《Making Love to The Alpha》Chapter Twenty-One: Unedited


"Hey Ruby, me and Ammi are going to have a spa day then grab some lunch, want anything?" I asked, walking into her studio and admiring the canvas she was currently working on. "Yes, a salad or something" She said, going over to the windows and pushing them up to let air flow through the room. "OK. Love you" I said happily, waving at her before turning and leaving the room. Walking to the entry way, I gave my outfit a once over in the mirror as I went through the checklist.

Debit card, cell phone, keys, check. Nodding, I grabbed my keys and walked outside to my car. Climbing in, I started the car and began making my way to Ammis' house. It was her idea for the spa day, and of course being a girl I loved to be pampered. Leaning back, I enjoyed the ride as soft music played. Hearing my ringtone blaring, I looked down and saw Sams' cute face and the contact name 'Best Boyfriend'. Swiping, I put the call on speaker and listened to panting.

"Erm..Hello?" I giggled, hearing Sams' low chuckle. "Hey beautiful" He said, and I heard a steady thump thump thump. "Are you busy?" I asked, earning another laugh. "I am on the tredmill, and my beautiful girlfriend and mate popped into my mind so I thought i'd call and ask you what your doing today" He replied. Even through the phone his voice was sexy, and I was grateful for the barrier between us so he couldent see me shift uncomfartably.

"Ammi and I are going for a spa day and then some lunch" I informed him, pulling to a stop at the stop light. "And what would this spa day consist of?" He warily asked, and I heard the thump become slower till it ended. "Nails, massages, waxing, hair cut" I told him, feeling slightly uncomfartable. "Make sure that no man touches you, alright?" He growled as I pulled up to Ammis' adorable little yellow house. I still hadn't told her I knew about Werewolfs, and most likley she would answer my questions about them unlike Sam who changed the subject. "No, i'll make sure the sexiest guy there is the one that gives me my massage and after he rubs hot oil all over my hot, needy, aching, sweaty, wet body he'll take me in every positon while I scream his name" I whispered devilishly, hearing a roar. "I'm joking Sam. I'll text you when we're done" I giggled, hanging up before he could reply and honking the horn, signaling for Ammi to come out.


How would she react to my knowing about the Werewold community and Sams' Alpha position? A few seconds later, Ammi ran out with a smile on her face. Climbing in, I pulled out of her driveway and onto the road. "I know" I told her quietly, gripping the steering wheel and leaning forward. "About what?" She asked quietly, and I could tell she was getting nervous. "About Sam being a Werewolf" I continued, shooting her a look as we pulled up to the spa. "Y-you do." She stated, and I nodded. "He told me" I spoke slowly, reaching out and touching her arm. "I know alot of people are, like you, Andrew, Jess, and Gray".

Climbing out, she rushed over to me "Are you scared? Angry? Confused?" Ammi asked. Her voice trembled, and I held the door open for her "Yes. Yes.Yes."


"I'm in pain" I grumbled, walking out of the place like a duck. "Your fault for getting the brazilian wax." Ammi laughed. Tossing her the keys, I climbed into the passanger side and took a deep breath as the raw skin rubbed against my shorts.

We had gotten everything they had to offer; Manicures, pedicures, facials, massages, waxing, hot oil treatment. I felt clean, but the waxing was making me hurt. "I have a few questions about Werewolfs" I said as we made our way to Chick-fil-a. "Alright." She answered, still looking worried.

"What's mating? What's a Luna? What are pups? Why is Sam so big? Will I turn into a Werewolf?" I asked in a matter of seconds, shooting them off like crazy. "Mating is when two people, usally mates, have..sex. The man extens his canines and bites the girls neck, leaving a mark. Luna is the Alphas mate, she is a mother figure to the Alpha. Pups are baby Werewolfs. We don't shift till we turn 16, but the Alpha shifts at 13. Sam, I can't answer for why's so big. You will not turn unless Sam gives you the bite, not the mating bite, but the shifting bite that mutates you into a wolf." She concluded and I furrowed my eyebrows, coming up with more questions.


"Why is Sam so possesive of me?" I asked. Ammi told me that it was because we hadn't mated and his wolf needed to know that he had a claim on me. I kept asking her questions about Sams behavior all leading to the fact that we hadn't mated and that was the reason. I liked Sam alot, maybe even loved him.

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