After separating with Kaachan, decided to go back home. Inko, never stopping from being beautiful, (she is always gorgeous and you can't change my mind) hugged her child with all her might.
That night, the young boy received a call from an unknown number.
(D is for Deku and A is for All Might.)
D: hello?
A: young healer, it is I...
Izuku recognised that voice from a mile away.
D: hi All Might.
A: there goes my introduction. Anyways, I would like to meet you at xxx caffe at 4:00 pm tomorrow. It's Saturday tomorrow so school is not a problem. Are you free?
D: Yeah, but can I know what this is all about?
A: I would like to talk to you in person regarding the secret information I gave you. I'll arrive in my small state naturally speaking. If anyone asks, say I'm your uncle or something.
D: is that all you wanted to talk about?
A: I also wanted to see if there was a way to thank you.
D: okay then, see you tomorrow.
A: indeed, I shall see you tomorrow.
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