《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 32



A tear rolled from Amour face as she stared out the window she been woke for about five minutes hoping that it was a dream her body was so sore.She tried to raise up quick but it felt like her body was ripping. "Amour baby your up" Amina said walking over to the hospital bed.

Amour rubbed her stomach looked at her mother and everybody "guys something doesn't feel right call the doctor for me please" she said trying to get out the bed but the pain wouldn't let her.

Imani grabbed her hand and put her back in bed "I'm so sorry Nuni but the baby" she paused "baby boy didn't make it"

Those were the last things she wanted to hear Amour started shaking her head no "My baby" she yelled crying

Amina grabbed her into a hug wishing she could take all this pain away "I'm so sorry Nuni i really am" Amour started crying harder "why you didn't tell me you was pregnant" she whispered

Amour just sat there crying she really wanted this baby the baby meant so much to her just from a few months of them with each other.

"Can y'all give us a chance to talk" Ezekiel told the girls

"Can you wait don't you see her crying-"

"No coco it's cool" the girls grabbed their things and walked out

"Santos" he paused "they did this to you Amour I told you to stay away from Santana and to stay out of site" he said

Amour just stared at him with tears rolling down her face "let's go handle it then what we waiting for we know who did it" she said trying to get out the bed

"Lay back down you just got into a bad car wreck" he paused "and baby girl you just lost your baby"

"Stop repeating that shit i know-" she huffed and wiped her tears "just don't kill them let me handle it" Amour wanted to make whoever did this suffer.

"Nuni let me handle it-"

She shook her head no "I want to do it"

"You good get some rest I'll handle it"

"Just Get out and don't let nobody else come in" she gritted

Ezekiel looked at the door knob and walked back to Amour giving her a big hug "I love you so much and I'm sorry that this happened to you"

Amour hugged him back crying in his chest "why does bad things always happen to me is this karma for all the bad things I did" she said lowly crying


"no baby just relax" he said rocking her back and forth

The two just sat there after a few hours Amour had finally drifted off to sleep.

Amour walked in her condo with Dayza , Imani , and Amina right behind her it was a few days before Christmas and Amour? Was nowhere near the Christmas spirit.

"Don't mind the wrapping paper I was wrapping gifts" She mumbled walking to the kitchen.

"Amour you can't drink with those pain relief pills" Imani said closing the liquor cabinet

Amour huffed "y'all gone have to leave if y'all keep trying to tell me what to do so please leave me the hell alone" Amour walked to her room slamming the door. Everybody understood why she was so upset so nobody was really tripping.

She decided to take a shower to calm her nerves. Nuni made sure to scrub her skin until it turnt red. Them hospital showers weren't cutting it for her.

Amour got out the shower and stared in the mirror. Her body was covered in scratches and bandages. She had stitches above her eye due to glass shattering in her face.

Nuni was hurt emotionally and physically.

Amour picked up her ultrasound picture "Maybe I didn't deserve you it's all my fault" she said as tears rolled down her face. Amour thought she should have listened to her father should have stayed away from Santana and stayed out of sight.

Amina knocked on the door "Nuni it's me CoCo open the door baby"

"Get out my damn house"

"Nuni open the door-" Nuni swung the door open

"Get out" she yelled "you always leaving so what's so different this time just go"

"I know your hurting but I'm not leaving you at a time like this"

"Why because I lost my kid" she asked "yeah I'm hurt but I didn't need you then I don't need you now so leave and stay gone" she paused "I don't need nobody so all y'all can get hell out"

"Yeah whatever get ya little ass out here and eat ain't nobody going anywhere" Imani said coming to Amour room

Dayza started laughing "ahaha she told you come eat we made your favorite Chicken and shrimp Alfredo"

"Day stop talking to me" Amour said sitting at the bar

All of them sat at the bar in silence until Nuni started to speak "sorry Amina-"

"No need to apologize I understand what it's like to loose a child"

"You had a miscarriage before" Imani asked

"Yeah after Amour" she paused "Ezekiel and I was in a shootout one night and they shot me right in my stomach I lost too much blood"


"Aw coco I never knew that" Imani replied

Amour pushed her food around the plate like a little kid "you need to eat" Amina told her

"I'm not hungry-"

"I know you fucking lying" Dayza said making everyone snap their heads in her direction.

"What happened" Imani asked

Dayza passed the phone to Nuni "Nuni look at this"

The Instagram story started playing "yeah yeah yeah nigga we still paid jail don't stop shit" Ant said in the camera while Santana flexed

"Nigga jail stop a lot of shit" Splain added

"Mane get the fuck out my video messing shit up" he paused "but yeah y'all ain't no more free Santana my dawg free"

Nuni passed Dayza back her phone and walked to the room to call Santana. He kept sending her calls to voicemail she assumed he was ignoring her.

"He keep on playing I'm gone call his mama" she said

"Oh hey friend" Ant dragged in a high pitch voice.

"Ant put your homeboy on the phone"

"Bro a little occupied right now-"

"Tell him to get his bitch ass to the phone before I call his mama"

"oooo" Ant dragged "Santana you better come get this phone she fixing to call yo mama nigga"

Santana smacked his lips and grabbed the phone aggressively "mane what the fuck you want" he asked

"First off nigga you could have let me know you was out-"

"I ain't think you cared" he said dryly

"Nigga if I didn't care I wouldn't have been coming up there if I ain't care I wouldn't put money on your books-"

"I ain't ask you to do none of that-"

"You cut me off one more time ima pull up where ever the hell you at and air that bitch out now play with me if you want to"

"Girl what do you want"

"It's about the baby-"

"Mane what the fuck cuh I told you to get an abortion"

Amour closed her eyes and tried to keep her calm. "I could kill him right now and I probably would shed a tear" she mumbled

"Mane I gotta go stop hitting my line we ain't got shit to talk about" he said then hung up.

"Boy fuck you" Amour said then tossed her phone on the bed

"Hey I gotta go see Tahj I'm about to go be back tomorrow"

"Okay bye"

"Bye I love you"

"Love you too"

"Nuni I'll be back later tonight I have to go to the hospital for a check up"

"Another one is everything ok you just left the hospital the other day"

"Yeah- um everything is ok just another regular check up" she paused "I got to go bye I love you so much"

Amina said hugging Amour, it took Amina by surprise when Amour hugged back.

"I love you too" Nuni mumbled

"It looks like it just me and you-"

"Where loyal at?" Amour asked cutting Imani off

"You so damn rude it's ridiculous He with your grandma" she paused noticing how Nuni body language changed like she had shut down "Nuni" she whispered Amour didn't reply. "You good"

"I'm-" she huffed "I'm just so hurt" she mumbled

"Awww baby I know it hurts but it will get better"

Nuni started to shake her head "no it won't I can't have" she paused "I can't have kids anymore"

Imani sat there speechless even though Amour always talked about not wanting kids deep down she wanted a family but now she feels like it was no hope.

"There's other ways to have kids like adoption-"

"No what the fuck I don't want them used ass kids"

Imani closed her eyes trying not to laugh she knew how serious She Was "Girl don't say that but there is other ways, we could find somebody to carry your baby, I could carry your baby" Imani mumbled the ending

"No it's okay maybe it's not meant for me to have kids" she paused "I'm okay with that I'll just be a dope ass Annie" she said forcing a smile.

Imani nodded "you already is"

"Im getting sleepy I guess that medicine kicking in"

"Take yo ass to sleep then"

"Im is" she paused "I miss him"

Imani didn't reply she just looked at Amour she knew exactly who him was. "I miss West too"

"Every time I look at Loyal I see West" she paused "it's crazy he literally a split image of him"

"No seriously" she paused "I still to this day can't believe that I was going to give him up" Imani huffed "I don't even know how to live without him"

Amour nodded "he kinda keeps you together the old Imani use to run wild and run the streets at night this New Imani runs to get goldfish at night" Amour said while they both laughed.

"That was one time my baby was going crazy for goldfish at three in the morning"

"Bad ass"

"I love my baby"

"I love him too" she paused "go pick him up please"

Imani shook her head "No thank you he good with grandma"

"You suck" Amour dragged

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