《Alice : A Magical Story [Under Heavy Editing]》Chapter 15


"Ah....." I let my muscles loosen up as I dipped myself in the warm tub of water. I sighed.

I thought about all that happened today. I'm not happy with the last match results though.

I underestimated him. He's far too good than me. Well I guess the only thing I can do is train harder and the next time we fight, I'll make sure to defeat him. If not defeat, at least make him exhausted.

I don't give a damn if I'm in rank S or not. Actually I do care about it but I feel so ashamed of losing. I became over confident. That's a major problem with me. I sighed. My tummy growled in hunger. All this fighting has made me hungry.

I rushed downstairs in my tracksuit since I wanted to jog a bit after eating something. I saw something on the coffee table. A cake?!

The girls a stood around the table.

"Guys? Why a cake?" I asked.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. For every great accomplishment there should always be a cake. I hope you're a sweet tooth." Kelly said.

"I sure am. I love chocolates and sweets and pastries and cake and anything to do with sweet." I said. Lisa handed me a knife.

"Go ahead." She said. I slowly cut the chocolate cake. And the first piece went into my mouth. It just melted.

"Guys it's too good. Try it." I said. "Of course it's good. Lisa made it." Elly said.

"It's really great Lisa." I complimented her. "Oh anything for a friend." She said.

"I think I'll jog a bit and come." I said. "So late?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"Yeah Lucy. It's gonna be 8:30 pm soon." Levy agreed.

"I'll be fine. I just need some fresh air." I said and left.

"I think she's still upset with her loss in her match against Jason." I heard Elly whisper.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Kelly agreed.

I went to the fountain where I first jogged. I stretched in my place for a bit. I did slow jogging this time since I wanted to think on how I could improve myself. Do I need to do some more physical training? Or do I need to work on my Alice? Or my stamina? Or strategies? Or speed? Or reflexes? Or my kicks and punches? Or-

"Who's that?!" I shouted as I sensed someone. No one came out but I could still sense someone.

"Come out." I said. I tried pinpointing the persons actual position. I looked up to my right upper corner and there sat none other than Jason.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and glared at him.

"It's a free world. I can be anywhere I want. None of your business." He said and plugged in his earphones. What does he even keep listening on that?!

Music of course.

I know but so much?!

I shrugged it off and continued my jog. So where was I? Yeah. Do I need to work on my spells? Or do I need to train with my spirits more? Talking about spirits, Leo did say they were worrying about me. I should call each one of them out tonight and talk to them. That's gonna be on my to do list.


I think I need to work on everything. From physical attacks, to speed, to spells. I can do this. And I just need to concentrate on my one Alice. Not 40.

It'll be easier. Training starts tomorrow. Let's do this shit! But now I'm hungry. I can't train on an empty stomach. To the house!

Damn! I can't move! I ate so much. Lisa is the best cook ever!

"Hey Lucy?" Levy asked. "Hmm." I said in response.

"You still haven't told us what was Jason's prize." She said. My face darkened.

"He made me his slave for a week." I said. The girls all stopped what they were doing.

Lisa stopped washing the dishes, Elly stopped in the middle of watering the plants and Kelly stopped while she she was turning her magazine page. Levy just sat there not saying anything.

"You're kidding, eh?" Levy said and she started laughing. The others started laughing too.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not kidding, guys. It's true. You can ask any of the guys of his group too. They heard the deal. The deal starts tomorrow." I said dejectedly.

"You're gonna die." Levy said. "What?" I asked.

"Rumour has it that Jason is quite short tempered and scary and dangerous - these aren't rumours. They're true actually. But what if he makes you do things against your will?! What will you do?!" Levy said.

Now that scared me. What if he asks me to do humiliating things? Or what if he forces me into something I don't agree to? I blushed at that thought.

"I don't think he's that bad." I said.

"I need to talk to James about this. Oh Lucy?" Kelly asked. "Yeah?" I said.

"Wanna exchange numbers? Since we're friends and all now?" Kelly asked. I smiled.

"I'd love that!" I said and brought out my phone from my pocket.

"Me too!" Levy said.

"Me three!" Lisa and Elly joined in too. I saved all their contacts in my phone. I smiled brightly.

"I should be going to my room now. I even need to talk to all my spirits." I said and bid all of them goodnight.

"Lucy you better put an alarm! We won't wait for you tomorrow morning! And it's Mr. Raphael's class first." Kelly yelled from downstairs. "Okay!" I shouted back. I closed my bedroom door and sat down on my bed. I already called out Leo, so who should I call next? Oh I know!

"Gate of the maid, I open thee, Virgo!" And poof! A girl, who looked few years elder to me in a short sleeved maid dress stood there. She had short bubblegum hair and blank blue eyes. There were many chains on her dress.

"Hey Virgo!" I greeted.

"Is it punishment time, Princess?" She asked. I sweat dropped. One thing about Virgo, she always thinks I summon her to give her punishment. And because of Leo she too calls me princess.

"No Virgo. I just wanted to say hi." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "Then can I go back?" She asked.


"Sure." I said. And there she goes. It's gonna take a long time if I summon just one spirit at a time. I think I'll summon 3 at a time.

"Gate of the Bull, I open thee, Taurus!"

"Gate of the Archer, I open thee, Sagittarius!"

"Gate of the Twins, I open thee, Gemini!"

There stood a bull standing on his two feet with a big hammer in his hand, a half horse half man with a bow and arrow in his hand and two small blue creatures floating in the air. "Hey there, Taurus, Sagittarius and Gemi and Mini." I wished.

"Hello Lucy!" They all said. "You look as hot as the day I last saw you Lucy - dear!" Taurus said with hearts forming in his eyes. I sweat dropped.

"Thank you Taurus." I said. "It's nice to see you Miss Lucy." Sagittarius said stiffly.

"Same here Sagittarius."

"Lucy we missed you!" Gemi and Mini said and hugged me.

"Me too Gemi and Mini." I said.

"We should get back now. We're draining your energy." Sagittarius said. The others nodded and they left after saying goodbye. 5 done. 8 to go.

"Gate of the Water bearer, I open thee, Aquarius!"

"Gate of the Scorpio, I open thee, Scorpio!"

"Gate of the Crab, I open thee, Cancer!"

There stood a mermaid with long light blue hair and a urn in her hand along with an irritated expression on her face. Beside her was a half guy half scorpion with razor sharp hands and a bald head. And beside him stood another guy with sunglasses and scissors in both his hands.

"Hey Aquarius, Scorpio and Cancer." I wished them too.

"How dare you call me so late at night, kid! Don't you give a damn about my sleep?!!" Aquarius yelled.

"You can go back if you want!" I said hurriedly scared. She 'tsk' ed and went, not before saying, "And you still don't have a boyfriend. You're such a kid."

"I'm 16 years. I don't need a boyfriend now! I'm better off without one!" I yelled.

"Cool! Looking good, Lucy!" Scorpio said. I smiled. "But I'm sorry I need to to go. Aquarius would get mad if I'm late for our date. Cool!" He apologised.

"Y - you and Aquarius, y - you'll are dating?" I asked not believing it.

"Yup. Cool! See ya!" He said and disappeared. Of course she would pull my leg when she herself has a guy!

"You wanna go too, Cancer?" I asked. "Sure, Mistress. But do call me when you need a new hairstyle or a new haircut. Shrimp shrimp~" He said and went back to the spirit world.

"So who all are left? Libra, Pisces, Aries, Capricorn and the 13th one Ophiucus. Let's get it done shall we."

"Gate of Balance, I open thee, Libra!"

"Gate of the Fish, I open thee, Pisces!"

"Gate of the Ram, I open thee, Aries!"

"Gate of the Goat, I open thee, Capricorn!"

A woman with a cloth covering her face and a balancing instrument in hand stood there with another woman who looked very shy in a soft and fluffy white knee length body hugging dress which looked as soft as a sheep's wool. Two huge fishes filled most of my room and then there was a goat in a Butler suit standing just like a Butler with glasses on.

"Hey guys." Libra just nodded.

"I'm sorry!" Aries said.

"Why are you apologising Aries?" I asked.

"I don't know! I'm sorry!" She said again. I sighed.

"Hello Pisces." Pisces smiled weirdly.

"Hey Capricorn." Capricorn bowed low in respect.

"You'll can all go back. Thanks for giving me your time." I said all and they all disappeared. I looked at the last key in my hand.

"Last one huh? It has been quite long since I saw you.

Gate of the snake, I open thee, Ophiucus!"

My whole room got covered in smoke. I think Ophiucus came in her snake form.

"Ophiucus, if you don't mind can you go back to your human form?"

Yes, Ophiucus had the power to take human form. The smoke slowly vanished and there stood a woman with medium length olive coloured hair and dark green eyes.

"Hey Lucy!" The first one to wish me properly. Ophiucus was a lot like a real human. It could be because she was actually banished from the spirit world for a few years by the spirit king and she got accustomed to the human world. But then she was accepted back again.

"Hey Ophiucus. It's been a while, eh?" I said. She nodded.

"Have you all spirits been worried about me? Leo said so." I asked.

"Not much. We're having our fun. But we do get a bit lonely since you don't call us out that much these days." She said. I nodded.

"You know the reason. Celestial Alice isn't the only Alice I have. You'll know my secret and my struggles. But I should talk to you'll every month." I said.

"That would be nice. I think I should head back. It's quite late here in the human world. And you're draining a lot of energy. You were already pumped out after those fights of yours and then you summon all your spirits the same night. You should really take care of yourself." She shouted.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Anyway I'll be going now. See ya." She said and left. I sighed and threw myself on my bed. It was nice talking to all my spirits today.

And in no time darkness took over me.

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