《Alice : A Magical Story [Under Heavy Editing]》Chapter 22
Lucy's POV
We reached home and all the guys slumped down on the couch. Lazy.
Levy sat on one of the bean bags and started reading a book she just bought. Kelly sat on another, cleaning one of her swords. Elly was in the garden watering the plants. She loves nature. I went into the kitchen along with Lisa. "So what are we making?" I asked, excited to cook after so long. Lisa took a look into the fridge.
"I think we're gonna have some spring rolls, lobster, rice, prawns and fish fry. Don't forget the fruit salad. It's already made and kept in the fridge." She said. Yum!
"What about dessert?" I asked. "We have ice cream." She said.
"Okay. So what should I start with?" I asked. "What are you good at?" She asked.
"I'm good at seafood I guess." I said.
"Then why don't you take the prawns and fish?" She said. I nodded and began. Lisa handled the rest.
Half an hour later we were done. I went into the living room and called everyone in.
"We haven't made lots because we already ate at the café." I said.
"This isn't 'lots'?" Fred asked. But they all quietly digged in. I didn't have much of an appetite so I was done quickly. Jason had finished before me and was alone in the living room. Oh no he wasn't alone. He had his earphones. I went and sat beside him.
"What do you want?" He asked. "You said you'll tell me more about Dragon Slayers. So shoot." I said.
"Not now. I'm not in the mood." He said. I pouted.
"And when are you gonna be in the mood?" I asked sarcastically. "In the night. I'll come to your room. Now shut up. I want my silence." He said.
"Fine. I'll keep the window open. Come fast okay?" I said and got up. I went to the kitchen and chatted with the others.
After having their lunch the guys went home. I think I should do some training. First a jog of course. Then concentrating on my magic. And then some physical training. I should get out of these clothes and into my tracksuit. I went up to my room and changed. I tied my hair up in a ponytail.
"Guys I'm going out for some training. I'll be back in an hour or two." I said and left.
I went to my spot near the fountain. And did my stretches. 1, 2, 3 and...Go!
I stopped and huffed. I looked up and took deep breaths. I'm done with my jog but I need a really quiet place for concentrating. The garden! Of course! I rushed over there. No one. Good. Not even Jason. I took a spot near the tree and meditated.
It must have easily been half an hour since I started.
Time for physical training then! I practiced my kicks and punches. Then even ran many times around the tree to increase my speed and stamina. I did 100 push ups and sit ups. I think that's enough.
I'll just learn some of my spells. I opened my Celestial wheel and took out some scrolls. I read them and tried mastering them. But in the end I could only Master 2 out of 5. I think I should call it a day. I was sweating a lot. Before I could leave I felt Derek's aura.
"You're there aren't you?" I said.
"Good. You're becoming faster in sensing others." He said and came out of his hiding place. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He came forward and I thought he was gonna hug me but instead he hit me on my head.
"Ow! Why'd you do that?!" I asked rubbing my head. He glared at me. I gulped. I think I did something wrong.
"When you came to Master's office what did he and I warn you about?" He asked me. They warned me about something?
"Not to use my S.E.C.T Alice in the campus?" I said not sure.
"Yes. But that's not what I want to hear." He said.
"Not to use any of my other Alices? I swear I used my other Alice only once! Okay maybe twice. But that's it!" I said.
"Still not what I want to hear." He said.
"Ugh. Just tell me." I whined. "Master and I told you to stay away from Jason Hooke." He said. My eyes widened. Yeah I remember them telling me to avoid him at all costs. But I forgot about it.
"But why?" I asked. "The guy is very dangerous. If he gets angry he might even kill you. And don't say anything against it. I saw your fight with him. He's quite sharp too. He might even find out about your real Alice. Do you want that?" He asked.
"No. But Jason is nice. He shows everyone that he's cold hearted and that he's quite dangerous but I know that deep inside he is really a sweet and caring guy. Every bad person is actually good from inside. Wasn't that what you told me?" I said.
"Yes. And that's not wrong but I can't say that for Jason. The guy has killed many. He's seen so many deaths that seeing a person die is like nothing to him anymore. I'm saying this for your own good. Stay away from him." He said.
"I can't. Not when I know he's nothing like what you said. Yeah fine. He must have killed many but have you ever thought if he did it on purpose? What if he's doing the right thing? To save the ones he loves. I know I can't say that he's entirely good and hasn't done anything wrong. I barely know the guy for a few days! But from what I know, you can't just judge a person from what he does. He might have his own reasons. And brother?" I looked at him. "Don't you kill too?" I asked with a blank expression. His eyes widened.
"I know. I always have. You say you're going for a night patrol but actually go for a dangerous mission and come back greatly wounded. And in those missions Jason accompanies you doesn't he? That's why you're telling me all this, right? Because you've seen what he can can do." I said.
"Lucy he's a monster!" Derek said holding my shoulders and shaking me.
"I don't care!" I said. "Let him be a monster, the devil, the murderer. I don't give a damn! He's my friend and will always be. End of discussion." I said closing the topic. Derek gave up knowing he can't win this argument.
"One question but. Have you fallen for Jason?" He asked. My eyes widened.
"What the hell?! Me? Fall for Jason? Ha! That's laughable. I'll never fall for my rival. Never ever. It's forbidden." I said.
"You're reading another romance novel aren't you?" He asked. I nodded. "Knew it." He said.
"But still. Lucy, I want you to be careful. Don't trust him so much. You never know what he might do in turn. I'm telling you this because I know how the monster in him is. And you don't want to see it. That's all I have to say. You and Charlie are the same. Only Charlie is scared of him but still admires him. You're...I don't know what to say. Just take care. And you might not see me so often but you'll still see Charlie. So bye. Have fun with your friends." He said and vanished into the dark.
How does he even do that? It's so cool. I'll ask him to teach me that next time we meet. I should head home now.
I thought about what brother said about Jason. Is he that dangerous? He must be since Derek himself is scared of him. How strong is he? And how could Derek see the monster in him? What triggered it? I wanna know more about him. There's something about him that drags me even closer to him. I don't want stay away from Jason but I think I shouldn't trust him completely. At least not yet. Why does everything in my life have to be so complicated? My head is aching thinking of all this. I need a bath. Wait.
What's the time? I looked at my watch. 7 pm already?! How does time go by so quickly? I remember leaving the house around 4:30 - 5 pm and now it's 7? I jogged back home.
"I'm back!" I said as I went in.
"Welcome back Lucy!" Lisa was the first to say.
"Welcome back Lu!" Levy said. "Lu?" I asked. "Friends should have nicknames for each other." She said.
"Then I'll call you Lev." I said. She smiled. "How about for Kelly? Lisa and Elly already have one." Levy said.
"Don't you'll dare call me by any nicknames." Kelly said with a glare.
"O - okay." Levy and I said. "I stink. I'm gonna go and take a shower." I said walking upstairs. I wanna have a bath in the tub today. I turned on the tap to fill the tub. I found some bottles near the tub. I picked one up. "Rose scented." It read. I guess I'll use it. I poured in some of it and went back to my room. I set my pj's on the bed and took my towel and stepped inside the bathroom. I removed the band tieing my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. Do I look that bad?
'You look dumb.'
Did I really look that bad in a dress? I thought it suited me. The girls did too. I pulled my cheeks lightly.
"I'm still a bit chubby. And I'm quite short. This blonde hair would be good only when I leave it but I never did like leaving it." I said and sighed in disappointment.
Does Jason's opinion really matter to me? But why? And why wasn't I pissed off afterwards? I was cut off by my thoughts when I heard the water overflowing. I switched it off and quickly got into it. I sighed in content.
Why does warm water always feel so good? This made me think again. About the Haunted House. It was the first time I hugged a guy apart from my brothers. And why did I make him promise me such a thing. I covered my face.
'It's fine. I'm right here.'
Why did he need to say that? But he promised...so he can't break it. I dipped my face inside the water when I remembered the 'Kiss' challenge. I can't believe I kissed him! Even if it was on the cheek it's a big thing. Okay now I'm acting like an insane person. Calm down Lucy. And just have a nice warm bath for another 20 minutes.
I then got comfortable in my pink cat printed full sleeved pj's. My hair was still wet so I couldn't tie it. 7:45 pm. Dinner must be ready I guess. I went down to find everyone in the living room.
"Hey guys." I said and sat beside Levy. She was still reading her novel. I saw Lisa knitting a sweater.
"Lisa if you're not cooking then who's making dinner?" I asked.
"We ordered from outside." Lisa said. "It'll be here in any minute." Kelly said and she was right.
After filling my stomach I went up to my room and started reading my new novel that I bought. Romance of course. I made myself comfortable on my fluffy soft bed.
Jason's POV
I jumped on the branches and reached short stacks' room. Her window was unlocked. I swiftly opened and jumped into her room landing perfectly.
"GAHHHHHHHH!!!" She yelled loudly when she heard the noise I made. "Jas! Gosh! You scared the shit out of me!" She said placing her hand over her chest.
"Lucy what happened?! Is everything alright?" Matchmaker asked from downstairs.
"It's nothing! I..I just saw a..a lizard! Nothing else. Don't worry!" Short stacks said.
"Okay." She said. She then turned towards me and frowned. "So what are you doing here mister?" She asked. Are you serious? She forgot? She's the one who asked me in the first place.
"I thought someone wanted to know about Dragon Slayers. Someone who's quite short for her age." I said. She finally remembered. She's so easy to read.
"Sorry! I forgot. It's good that you remembered." She said. I just went and laid down on her bed. "Hey who said you could sit there?!" She said.
"Who's giving you information?" I asked. She shut her mouth.
"Whatever." She said and sat down next to me on the bed. What the?
"Did you put on some perfume or something?" I asked.
"What? No." She said confused. "Your scent is different." I said.
"My scent?" She said and tried smelling herself. She won't be able to smell anything. Scents of people can be sensed only by Dragon Slayers.
"So what do I smell like now?" She asked. "Roses." I said.
"I did use the rose scent bottle while having a bath!" She said. "So what was my scent before?" She asked.
"Vanilla. And...star dust." I said. She smiled. Stop doing that, idiot.
"So tell me about Dragon Slayers." She said excitedly. "Well what do you want to know?" I asked.
Lucy's POV
I put a finger on my chin and thought. "So were you trained by a dragon?" I asked.
"No. But my great grandfather and grandfather were. My dad was taught by my grandfather. At that time where we used to live there was no such thing that people with an Alice had to be hidden. I was taught quite a bit before I had to come here. I'm the fourth generation Dragon Slayer in my family." He said.
These days he speaks a lot with me. First it was just 1 or 2 sentences or just a word or two.
"There was no woman with the Fire Dragon Slaying Alice in your family?" I asked. "No. All of them married non - Alice women. Because they wanted their next generation to have only this Alice. But there were chances of their offspring to not have any Alice too. But they took the risk. And they have been successful till now. My dad married a non - Alice woman too. My mom. He loved her. I loved her." He said.
I know I shouldn't be asking this and he might not even be ready to answer but still. "So what happened to them? Do they still live where you used to?" I asked. His eyes darkened a bit.
"They're dead." He said.
"They died when the place we used to live at caught fire. I wasn't harmed because I had gone up a nearby hill at that time. I was 8 years. And...I think I was the one who caused the fire." He said. My eyes widened. I could understand how he is feeling.
"Anyway forget about that. What next?" He said. "Yeah. When did you realise you have this Alice?" I asked.
"When I was 5." He said. "And you can eat fire?" I asked. "Yeah. It gives me more energy than any other food item." He said.
"And you're not effected by fire? Any fire?" I asked. "Yeah. I can eat not only my own fire but also fire from any other source. That's what was different between me and my dad. He didn't have these qualities." He said.
"And you have heightened senses?" I asked.
"How else did I smell your scent stupid?" He said. I frowned.
"Okay. There's one question that's totally not related to what we're talking about but I want to ask you that." I said. "Go on." He said.
"Why's your hair pink? Not that I don't like it. I simply love it! Even though you don't let me touch it." I said.
"First of all its not pink it's salmon! Secondly I don't care if you like it or not. Third, I don't let anyone touch my hair." He said. He sounded quite pissed. But who's scared.
"It's pink!" I said.
"I told you its salmon!"
"Nope. It's pink! I can see it with my own eyes!"
"Well then I think you need glasses. It's my hair, I'll know better!"
"I know my pink!"
"Shut up! It's salmon!"
"Sal- we're just repeating what we did when we first met aren't we?"
"Oh yeah you're right." I said remembering how we first met. "So do you have any more questions?" He asked.
"Oh a lot. Can you turn into a dragon?" I asked. I remembered what Derek told me.
'He's a monster!'
Does that mean he can turn into a dragon? Dragons can be considered as monsters.
"Are you insane? I'm a human. I don't have the Transformation Alice." He said. So what did he mean by monster? I asked Jason a number of other questions. Some stupid some interesting.
It was quite late already. I yawned. "I think that's enough for now. It's quite late anyway." I said. My eyelids became droopy. Jason got up and went towards the window.
"See ya then. Night." He said said and left. I slumped down on my bed and fell asleep quickly.
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