《Alice : A Magical Story [Under Heavy Editing]》Chapter 14


The match went on for awhile. None of us giving up. I had many scratches and cuts. Blood spilling out of them. Griffin was worse. He was exhausted. During our fight he had turned his entire body into iron. But that was of no use. My swords could easily penetrate through iron. He was at his limits. One more kick in the gut may knock him out.

Keeping that in mind I ran towards him. He blocked my attack. I went for his feet and swiped him off the ground. He fell down with a thump and I brought my fist to his face with great speed. He closed his eyes. I stopped just a centimetre above his face.

"Do you give up? Then this fist won't hit your face." I asked him.

"I - I don't give up! And you'll always be a bunny girl!" He said. Now that pissed me off. I wasted no time in giving his face a big black and blue bruise.

I got up and dusted myself. We had gathered quite a big crowd. They all began applauding.

I smiled but then wobbled a bit. Fighting with him drained out a lot of energy from me. I slumped down to the ground and rested my back on a nearby tree. I started breathing heavily.

"Lucy! Here you go. And that was an insanely amazingly mind blowing match. I never thought you could defeat Griffin." Kelly said handing me a glass of water. I gladly took it from her.

"Thanks. Actually I thought I would lose. He's too good. But I guess luck was on my side. Ouch!" I cried out in pain as I tried to move a bit and that hurt like hell.

"Wait just a minute. We've called the best healers of the Academy. Oh there they are." Kelly said and a small girl with short maroon hair came and stood in front of us.

"Hi. I'm Carrie. I'm your healer. Please let me help you." She said. I smiled.

"Do your magic. But aren't you too young to be an expert healer?" I asked.

"Lucy, she's small but she's one the top 5 best healers of our Academy. She's even won a few awards for being so young yet so good at using her Alice." Kelly said and Carrie smiled bashfully. I smiled.

"Well go ahead. And can you please do it fast? I actually need to fight one more person." I said.

"What?! Have you seen your wounds and your physical health?! You should be resting and not getting ready to fight another match!" Carrie yelled.

"Carrie is right Lucy! How can you even think about fighting in such state?!" Kelly asked.

"But Carrie is really good at using her Alice. She'll completely heal me. I'll be as good as new." I whined.

"That's true but still. I won't be able to bring back your energy completely. I can heal your wounds and make sure there are no scars but that's all." Carrie said. I pouted.


"I'll be fine. I promise." I protested.

"Lucy!" Miss Anne yelled from ahead. She came and stood in front of us.

"That was great! I know I said you might win and then you can fight Jason Hooke but I never really thought you'd actually win." She said. I grinned.

"And I'm ready to fight Jason too!" I said. She frowned.

"Not today. You won't be able to fight. You're too exhausted." She said. "But Carrie is healing me!" I said.

"But still...." She tried reasoning.

"No no no no no no! I want to fight Jason. Today. Right now! Please!" I shouted. They all looked at each other.

I guess they were about to say no when suddenly, "If she's that nutso about fighting me then let her. It'll be quick anyway." Jason said standing there with his guy group behind him.

"J - Jason...are y - you sure? I - I mean it's already quite late." Miss Anne stuttered. She's scared of him too? I felt Carrie shaking a bit too.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Hey short stacks be quick. I don't have all day. Let's go." He said coldly and walked off. Miss Anne, Kelly and Carrie all let out a breath of relief.

"There. It's done. But are you still sure?" Carrie said as I got up and started stretching my body.

"100%." I said and walked over to where they all were. The girls all gathered around me. Levy and Elly who were before taking care of Griffin and Ben also came. Lisa who disappeared after my match with Griffin was there too. And the same big crowd was there too.

"Lucy, you don't need to fight you know. You're already the strongest in rank A." Levy said worriedly. The others nodded in agreement.

"Chill you guys! I'll be fine. I'm excited to fight him." I said and moved past them.

Jason stood there with his hands in his pocket and his head was covered by his hoodie. His earphones in his ears.

"Hey! At least remove those stupid earphones and that stupid hood from your face! It shows a bit respect you know!" I yelled. I could fell him raise his eyebrow. He slowly brought his hood down. That lovely pink cotton candy hair is finally in my view! I smiled brightly.

"What are you grinning about, short stacks?" He asked.

"What will you take to stop calling me that?!" I yelled loudly. Wait. I smirked. He looked at me weirdly.

"Let's make a bet! What do ya say?" I asked. "I don't mind. But what's the bet about?" He asked.

"If I win you stop calling me short stacks and you let me touch you hair everyday!" I said. There was pin drop silence.

"Winning is quite far off. Let's make it a bit easy. If you even make me fall to the ground, you win the bet." He said.


"The hell?! That's too easy." I said. "But..." James began.

"There should only be one prize at the end of every bet. So I don't think you can have both of them. I guess you'll have to choose." James said. He is right. I put my finger on my chin. This is difficult.

"I.." I began. Everybody leaned in to hear my choice.

"I.....I can't choose!" I said and everybody fell to the ground.

"Just choose Lucy. Any one of the two." James said. I thought for a bit again.

"I...I choose the hair!" I declared. "And you're ready to be called short stacks everyday?" Levy asked.

"Sometimes you need to make sacrifices in life." I said dramatically.

"And what does Jason get?" Fred asked. "Uh?" I said stupidly.

"What's his end of the bargain?" He repeated. "Well what does he want?" I asked. We all looked at him.

"I'll say it after the match." Was all he said. This is gonna be easy. I'll win the bet in a few seconds. I just have to kick him to the ground. I smirked. You're going down Jason.

He looked at me with those cold eyes of his. Wait what is his eye colour? I haven't seen his eyes from close. Wait. Now is not the time to be thinking about this. I shook my head.

Charlie was there too and I could faintly feel Derek's aura too. I smirked.

Let's get this done with. I leaped to him.

The hell?! Where did he go? I found him a few metres away from me. He's fast. I'm no less but. I tried again.

I landed many punches, kicks and blows on him but they were of no use. He dodged every single one of it. I frowned. But I won't use my Alice this early.

I kept trying and trying. To atleast touch him. Once! He kept dodging and he wasn't even breaking a sweat. This went on for 15 minutes. I can't take it anymore. My shoulder is already giving me some pain. It hasn't been healed fully.

"Celestia! Come forth at once!" I shouted and my golden swords became visible.

I grabbed them and leaped to him. He dodged at the last minute. Is he using his Alice too?

"I have to say. Those swords are really good. But it's only fair if I use my Alice too." He said and a sword appeared in his hands too. A sword made of fire. My eyes widened. Fire. My greatest enemy.

I shook my head. No bad thoughts. No bad memories. Not now.

"I don't care! Just fight me!" I yelled and we started sword fighting. Our swords clashed again and again. I was already sweating and was quite tired.

He still maintained his calm and cool and he didn't look even a bit tired!! But I'm not gonna let him defeat me.

I backed away a bit, breathing heavily. I sucked in deep breaths.

"Done already? Weren't you talking all big before?" He said teasingly. I growled lightly.

"Shut up!" I shouted. He smirked. Oh how I wish to wipe that smirk of his face!

"It's because I'm not completely recovered yet and I'm still fighting you!" I said and I heard the girls cough behind me. I nervously laughed.

"Whatever. I'm gonna finish this." He said and in no time he was above me. I had defended myself just in time. And he has one sword only! While I have f****** 2!!

I struggled to not fall to the ground. I used all my energy to push him away. I wobbled a bit but kept my balance. I guess I'll have to use a spell. I closed my eyes.

"Heavenly lights, give me your powers, the powers of the stars, constellations.

The powers of the planets, the sun,

Uranio Meteora!"

I chanted and a bright golden light came smashing down on him. I smirked. He can't escape from this.

When the light dimmed there was a ball of fire. I looked confused. It slowly disappeared and there he stood with no harm done at all. My eyes were as wide as saucers.

"What the f***?!" I yelled.

I took a step forward but then fell to the ground. I can't move. I used a lot of magic today. Two best spells of mine in a day. Of course I'll be exhausted.

I tried getting up on my knees. I saw a pair a legs. I looked up to find Jason standing there. He looked at me with a blank look. He sat down on one of his knees.

"I won the bet." He said and smirked. I frowned deeply.

"So what do you want?" I asked. He came forward and whispered in my ear. My eyes widened at what he said.

He slowly got up and walked away, his friends following him. But then he stopped.

"Hey, put short stacks in rank S. She deserves it." He said and continued walking. The girls came to me.

"So what did he tell you Lucy? What's his prize of the bet?" Levy asked me as Lisa and Kelly helped me get up. I looked at her blankly.

"I'll tell you at home. I rely need my bath and evening jog to calm my nerves." I said. They all nodded.

"Lucy,.." Miss Anne said. "Like Jason said, you're now in rank S. Congratulations." She said. I smiled.

"I know. We should celebrate! It's great news!" Lisa said.

"Let's go home then!" Levy said and we all began our way home.

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