《Signed /Dream Team/》19


Clay returns with ibuprofen and a cooling spray the pharmacist recommended.

Even though George lets out a high-pitched scream every time we spray his nose bridge, it feels way more effective than having to hold ice for hours. And the saline solution seems to work as well, cause it looks like the cotton balls are no longer getting soaked with blood momentarily.

"I'm scared to sleep," George's leaned back on the couch with closed eyes.

"Wake me up if anything happens," Nick suggests. They sleep in the same room, I think he'll hear if something happens before George even wakes him up.

"I'll probably die before you wake up. And even after I die, I doubt you'll even wake up," George's words are concerning. For George himself.

"You'll sleep in my room tonight," Clay looks at George. Even though he's the one offering such a thing, it still sounds like somebody forced him to say those words.

George agrees and everything seems to go okay. But then Nick speaks.

"You're gonna sleep in the same bed!?" The way he says it is so hilarious. He makes it sound like his friends are committing a crime.

"You've got a problem with that?" Clay looks him dead in the eyes. And even if Nick did have a problem, I'm sure after that glare it vanished.

"When have I had a problem with you two being homo? Never," Nick shrugs.

I think I know who's the funniest.

I'm ready to go do my bedtime routine and come prepare my couch for sleeping, but George looks at me.

"You can go sleep in my bed tonight. If it's comfortable and doesn't creak, you can take it permanently."

I would get butterflies from his sweet offer if he didn't sound like a pilot from all those plugs up his nose. Either way, it's still sweet that he's willing to sleep on the couch or even worse, next to Clay for me.


And I would reject his offer cause I know that he's probably just being nice and doesn't actually want to end up losing his bed, but I'm tired of sleeping on the uncomfortable couch. And it's my house. So he can sleep with Clay, I will enjoy Nick's company.

"Yoo, a new roommate!?" And looks like Nick is going to enjoy mine.

"It's just one night probably," I shake my head. I don't think sleeping in the same room with Nick for a long time is a good idea. It's a bunk bed and he sleeps in the top bed. So if he pisses the bed, it'll drip on me.

I don't know why is that an actual thought I have, but it scares me.

We all collectively help George take off his shirt without his nose falling off, and I'm guilty of staring. And after that, it's time for all of us to go to our rooms. For me and George - to our new rooms.

I'm surprised that Nick is respectful enough to leave so that I can change. I thought he'd say "I'm not looking" or "ahahaha I'll help you change babygirl" or maybe that is just past trauma. Either way, I was wrong.

He comes back, climbs on the top bed, and forces me to get out of my bed and turn off the lights cause "it's closer to me". And after that, the room is finally quiet.

At least for 10 minutes.

"Do you wanna watch videos together?"

I see Nick's head hanging from his bed and it's the funniest yet most terrifying thing I've seen today.

"What videos?" I'm not even interested, but I guess it's rude if I don't ask.

"My videos."

I don't know what I expected. It was either that or porn, there's no in-between. And how could I say no? He looks so excited.


"The ones that you play on TV every day?" I swear, I have some of the lines memorized from his videos and I don't even watch minecraft.

"Yes, the one I posted last week has 7K views already," he brags, and I find it adorable, "at least 3K of it is me with different accounts."

"Congrats!" I laugh, "Let's watch a few on my phone too then."

He jumps down and joins me in George's bed not caring that he was invading my personal space. He even steals the pillow and puts it behind his back, refusing to share it for a good minute before he gives in.

The funniest part of the experience was when he showed me how the minecraft villagers look and sound, and it made me laugh to tears cause that's exactly what George looked and sounded like with his stuffed swollen nose. We laughed so much that Clay started banging on the wall for us to shut up.

It got even worse when Nick said that Clay walks like an iron golem when his muscles are sore from working out. This time George yelled and told us to shut up and let him sleep and the sound of his voice made us laugh even harder. It got to a point where Nick had to go back to his bed, cause we had no self-control left anymore.

But even then, he would go "herrr" "hmm" "huhhh" like the minecraft villagers every now and then and make me laugh hysterically. Good thing he fell asleep eventually and I could finally relax.

And by relax I mean overthink and imagine sad scenarios. Like what if George's nose bleeds in his sleep and he chokes on blood and dies. Or what if it heals to look massive and everytime I look at him I remember the minecraft villagers and laugh.

I'm not a bad person, but why George? Couldn't it happen to Clay?

My thoughts paired with the fact that I'd been awake every night before this and my sleep schedule has changed kept me awake long enough for me to hear someone hurriedly going to the bathroom and running the water.

I ran out of the room, following the light of the bathroom to find George hovering over the bloody sink. Almost instinctively I tried to call for Clay cause it seemed like he was the only one who knew what he was doing, but George stopped me.

"Shh, let him sleep, he'd been awake this whole time."

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