《Signed /Dream Team/》22


After thinking for 10 minutes, I come to the conclusion that Clay will kill me if I wake him up and he finds me in his arms. Moving away is also a big no because I need to struggle my way out of his ridiculously strong hug, and just imagine how awkward that will be when he wakes up. It's like why did I get there in the first place.

I come up with a genius plan. To avoid the awkwardness, I decide to pretend I'm asleep and just sneakily start rolling away. Even if he wakes up, he's gonna be the only one experiencing the awkwardness and confusion because I'm asleep and he's the one hugging me.

I close my eyes and attempt to roll away, but my attempt fails cause his head is on my hair and it pulls when I move. I give it another try after freeing my hair.

This time it's better, I move like an inch away before he pulls me right back. I try to "naturally" move away a few more times, but every time either his arm is heaving me down, either he pulls me back, or just moves with me. He's so clingy, I could see it even from the way he was hugging that pillow earlier.

Eventually, I fall asleep from the mental and physical exhaustion. And I have to admit that it was one of the best if not the best sleep of the past few weeks. I should try sleeping on this bed more often.

I only wake up when I feel a weight getting lifted from my body and my back gets cold. And even though I wake up, I don't open my eyes just yet cause I know that the warmth leaving my body was actually Clay waking up or rolling away.

The room is quiet for a while. Then I hear him sigh. It sounded like he was letting go of a breath he'd been holding for 22 years. That's how whole-heartedly he sighed.


I don't like the cold and I'm anxious to hear what's he gonna do next. But at least one of the problems gets solved when I feel a blanket covering me and it must be his, it's still warm. Too bad he missed a spot on my shoulder and it's cold now. I would adjust the blanket, but I'm supposed to be asleep.

As great as it would feel to think that he cared one bit to cover me up, I still think he did it to mimic the heat that was radiating from his body and make it seem like I'd been sleeping with this blanket all along.

For a few seconds, I hear him type on his phone before he mutes the sound. But I'm sure I hear his fingers tapping on the screen for a bit longer, making me think that he's texting someone, maybe Nick cause a notification sound comes from the living room.

Apparently they are still live, I hear their voices. And looks like Clay is stuck here with me until they finish.

I feel myself drifting back to sleep again. And before I'm asleep, I feel Clay pulling the blanket a bit up to cover up that one spot on my shoulder that I mentioned earlier. How did he know it was bothering me?

To sum things up, it's safe to say that I spent the whole day sleeping. I slept for 11 hours and only woke up when it was dark outside.

I sit up in the bed, look around and see that I'm alone in the room. The lights of the living room were on, but there wasn't much going on, I couldn't hear them.

I get up, blindly try to find my phone in the darkness instead of bothering to turn on the lights, and open the door. It's a surprise that they're all home yet it's so quiet here.


"Thought you died," Nick's the first to speak as they all look up from their phones to look at me.

"Is that why you're so quiet?" I squint at the light. My head hurts so bad.

"Did you sleep well? You haven't been sleeping much lately," George locks his phone and puts it on the table, directing his whole attention to me.

The bar is low, I found the fact that he noticed that I haven't been sleeping much extremely cute.

"One of the best sleeps I ever had," maybe that was an exaggeration, but it's up there.

I see Clay glaring at me for a split second after my words, then he moves his attention back to his phone.

"Lucky," Nick frowns, "I barely slept because of the stupid alarm."

"Or maybe because you two laughed the whole night instead of sleeping," George had the nerve to put the blame on us when he was the one with a nose bleeding like a fountain.

"How is your nose?" I hint at it subtly.

"It only bled once and from one side," he smiles sincerely, "thank you for the night, by the way."

Clay and Nick look at each other. And I have to admit, the way George phrased that sounded weird.

"Ayo? What night?" Nick raises a brow dramatically.

I didn't want to deal with this so I went to the kitchen to eat something. Luckily they had ordered food while I was asleep and saved me some.

After a while I heard Nick shout "goodnight, Nasty" followed by George shouting "I'm gonna sleep in my bed" as I pour myself a glass of water to wash the food down. Great, I'm gonna spend the night awake and alone just like I'm used to.

I go brush my teeth, wash my face and I'm not even sure if I'm doing my morning routine or nighttime routine at this point. Not that they differ that much.

If I'm being honest, I get happy when I see that Clay is still in the living room. Even though he's probably going to piss me off or just ignore my existence, it's nice to know that there's a breathing creature in the room other than me.

I sit on the edge of the couch, worried that if I sit closer to him he'll get scared.

"Sooo.. how did you sleep?" I ask.

Dealing with him is harder than handling the abused kitten I rescued years ago.

"Do you really care?" I didn't expect anything more from him.

"Not really, just thought I'd ask," I shrug.

The corner of his mouth lifts a bit from my words. He definitely expected a different answer.

"Do you want to hear the answer though?"

I can't say that I'm not intrigued. I know he's gonna address the fact that I slept in the same bed as him. I want to hear what he has to say.

"I guess," I nod.

He shifts in his seat and looks at me. It's almost like he's contemplating whether he should say it or not.

"Well, it was nice having something softer than a pillow to hug."


Is he okay?

"But if I catch you invading my personal space in my sleep again, I'll make sure to hug you a little too tight until I hear some bones cracking and your pretty little face turns purple."

My jaw hangs open. I'm horrified but at the same worried for him. Is he okay?

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