《Making Love to The Alpha》Chapter Twenty-Two:


Knocking on Sams front door, I stepped back and waited. In a few seconds the door opened, but it wasn't Sam. It was Andrew, without a shirt on and his jeans unbuckled. His blonde hair was all over the place like he slept with it wet.

"Oh my" I said, eyes wide. Turning away, I covered my eyes as he furiously tried to put his pants back in place. "S-Sam! Allie's here!" Andrew screamed up the stairs, holding the door farther open for me to enter "A-And she didn't just see me without pants on!".

Taking a breath, I walked in and saw Sam running down the steps, shirtless. "Baby" He said, slightly surprised. "Are you alright?" He said, strolling over and pulling me close in a hug. "Can't I visit my boyfriend?" I giggle into his chest, holding him and snuggling into his chest.

"C'mon" He said quietly, taking my hand and pulling my up the stairs. I rubbed my thumb against his palm, earning a satisfied chuckle.

We arrived at his room, and he opened it letting me enter first. Pulling my bag off, I dropped it and jumped onto his bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, motioning to all the paper scattered on his couch "Pack stuff" He shrugged, dismissing it and crawling over to me on the bed. "Can I know?" I asked with a smile, pulling his lips to mine in a sweet kiss.

"You have to earn it" He chuckled, pulling me back to him in a heated kiss. Our lips moved together, and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend as sexy as Sam. "You seem tense..care to talk about it?" I whispered, pulling away and keeping my eyes closed as the kiss registered. "Yes, i'm tense because we aren't kissing" He laughed, pulling me back to him and pushing onto my chest so I was stuck beneath him unable to breath or move.


And being close to him, feeling his soft lips move against mine, it felt like the safest place in the world. "I could help.." I tried. Sam growled and flopped off me onto his back, taking long breaths. "Is someone upset?" I asked, poking his abdomen.

His head turned to face me and slowly his eyes opened. "Are you trying to distract me from the information that is on those papers?" My voice came out a whisper and I knew it was true. Something was written on those papers that Sam didn't want me to know, and realizing that made it much more difficult to not jump up and read it.

"Is it about Ian?" I croaked, seeing him nod slowly and try to take my hand. Pushing it away, I stood up and slowly walking to the couch, I crouched beside it and picked up the manila folder labeled with his name in messy handwriting.

I looked at the pages around it filled with all known information about Ian. Sam just sat on the bed with his hands knit through his hair like he was trying to control himself. "What.. why?" I was confused, and Sam knew and was trying to hide something.

He pulled something out of his back pocket and tossed it to me. It was crumpled and torn up, the edges torn off and the ink slightly smudged. But it was readable, yes, I read those words.

"He.. he killed people?" I said, my throat catching as tears tried to fall. "Yes. Seven girls who share physical traits with you. All in different packs, so he knew you where close to Werewolf's." Sam said from across the room, and I felt my chest tighten.

He sensed my pain- something Ammi explained- and walked over to me quickly, lifting me off the floor and setting me on his lap as he sat on the couch. "My brother and the guy who talked through him, Samuel wants to kill me" I said, repeating what I thought to be true "Yeah".


Sam held me while I cried. My brother killed 7 girls who roughly looked like I did. I was probably next now that he had found me. I wasn't ready to die! I'd just met Sam and finally found a home where i'd be happy, and he was going to rip it away from me like a greedy child? No!

"What are you thinking, sugar?" Sam whispered into my hair, pulling me closer and rubbing my back gently. No matter how hard I tried, the words coulden't make themselves out of my mouth.


Oh! Hello! This is typed up from my phone because I knew my amazing readers needed a update! So, I apologize for any mistakes that are made. Also, i'm coming out with a new story soon, so i'll keep you updated!

As always comment your thoughts on the chapter, vote, and add to your reading list!

Happy new year!

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