《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 7


antana hoped out of his Jeep not even knowing why he had came , ever since he met West little sister West been on his mind heavily. Instagram was flooded with pictures of him everybody sharing their favorite memories of West.

When West and Santana first met it was crazy right off the back they didn't like each other they was from two different hoods , repping two different sets. They pulled guns out on each other , West shot at Santana, Santana stabbed West it was a just a lot of crazy shit going on. Everybody thought that shit was funny because the two had finally met their match.

They started going on more missions together becoming the best duo their team had. Eventually they grew past the childish bullshit and started just focusing on the Money. A year before West passed they started hanging out , They got to know each other becoming close homeboys. They helped each other out when times started to get bad. West put Santana on to a route so he can get start getting legal money and leave the street shit alone.

Santana walked around the graveyard looking for West headstone as he got closer he noticed somebody was crying they eyes out , he turned around walking back to the car so he give them their time alone and because he's not emotional person. He heard glass shatter making him turn around to see what had happened , he noticed that it was West little Sister that had made the sound of the glass shattering.

Santana walked up to Amour and placed his hand on her shoulder making her jump "stop crying G yo brother wouldn't want to see you like this"

Nuni quickly started wiping her tears away hoping that Santana didn't see her emotional break down.

Santana stood off to the side reading West headstone it finally hit him that it was true , for the past three years Santana was in disbelief about the whole situation around. A few days after West died Santana went to prison for having a gun that was looked at to be an weapon in a ongoing investigation he was already on probation so it made it worst he ended up getting sentenced to do eight years in prison but only did two and ten months due to good behavior.


Amour started picking pieces of the glass up "You can come sit down if you want" Amour mumbled

Santana didn't move "or not the fuck" Nuni said setting the pieces of glass to the side

A few minutes later Santana came and sat by Amour. It was silent among the two all you could here is the wind blowing. Amour lit her blunt up and took a big pull from it.

Santana looked around "You just gone smoke that shit right here"

"I always do nobody say shit I'm grieving" Amour said then busted out laughing

She offered the blunt to Santana he looked at it "you don't be on no weird shit" he asked , Amour squinted her eyes and looked at him "like you ain't lace it with cocaine or anything" he said

"Smoke it and find out" she said pushing the blunt towards him

"Nah ima pass" he said pushing her hand back towards her

"No nigga its not laced just take the blunt damn stop being difficult" Santana looked at Amour debating if he could trust her or not , now days folks be on some weird shit but who could you really trust now days? Santana thought

Santana finally took the blunt and inhaled the smoke it he looked at the blunt "where you get this gas from" he said examining it

"I grow it" she said taking the blunt back

"You growing this weed in your backyard on some shit" Santana asked

"No" Amour paused "I grow this shit in my condo" They started laughing, something that they both haven't did in a long time.

"I need a pack of this junk how much" Santana asked

"Two fifty" she paused looked at west and tilted her head "but for a old friend of West I'll give it to you for free"

"How did you-

"I do my research , just like you do yours so stop pretending you don't know who I am , what my name is and hell what my dog name is"

Santana was shocked , he started wondering how much did Amour really know? Did she know more than what he thought and was she just playing dumb? Should he stick around and find out? Or get out of there before it's too late?


"You right I do , do my research and if you did your research right then you'll know why I did a research on yo ass" Santana said

Silence grew between the two both of them deep in their thoughts both thinking about the same thing. West , West was on their mind heavily. Both thinking the same thing who killed West? After all these years This question never been answered. But soon this question will be answered , one of them will find out sooner than the other and all hell will break loose......

Amour noticing the dark clouds indicating that it's going to rain "I'm finna get up out of here it look like its going to rain and as we both know I'm not that good of a driver as it is"

They both stood up Amour stumbled falling on to Santana , she smell like Hennessy , weed , and perfume Santana thought.

"You been drinking and don't lie" he asked


He straight faced her "I can smell it on you"

Amour squinted her eyes "I poured it on West grave that's probably what you smelling"

"I'll take you home" Santana said snatching Amour keys

He didn't know why he was doing what he was doing or what came over him , was he only doing this cause he was feeling guilty or was he just being a genuine person? Hmmm we will soon find out hopefully.

"I'm not leaving my car here at no damn graveyard what the hell" Nuni said trying to snatch her keys back

Santana huffed "I'll drive your car and I'll have somebody come pick my car up if that makes you feel better"

"I guess so" Amour mumbled

"You ready" Santana asked her

"Do you mind" Amour asked "Can you like go wait by the car real quick I just gotta tell West something"

Santana tilted his head and walked off. Amour waited until Santana was at the car before she started her conversation.

"West I don't trust nobody , I don't let no new people come in my life , hell I don't even talk to strangers at the grocery store , but" she paused "but if Santana is no good please send me some type of sign please" she wiped her tear "I love you and

As Nuni walked to Santana Jeep she wiped all her tears away so Santana wouldn't notice she started back crying why? Because ain't no crybaby.

Santana hoped off the hood of his car and locked the doors "where you park at" he asked

Amour walked towards her car which wasn't too far from where Santana had parked.

"You got a new car" Santana asked as the approached Amour car

"Yeah it had got totaled" she responded , did it really get totaled? No Nuni just thought that too people new that , that was her car she thought it was time for a change

"Why yo ass keep getting Hellcats and nice cars if you can't drive you needa get you a basic car like a Toyota or some" Santana asked as they got in the car

"Cause I ain't no basic bitch" she said laughing "the way I drive I know I was destined to have a hellcat"

"Ain't nothing wrong with a Toyota it's a perfect car for somebody who can't drive" he said pushing the button

Amour put her hand on his chest "Aye mane say mane you better drive my shit like you got some sense"

"Just sit back in enjoy the ride buddy" Santana said patting Amour head

Amour slowly reclined her seat back , then slowly leaned it up and squinted her eyes "how do you know where I stay" she asked

Santana bit his lip "The same way you know where I stay at I did my research" He said in his raspy deep voice

His Raspy voice sent chills down Nuni spine making her go wet by Just the sound of his voice , I gotta hurry up and find me some pussy Nuni thought but hey maybe getting a boyfriend wouldn't be too bad , she instantly shook that thought off it was the Hennessy talking

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