《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 33


Amour jumped out of bed she was having a hard time sleeping. She stared at her mirror but eventually got up.She put her all black Nike sweatsuit on and slipped on her vapormax.

"Amour where you going it's one something in the morning " Imani mumbled watching Amour put her shoes on.

"Just go back to sleep I got some shit to handle" she mumbled grabbing her keys.

"I'm coming too" Imani said slipping her crocs on. Imani knew her bestfriend at a time like this she knew that she was up to no good and she know Amour too stubborn just to get back in bed.

Amour didn't respond she just kept walking to her car with Imani following her.

"Are you gone tell me where we going" Imani asked putting her seat belt on.

"I have something to do" Amour said pulling out the parking garage.

"Well let's ride then" she paused "put your seat belt on you driving too fast"

Amour was doing a hundred on the freeway just to get across town to the hood.

"Is you going to Santana house" Imani said lowly "Nuni please don't kill this man" Amour didn't respond.

"It's way too many people at this party to kill him I know you way smarter than that."

Amour parked her car "I'm not going to kill him" she mumbled then popped the trunk. "Aye shordy you fixing to go in that party" she asked a girl who was walking towards the house.


"Okay hun do me a favor when you see Santana let that nigga know I'm outside and I wanna talk" she paused "and don't forget to let him know I got a bat"

Amour walked over to Santana most prized possession his marvelous car. She stood on top of the hellcat while Imani stood at a distance.

"Amour you is really fixing to-" Imani was cut off by people coming outside.

"Bro Nuni what the fuck you doing" Santana said coming out the house with people following him.

Amour smiled "I just wanna talk" she said nodding with the bat.

"Get off my damn car then-"

"I told you not to fucking play with me" she yelled smashing the windshield glass went everywhere making the crowd gasped. "Stop trying me like I'm just one of these bitches out her in these streets the fuck" she said then started stomping the glass in.

"Amour stop before these folks call the cops on you" Imani said

"Mane what the hell wrong with you-" Santana said walking towards her

"Back the hell up" Amour jumped off the car and blacked out she started smashing the windows in While everybody watched.

"Somebody get her" a girl whispered

"Fuck no that girl crazy as fuck ain't nobody fixing to risk they life I love my life" Ant mumbled "see why they together this got toxic written all over it"

Once there was no more glass left Amour grabbed her gun from her waist band and started shooting up Santana car making the crowd scatter.


"Amour stop let's go you done enough" Imani said pulling her.

She walked up to Santana "you knew what I was capable of but instead you kept trying me I should really just killed yo ass when I had the chance" she paused "I hate you" Amour slapped him "I hate you" she said slapping him again "I hate you and it's all your fault" she yelled pushing him.

"Mane what the hell you mean it's all my fault" Santana asked

Amour looked him in his face and dropped the bat and gun then fell to her knees "I lost the baby" she mumbled "I lost my baby Santana" she said crying in between each word.

Santana grabbed Amour and held her as she cried. He didn't say nothing he ain't have no clue. He had been putting her through all this shit and she had just lost her baby. Their baby.

"When" Santana mumbled

Amour sniffed "five days ago the day I left you" she mumbled

"Let's go in the house" he said picking Amour up

"Um Amour hi yes I'm still here are you staying because if so I'll get Eli to take me home" Imani asked

"Yeah she gone stay with me tonight" Santana said walking in the house he sat Amour on the bed. "What happened" he asked

"I was on the way home after leaving the jail I pulled up to a red light it was literally like nobody on the street" she paused "then out of nowhere a truck came and hit me from the side making my car flip over I blacked out then woke up in the hospital two days later and they said he didn't make it"

Santana looked up "it was a boy" he asked

Amour nodded "the Santos did it they the ones that hit me" she paused "I want revenge"

"Well let's get it"

"Like right now because I'm a little sleepy" Amour mumbled taking her clothes off walking to Santana drawers.

"No get out my drawers you got yo own shit"

"Leave me alone"

"And is you buying me a corvette or something because you just fucked my shit up" Santana said looking out the window

"Fuck no." She said slowly "Fuck no. I ain't replacing shit goodnight"

"Mane take Yo crazy ass to sleep"

"Stop calling me crazy"

"You is crazy don't you see my damn car the hell" he paused "she could have shot me , shot my mama house up or just shot the party up but no this motherfucker wanna go crazy and fuck my car up" he smacked his lips and turned the lights off. "Scoot over you all in my spot"

"Just lay down" Santana smacked his lips and laid down.

Amour was twisting and turning trying to get comfortable. "Can you stop all that got damn moving" Santana said

"Can you shut the fuck up talking to me"

"Can you get out my bed"

"Artist shut the fuck up talking to me"

The room went silent as Amour stared at the ceiling, she kinda felt bad for taking her anger out Santana car but she didn't care he hurt her feelings.


"Are you gone go to sleep" Santana asked

"I can't" she mumbled


"Do you think everything happens for a reason" Amour asked

Santana thought for a moment "I think that saying is just to make folks feel better about they selves but somethings we have no control of" he paused "losing that baby was not your fault"

"It was" she said lowly "do you believe in love"

"Why you asking all these damn questions" Santana asked

"Stop being complicated and answer them"

"The only people I love is my mama and the gang"

"You ain't answer my question but ok-"

Santana cut her off "it's this big head ass girl I know that's crazy as fuck I think I got love for her I don't know she be acting weird"

Amour looked at Santana "that's cute-"

"You suppose to say I love you too daddy"

"Nigga no you ain't tell me you love me and you know damn well I ain't finna call you daddy"

"Motherfucker don't act like you don't be calling me daddy when I be in yo guts" he paused Amour started laughing "and I said I got love for you"

"That's during sex though it don't count and I got love and love you is two different things"

"Same shit"

"Whatever" she paused "I got love for you to Santana"

"Hey friend" Ant dragged

"Wassup bro" Amour said closing Santana bedroom door "Where Santana"

"He outside" Ant paused "Damn that's a big ass hickey" he said looking at Amour neck. Amour quickly tried to cover her neck up. "You letting Santana suck on your neck like that" he frowned

"Get out my business" she said walking to the back porch

"Ima hit you when I hear something" Santana said then hung up. "What's up" he said pulling Amour onto his lap.

"Nothing I was just saying bye I'm finna head out"

"Damn you already leaving me I just got back let's go do something"

"Nigga like what" Amour said laughing

"I don't know maybe another day" he paused "well tonight Ant having a little party at this Airbnb" he asked

Amour frowned "I'll think about it I don't like parties too many people but I'm fixing to go I'm starving"

Santana started kiss Amour neck "Santana stop I gotta go" she said laughing pushing him away

He smacked his lips Amour got up with Santana right behind her. "You better come back over later"

"What the hell going on with your hair" Sevyn said to Nicole who had just walked in the house

She smacked her lips "I was getting my hair done by this lady in the projects" she paused "then somebody called her and told her her baby daddy got locked so she just left" she said on the verge of crying.

Everybody busted out laughing "what the hell you mean she just left"Sevyn asked

"Nigga she left like grabbed her keys in left me in the living room folks ain't even put my wig on I can't even find anybody to do my hair last minute" she said touching her head

Ant started laughing "looks like you gone be at home tonight with ya little puff ball you call a ponytail"

"Bald headed ass" Sevyn added

"Y'all shut up that's not even funny" she mumbled while everybody laughed and cracked jokes.

"I know somebody that could do your hair" Santana said

Nicole eyes lit up "ooo for real who what's her Instagram name"

"Her Instagram Nunidadon" Nuni head shot up looking at everybody

Ant busted out laughing "on god folk tryna be funny"

"You play too much with yo ugly ass"Nicole mumbled "y'all annoying"

"I was playing just wear yo hair like that" Santana said looking at Nicole braids

"Don't take his advice you gone look a damn fool like that how you want hair done I can give you a mean ass fade if you let me" Sevyn said

"Can y'all shut the fuck up talking to me for real" Nicole said getting irritated.

"How you want your hair boo" Amour asked everybody snapped their heads in her direction.

"Aw hell we ain't fixing to let you do Nicole how shawty on Instagram did ole girl as soon as she sat in her chair" Sevyn said

"Mane that junk was messed up but it was funny as fuck" Ant said dying laughing

"I'm dead ass how you want your hair" she asked

"Uh we can do something quick if we have to a ponytail-"

"Girl you don't have enough hair for a ponytail choose something else gone have Nuni struggling all day to grip that shit" Ant said making Nicole throw her shoe at him.

"Just get what you want and take them braids out that junk loose I'll be back in about a hour With my stuff" she said grabbing her purse

"Bring me back something to eat and a damn car" Santana said yelling the last part.

"No fuck you I hate you" she yelled then walked out

"What happened to your car" Nicole asked

Santana smacked his lips "What happened to your hair" he asked then paused "Nuni crazy ass smashed my shit with a bat last night"

"y'all sholl is acting like nothing happened all lovey dovey" she mumbled

"That's what good sex do makes you do crazy things"

"Sounds toxic I don't want no parts in that shit" Nicole said

"Don't nobody wanna be toxic with you, you too ugly to be going back in forth with"

"You always got something to say you wanna beef with me three bad"

"You know you ugly as fuck when you say three bad" he said laughing "little childish ass"

"Bitch fuck you" Nicole said kicking him and running off.

"Ew no you remind me of a disabled sea turtle"


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