《Alice : A Magical Story [Under Heavy Editing]》Chapter 20
Jason's POV
"So when are you asking her out?" I asked Griffin.
"Distract your girlfriend and I might do it just now. In private of course." He said. "Done." I said and went over to short stacks. I grabbed her arm.
"We're spending some time together. You'll can do the same. We'll meet near the garden in half an hour." I said and dragged her elsewhere. I gave Griffin a thumbs up. He nodded and went to bookworm and then they both went somewhere else. Good. Ben and water woman went too. James and armour girl too. That leaves Fred and Matchmaker together.
"Jas! What the hell?! I was having an important talk with Levy! Why did you have to drag me?" Short stacks asked.
"Stupid, Griffin is gonna confess. And because of what I said they all separated into couples which left Fred and Matchmaker alone. They're together now and we're gonna spy on them." I said.
"Ohhhh. Yes! Levy will be so happy! And we're gonna spy? That's gonna be so fun!" She said.
"We'll be able to spy on them only if you shut your loud mouth. And lower your aura to the least. They should not sense us." I said.
"Yes Sir." She mocked but lowered her aura. Good. Even I could sense very little of her aura. "Let's go." I said and she followed me.
Lucy's POV
Jason and I followed them as they walked on the pathway. They halted many times as many people spoke to Lisa. Lisa is quite popular. They walked ahead and finally there weren't any people in that area. Jason and I went closer and hid behind a huge tree.
"Fred I'm tired of hiding this secret." Lisa said. "Me too to be honest." He said.
"So you wanna tell the others? That we're dating?" Lisa said.
"THEY'RE DATI-?!" Jason shut me up by placing his hand on my mouth. Fred and Lisa looked around in a panic. Jason put his other arm around my waist and jumped up holding me.
He with no difficulty reached a high branch and made me sit beside him. He finally removed his hand from my mouth.
"Are you an idiot?! Oh I'm sorry you are a certified idiot." He said in a low voice.
"I'm sorry okay! I couldn't control myself!" I said. He just sighed. "At least we got to know that they're dating and that we were right." He said. I nodded.
"But why did they hide it?" I asked. "I don't know." He said.
"Let's go from here now. I think we should give them some time alone." I said. He nodded and we both escaped without them knowing that we were here.
We both came quite far off from where they were. "We still have 20 minutes left." Jason said. "Then let's do window shopping! Come on." I said and grabbed his hand. We walked on the sidewalk and I looked at all the shops. Jason just walked beside me, looking straight, not interested at all. Something caught my eye and without me knowing I stopped there. Jason kept walking ahead and then he realised that I wasn't beside him.
"Short stacks, you coming or not?" He asked. That snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Uh? Yeah I'm coming!" I said and went next to him and we started walking again. Jason looked behind.
"What's wrong?" I asked. "No. It's nothing." He said. I shrugged and smiled as I saw some cute stuff in the stores.
Half an hour later we all met near a beautiful garden. "Hey guys!" I said. They all greeted me back. My eyes looked at Levy's and Griffin's hands which were together. I smiled.
"Congrats Levy!" I said and hugged her. She hugged me back and smiled wide. "Thanks!" She said.
"Not fair only Lucy gets a hug. We wished you too Levy." Elly said. "Group hug!" Levy said and we all girls had a group hug. The guys patted Griffin on the back and congratulated him. I turned and saw a small smile on Jason's face for a split second.
"Let's all spend time together now." James said. We all agreed and began walking. After walking for a bit we came across a place called 'Lovers' Den'. I looked at Jason and he nodded.
"Hey what's this?" I asked pointing at it.
"Oh this is a place for couples I guess. From how much I know you play games as a couple - quite tricky and fun ones if I must say - and if you pass all the games and come first you get a prize." Lisa said.
"This sounds interesting! Can we go here? Please please." I asked. "I don't mind." Kelly said.
"Me too." James said. "We don't either." Ben and Elly said.
"Well we'd like to try as well." Levy said. "Lisa, Fred?" I asked.
"Sure. I don't mind." Lisa said. "Fine. Then it's me and Lisa right?" Fred asked. I nodded.
"Jas?" I asked. He just shrugged. "Then let's go in." James said and we all went in.
A man and a woman in their mid - twenties came and greeted us.
"Welcome to Lovers' Den! I hope you'll all are in couples?" The guy asked. We nodded.
"So we'll explain you'll the rules. First of all you'll have to hold your partners hand throughout the game. You'll can leave each others hand once you'll are out of our place." The woman said and I held Jason's hand. The others did the same.
"There are 5 levels. In each level one pair will be out. Only no one will be disqualified in the first level as we keep it as a trial round." The guy said.
"So are you'll ready?" They both asked us. "Yes!" We all replied except for my partner as usual.
"Please enter from here." The lady guided us through a door. When we entered we found a room with tables and chairs.
"Please sit down on any of them." She said and left. We all sat by close but still far off. Suddenly the speaker was switched on and the voice of the same man was heard.
"This is your first challenge. You'll have to eat in this challenge." He said. Eat? Suddenly a bowl of noodles appeared on all our tables.
"One of you'll has to be the one to feed and one has to be the one to eat. So decide quick!" He said. We have to feed each other?!
"I'm not going to be the one feeding you. And you'll be too slow to eat so we might lose. Not that I care but you're gonna feed me and I'm gonna eat." Jason said.
"You can't just boss around me like that!" I said. He smirked. "Of course I can. After all I'm your Master." He said. How. Does. He. Win. Every. Single. Argument?
"Fine. Whatever." I said and grabbed the fork. I looked at the others and saw that Kelly was the only girl eating. Lucky.
"I hope you'll have decided because time starts....Now!" He said and we all started feed in our partners. At first I purposely didn't blow on the hot noodles so that Jason would burn his tongue but nothing like that happened! He easily ate it.
"I know what you were thinking. Hot food doesn't harm me. I eat fire so how can this thing burn me." He said smirking.
"You can eat fire?!" I asked. "You really should try to get to know more about Dragon Slayers Lucy! And you're lucky. You can actually win this round." Kelly yelled from the other side. She's right. I do have an advantage here. I smirked. I'm gonna win this shit.
"Ready to win Jas?" I asked. "Do you even have to ask? I always win no matter how stupid the game is." He said and opened his mouth as I kept feeding him. I didn't have to blow on it so we were the first ones to finish. Next was Kelly and James followed by Ben and Elly then Fred and Lisa and finally Levy and Griffin. All throughout the game Levy's hand was shaking and Griffin was blushing slightly. They just started dating! Give them a break dude! Poor Levy.
The same lady came in again and took us to another room. This room was very huge. It was like a ball room. The guy from before was already inside.
"You'll will have to leave hands for now. Boys will follow me." The guy said and we all left hands. I felt cold. I couldn't feel the warmth anymore.
"Girls please follow me." We all followed her into another room filled with....gowns! Beautiful gowns! I'm not much of a dress wearer but these were amazing! We all stood there in awe.
"I know. Aren't they beautiful?" The lady asked and we nodded.
"I want you'll all to choose a dress and wear it. You'll can help each other if you'll want." She said and left.
"Okay. I know we're currently opponents but can we forget about it just for a bit and help each other in choosing our dresses?" Lisa asked. We all agreed happily.
"Okay. First all of you'll choose a colour." Kelly said.
"Pink!" I was the first one to say. The girls smiled knowingly.
"I'll take light orange." Levy said. "I'll take light blue." Elly said.
"I'll take light yellow." Lisa said. "And I'll take light green." Kelly said. "So who should we dress up first?" Elly asked.
"Since Lucy was was step first one to say her colour I guess she should be first." Kelly said.
"Me? Okay." I said. After searching for a few seconds we found a dress which I liked. It was baby pink in colour and reached just above my knee. It was sleeveless with a sweetheart neckline. It was tight around the waist and then flowed down.
"You look so cute Lucy! No words to describe!" Levy said. I smiled.
"No. She looks cute but also hot. She gives off the aura that 'if you're good to me I'll love you but if you're bad to me I'll make your life a living hell'. Yup that's what I think." Kelly said.
"Adorable and pretty." Elly said. "Beautiful! I wanna see Jason's reaction." Lisa said.
"He's just gonna say I look dumb. I bet." I said. "Well you never know what he's thinking in the inside. He must be thinking you look absolutely amazing but wouldn't actually say it because of his pride." Levy said.
"He's different from the other guys." She continued.
"Yeah. I guess. Well you'll shouldn't waste your time and get ready too." I said. And after 10 minutes we found dresses for all of us.
"Hey do you'll wanna do something about your hairstyle?" Lisa asked looking into the mirror. She had worn a bright yellow dress which flowed down to the floor. She also wore a transparent shawl around her shoulders.
"I think I'll make a bun." Kelly said. Her dress too flowed down till the ground. There was a cut showing her leg. "I'll keep my hair as it is." Levy said. Her dress was the same length as me but had a few frills.
"I might put it in a low side pony." Elly said. She wore a light blue dress, that reached the ground. She even wore gloves.
"I'll leave it open I guess." I said removing my hair out of the ponytails. It flowed down till my waist. I grabbed a brush and brushed my hair a few times.
"Your hair is so soft and silky Lucy." Levy said running her hands through my hair. "You look even better with your hair down. You usually tie your hair don't you?" Kelly asked. I nodded.
"I never liked letting my hair loose but sometimes if I have too then I let it free." I said.
"Girls, are you'll ready? The boys are waiting. Oh my gosh! You'll look so beautiful!" The lady said. We smiled and followed her out. We found the boys standing there in....tuxedos! All of them wore black tuxedos. The guys just stared at us as we entered. Jason didn't. He kept looking elsewhere. The Jerk didn't even bother to get up from where he was sitting. The nerve!
"Please go and stand beside your partners, ladies." The guy said. "Stand or sit?" I muttered under my breath.
"What was that?" He asked. "Oh nothing." I said and hurried my way to Jason. He got up after he FINALLY acknowledged me. He stared at me.
"W - What?" I asked.
"You look dumb." He said. I knew it!
"Shut up!" I said and turned away. I knew he'll never compliment me. It just shows that he doesn't find me pretty at all. But the girls said that....No! It can't be. Jason is totally blunt. He says what's on his mind.
"The next challenge is related to dance. And not just any dance but a waltz. We'll show you'll how to do it once but then you'll have to do it yourself. And the couple that steps on their partners feet the most times will be disqualified. So please see carefully." He said and turned to face the lady. She put her one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. He put one hand on her waist and the other held her hand. They gracefully moved across the floor and the guy made the girl spin a few times. Will I be able to do that with Jason? I'm not that good at dancing. I hope Jason is.
"And that's how you do it. Okay?" He said once he finished dancing. We all applauded.
They both left the room and soft music began to play. Jason grabbed my one hand and places his other hand on my waist. I slowly placed my other hand on his shoulder.
"I'm telling you first only, I'm not that good at dancing. I had done this type of dance last when I was 6 years old. So don't get angry if I step on your foot." I said.
"I'll make sure you don't step on my foot and that we won't be disqualified." Jason said so confidently. But I was still angry at him. All the guys complimented their girls and Jason here said that I look dumb. How rude!
As I thought about all these I didn't realise we were already in the middle of the dance floor and we were dancing! We weren't doing it that well but we didn't step on each other at all.
"Why are you frowning? Pissed at something?" He asked. I turned my face. "More like pissed at someone." I said in a low voice. He was about to ask more but then we again heard the guy speak on the speaker.
"This challenge is over too. And the ones that are disqualified are.....Ben and Eleanor." They said. We all looked at them sadly.
"That's fine. We had so much fun." Elly said. Ben smiled.
"Something we haven't in a long time. So we'll be waiting for you'll outside. Good luck guys!" Ben said. "All the best!" Elly said and they both left holding hands.
"Let's move on shall we?" The guy came this time. We followed him into another room. How big is this place?! But what I saw not made my knees shake. It was......
A HAUNTED HOUSE!! I hate ghosts! I hate this stupid house! I want to run! I wanna leave this place! Waahhh! I looked around in pure horror. Kelly and James didn't look scared at all. Levy and Lisa looked a bit scared. But Griffin held Levy close to keep her calm. Fred held Lisa's hand too. I felt Jason squeeze my hand. I looked up at him.
"You're scared aren't you?" He asked. "Scared? I'm terrified. I don't do well with haunted houses. Can we back out?" I asked.
"No. Not a chance." He said with no pity. "Please." I gave him my puppy dog eyes. "It's not gonna work on me." He said. "Pretty please." I pleaded.
"The physical appearance of please won't change my answer. Still no." He said. "Tch." I sulked.
"This is the 3rd level. The Haunted House. So get ready and hold onto your partner's hand." The guy said through the speaker.
A second later the ground opened up and we all fell into different holes. I screamed loudly till we touched the ground.
"Oww!" I said rubbing the sore spot on my butt. I looked around to find no one. It was entirely dark. I'm scared. This brings back memories of when I was small. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes.
"I can't believe you're in rank S and you couldn't even land properly. That's just an insult to rank S students." I suddenly heard Jason say. I turned to find him standing there. "Jas...." I started and jumped on him and hugged him tight.
"I thought you weren't there with me! I thought I was all alone here! I...I...I thought you left me. I was so scared." I said as tears flowed down my cheeks. I tightened my arms around his neck.
Jason's POV
My eyes widened. She's crying? Because she thought she was all alone in this dark place? I...I don't want to see her crying. I feel like I should see to it that she never cries. I want to...want to protect her smile, her laugh. I put my arms around her and rubbed soothing circles on her back.
"Shh..its fine. I'm right here. There's nothing to worry about." I whispered in her ears. She stopped shaking after that. She pulled back and looked up at me with those big brown eyes of hers. She sniffed.
"Promise?" She asked. I nodded. She looked so vulnerable right now. She hugged me tight. I returned the hug. Why am I even doing this? I shouldn't give a damn about her. The only thing that interests me is that she's hiding something big from all of us. And her aura is not like normal people with an Alice. She's different. And I'm gonna find out what she's hiding.
Lucy's POV
I kept hugging Jason. Wait. I'm hugging...Jason? I quickly moved away from him with a large blush across my cheeks. But then I realised it was really dark. So I went and stood close to him. I held his hand since we needed to hold hands always. Not because I was scared and wanted to feel his warmth. Yeah. I then heard some creepy noises.
"G - G -Ghosts? What if there are ghosts here? I'm gonna die. I wanna go. Take me out of this place!" I complained like a 5 year old kid.
"There is no such thing as ghost." Jason said. He began walking ahead and dragged me with him.
"B - but...but.." I started. He stopped and then sighed. He lit his finger with a small flame and it brightened up the area. It wasn't bright enough to let anyone know we're here but was enough for my fears to go away. I smiled wide.
"Thanks!" I said.
"Whatever." He said. We walked hand in hand for a while and then heard some crying.
"Did you hear that Jas?" I asked.
"I could hear that since a long time back." He said. "But how? I couldn't hear it then. And my hearing is quite good." I said.
"I'm a Dragon Slayer. I have heightened senses." He said. Oh yeah. I forgot.
"Hey Jas?" I asked. "Hmm." He muttered. "Could you...you know maybe like...like tell me more about Dragon Slayers?" I asked.
"You wanna know more about Dragon Slayers?" He asked. I nodded. "Please. After we go home will you tell? Please." I asked.
"Fine. Just don't start cribbing. And let's see where that noise is coming from." Jason said. Yes!
"Okay!" I said and we walked a bit faster. A turn came but before we took it we saw if there was someone. And voilà! There sitting on the ground and hugging were Lisa and Fred! Lisa was crying and Fred was doing his best to calm her down. We heard footsteps and when we looked straight we saw Griffin and Levy. I ushered them to come over quickly. They stood on the other side of the corridor and also spied at Fred and Lisa like us.
And then Fred kissed Lisa! Right in the lips! And she responded full heartedly. Our eyes widened - except you know who - at what we saw. They broke apart and smiled at each other.
"I think it's time we tell everyone we're dating." Lisa said.
"YOU'LL ARE DATING?! SINCE WHEN?!!" Levy yelled. They were shocked to see us all there. They got up and we walked towards them. Levy and I took Lisa aside.
"So tell us. Since when?" I asked. She blushed. "3 weeks." She said.
"And you didn't tell us?! Why?!" Levy asked.
"I just wasn't ready to tell everyone. I don't know why myself. Fred agreed to keep this a secret too. But I think it's time we told you'll. I don't want to hide anything from my friends." Lisa said and we smiled and hugged her.
"Good job buddy!" Griffin patted Fred on the back. Fred just grunted. Jason just nodded at him. Fred smiled lightly. These guys love each other so much but they will never admit it. I smiled. How adorable.
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