《"House Wife" (Completed)》Chapter 15 (neelima sudden entry)


Hi guys I'm back 

My lovely beautiful readers, 😊 hope you all doing well...I was really missing something... it's nothing but your comments.. if you share your thoughts, I'll improve my writing skills , i just want your beautiful smile at end the each part of course I wrote sad part lastly , but it was the main reason that was strongly noted in our tapasvi mind , is she going to overcome or not? 

Let's see...


I was back to my senses when my naughty husband who will always think of romance..

I don't say being romantic is bad , it was the actual affection of showing your love towards them, it was your feelings that you want to share with one and only one person in the whole world....

Dhaksh what are you doing? Get off me , why dear , why are you avoiding me . It's too much now you're starving me dear , let us plszzz...

What dhaksh? 

Don't you know what I was talking about? I was blinking my eyes showing as If i wasn't aware of his actions...

I Took a breathe, dhaksh, i have to prepare breakfast for you... shutup just shutup, don't try to divert me k , i know you're doing it on purpose.. I want to know the reason I want you to smile , when I was watching you with so much of love...

I always saw the smile was just getting disappeared In few seconds, i want to knw reason, I'll help you i promise...

Being silent,being afraid won't give solution, let's solve it together..." i'll be with you always" saying that he kissed me on my forehead..

How lucky I am to get you as my soul mate, but I was just so stupid, after 1 month when I was at my home..... my mom said that not everyone men is bad , when there are bad people, definitely good people will be there... just like proving that devil presence, there is God also, just we have to stay away from bad and if it comes you even have to fight with that... but never lose your confidence your belief, under any pressure...

But that very before day of going back to my in-laws home , neelima came to me but after our fight this was the 1st time she came to me...

Heyy , helloooooooooo it's k you keep on thinking something else I'll do my work in making love to you , saying that he bite me , aww that hurts dhaksh,...

I know dear it's my love bite 😘😗.. dhaksh you are becoming naughty day by day..

Yes I'll be because it was me just me I want you to show me myself my naughtiness, my love , my anger, my everything...


Dha - dhaksh, hmmm , will you beat when you're angry with me? He stopped his work on my neck exactly you can imagine what he was doing💝...

He lifted his head a little and staring at me, as if I was going to be murdered right now.? Why do you want to see my anger?

No , not at all, then ? Saying that he got off me and went near the window. ..

Ohh god he was angry right now , it was raining, continously, since last 2 days. .

Dhaksh I went near to him but he leaned on the glass door, the raindrops on the other side of the window glass door was clearly visible...

Dhaksh I went near to him but he turned other side, uff .. I opened the door from my side and put myhands outside and it was filled with cold rain water , without wasting time, I throwed it on him...😁😁..

He turned to me angrily shouting, you're not a kid tapasvi stop being child , i was hurted with his words, this was the 1st time he shouted on me after our marriage...

I don't know why I'll get my tears when I was being scolded.. it was just small thing , i was about to leave but he hugged me... there was relief from my side, i was happy but he scolded me I was hurted. .

He turned me completely to him, he caressed my cheek showing tear drop which was on his finger tip , "see this i just don't want to see in your eyes never ever.."

I'm sry for showing my fake anger he cupped my face in his hands and gave a kiss.. 

Look at me, why are you sad ? I was looking down he lifted my chin up what are you thinking dear , is there something you want to share with me!

Dhaksh, i finally opened my mouth, yes I'm listening, i - I was afraid that we might not get separated what ? He shouted, i take back a little what did you say , separate...

Are you out of your mind, how can you even get that in your mind , are you going to give me the stupid reason behind it , he shouted again putting his hands on my shoulders and shaking me for answer...

I'm sorry...

 For what? I'm sorry I'll never talk like this again dhaksh, it would be better... he muttered himself...

My morning was really bad today, i taunted myself,..

Dhaksh plsz don't be angry with me i promise I'll never talk like this again, pls forgive me...

Still he was not even looking at me , i made him angry so it'll be my punishment.. I deserve this..


I was looking in to his face, he was thinking something but what !

Within no time he lifted me and i was in his hands. Dhaksh I shouted, but he took me to the balcony door and managed to open without putting me down, I said you before it was a huge one... he took me in to the rain. . I forgot I love rains , yes , I hold his neck for my grip but it was not necessary...

He was turning round and round making my head spin , dhaksh I shouted, and finally he put me down and the grass it feels good.. but my head was still moving round due to spin and i sat down before I fell down..

Hahaha,he started laughing, i got up after regaining strength and went to him but he started running around.. he made me run a lot that i remembered I missed my workout after getting married..

So you are no more angry with me.. I asked him (panting ) how can I be!! I'll never want us to get into fight I was panicked when you asked me how can you even imagine that! 

I'm sorry, no I was still angry with you! K what should I do in return ?

Dhaksh pls tell me! What the use of asking you ? I know U'll never do that..

How can you telI that I'll not do anything for you . Just tell me I'll do for sure , i don't know but I promised him ..

So , k kiss me! 

Dhaksh, i lowered my gaze just to avoid my blush, i know you'll denine never give a kiss to your own husband ..

No , dhaksh it's not like that, i was feeling shy...

I'll close my eyes then! 

I was shy here then why you're closing your eyes ?

No you forgot where we are exactly if anyone notices us ? What we're couple dear why would they even think 

Luckily no one can see us , if not they can make fun of us romancing in rain..

I can see him and his actions , i got back to my senses, and moved my head to avoid his gaze , he called me few but I ignored, 

K if you won't give me my kiss I'll give you.... no dhaksh, what no ? No means no...

Huh Huh what's wrong with you , no I want right now , you're behaving like child, i don't mind what you think..

I want kiss , dhaksh I'll beat you now... omg wife was hurting her own husband just as he asked one bloody kiss... Someone save me..... I shut his mouth, what are you doing? 

You are making me embarrass, dhaksh I scolded him , but I smiled turning around, my husband was so funny...

Why are you smiling ? 

When did I smile, no I went inside and he followed me. Dhaksh becoz of you i have clean all this, see how slippery here you opened the door and _____....

And what next ? Dhaksh I was about to turn to him , he caught me and rest you can imagine, his lips crashed mine and he is driving me crazy with his sweet torture...

And we finally got apart listening to the ring of his phone.. he was not interested on his phone. It started ringing again, i chuckled seeing his actions, the ring stopped again, and now he was on his work which was pending.

Now my phone started buzzing, i pushed him away and saw mother in law, I'm died today ..

I greeted her and mom where was dhaksh? He was bathing mom I lied shut what fid do , just now he came I'm giving to him it's k i called you as I want to share a good news Nishitha (dhaksh's sister ) conceived and she was in her 3 month..

Wow mom that was great, we'll reach soon , no need it's not necessary now , take care of dhaksh and you too..

K mom i'll call you later, i need to take care of her now.. k mom bye plsz congratulate her from me... i'll do . 

K bye byee mom...

What happened ?

Dhaksh good news your sister was pregnant, really he jumped in happiness, I'm going to become mama..

I want to talk to my sis right now and congratulate her.. she was taking test now you call her after some time.. yes you're right,...

He went to fresh up and after that we had our breakfast...

It's 10 in the morning, he called his sister and they talked for hours I guess.. I was busy in cooking lunch, but can hear his giggles throughout his talk remembering their old days when they were kids..

Meanwhile I heard the door bell and went check who might came now in this rain..

I opened the door and saw her neelima! !

Won't you invite me Inn, i was shocked to see her but welcomed her inside..

Dhaksh came to me and saw her and sighed.. she was my friend, oh hello, pls come in she came in and i was not aware of what she was doing here in banglore? 

To be contd...

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Yours Pradhana.....

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