《MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)》Chapter 13: Feeling Pinkie Keen
(Y/N), Twilight, and Spike were outside as Twilight is practicing her magic with Spike wearing a necklace made out of leaves, a rock on his head and he is holding a stick. Twilight uses her magic to change the leaf necklace around Spike's neck into a tuxedo but then she notices that Spike is distracted.
Eyes over here, Spike!
Uh, sorry.
Twilight then turns the stick Spike is holding into a fancy cane.
For this to work, it's crucial we keep our concentration totally on the-
A familiar female voice was heard which cut off Twilight and her concentration as the rock she turned into a top hat transformed back into a rock and was about to land on Spike, but (Y/N) stops it with his magic.
You alright there Spike?
Yeah, thanks (Y/N).
Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way!
I can't help it. Look!
Spike pointed to Pinkie Pie who was darting around frantically with an umbrella hat on her head and she looked rather worried.
Ugh, never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie.
Super-extra Pinkie Pie today.
She's seems normal to me.
Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.
What are you talking about?
I've seen her like this before many times.
Are you sure? Because she looks like she's has an umbrella out in the daylight.
They all then look to see Pinkie whose tail is twitching and they then approach her.
Hmm. . . Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch.
Pinkie Pie? What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?
Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!
Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea.
I do. It's Pinkie Sense.
Pinkie what now?
(Y/N)'s right Twilight. It's my Pinkie Sense and my tails twitchin' which means that stuff is going to start falling! You three better duck for cover.
Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain.
(Y/N) then looks up to see Fluttershy flying above them carrying a large number of frogs in a wooden cat and he smirks at Twilight.
Why, there's barely even a cloud in the-ugh!
One of the frogs then land on Twilight's nose which makes her stare at it and the frog croaks.
He just said "nice catch" in Frog.
(Y/N) chuckles at that and Twilight glares at him.
Oh, I'm so, so sorry.
Everyone then looks up at Fluttershy.
You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so over-populated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bogg.
Of course you did.
Do you need any help Fluttershy?
No thank you (Y/N), but thank you for asking. I better go now, bye-bye.
Fluttershy then flew away with the frogs she has with her while Twilight still has the lone frog on her face.
Um. . . Twilight? You gotta little somethin' on your face there.
Oh, really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that, too?
Nah! I could just see it.
Pinkie walks off singing to herself and the frog that was on Twilight's face hopped off and hopped away.
C'mon you two, let's continue our practice session where there's a little less commotion.
Spike then climbs onto Twilight's back as she and (Y/N) walk off.
Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!
Oh, come on. She said that something would fall, and a frog just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence, nothing else to it.
Actually when it comes to Pinkie Sense Twilight, I wouldn't debate on it being a coincidence.
*chuckles* Oh please, (Y/N). That's ridiculous. No one can predict future events like that.
Pinkie then suddenly returns with her tail twitching.
My tail! My tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Twitch-a-twitch! Somethin' else is gonna fall!
Oh, Pinkie, please. Nothing else is gonna fa-AAAH!
Twilight then accidentally falls into an empty ditch when she wasn't looking.
Oh no, Twilight fell!
Spike then turns to (Y/N) with a worried look.
Is it. . . safe to go help her?
(Y/N) rolls his eyes at that as he jumps into the ditch and helps Twilight up from the ground.
Are you alright, Twilight?
Yes, thanks (Y/N).
It's okay, my tail stopped twitching.
Pinkie says this as she walks off again singing to herself.
Ha ha! That was amazing!
Oh please.
Applejack then arrives to the scene.
Uh, Twilight? (Y/N)? Why are y'all hanging out in a ditch?
Because Pinkie Pie predicted it.
It was basically the whole Pinkie Sense prediction thing again.
Honestly, you two, she did not predict that. Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely, but it's still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future.
Applejack then froze and gasps at that.
Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense? Whoa! Nyu-uh!
Applejack then nervously ducked under a vegetable stand.
Don't worry Applejack. The prediction already happened when Twilight fell in that ditch.
Applejack sighs in relief at that and crawled out from the vegetable stand.
Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too?
I know it doesn't make much sense, but those of us who have been in Ponyville a while have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a-twichin', you better listen.
Believe me, when I first denied it. I paid the consequences.
Really? What happened?
Let's just say that I ended up being stinky for the rest of the day. Got sprayed by falling skunks.
Falling skunks? Falling skunks?! *laughs* That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard. That can't be true at all.
Nah! It's true. Ah saw it with mah own eyes. He smelled like a bunch of rotten apples in a forest.
*shudders* Don't remind me.
Right then, Pinkie reappeared again and this time, her ears are flopping up and down.
My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!
Spike cringed in fear from that.
What does that mean?!
I'll start a bath for you.
Pinkie tells this to Twilight as she walks off and (Y/N), Applejack, and Spike back away from Twilight who chuckled softly.
A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute!
At that moment, a pony who was pulling a cart rushes behind Twilight and over a mud puddle which splashes mud all over Twilight which made her growl angrily.
*snickers* Guess I'm not the only one who needed a bath.
Twilight gives (Y/N) an annoyed glare when he said that.
Later on, (Y/N) was waiting outside of Sugarcube Corner while Pinkie was giving Twilight a bath to clean up the mud she was covered in and as he did, a scream was heard from inside the building.
Geez, what's going on in there?
Soon the door opened and (Y/N) looked to see Twilight and Pinkie leaving Sugarcube Corner and he walked together with them through the town.
Had a nice bath, Twilight?
It would have been if there wasn't an alligator in the tube at the time.
Oh, so that's why you yelled. You must've met Gummy.
Twilight then glares at (Y/N) when he mentioned that.
You knew about the alligator and you didn't tell me?!
Uh. . . sorry?
Ugh, forget it.
(Y/N) met Gummy when he came to visit me at Sugarcube Corner one time. They always love to do staring contests with each other.
*chuckles* Yep, Gummy's a fun little guy.
(Y/N) was at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie as she was smiling that (Y/N) got to meet Gummy for the first time. (Y/N) was currently staring at a small light green alligator with pale purple eyes and a pale, light grayish pistachio underbelly.
Both Gummy and (Y/N) were staring at each other for a minute before (Y/N) decides to break the silence.
So. . . you're supposed Pinkie's pet alligator Gummy that she won't shut up about.
Gummy simply just blinks at that.
Ha! You blinked!
Yay! (Y/N) wins the staring contest with you Gummy!
Gummy simply just blinks again at that.
*chuckles* I like this guy.
Anyway, how's it going with the Pinkie Sense?
Well, I still don't believe all this. . . "special power" stuff. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.
What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?
Huge! For one thing, magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it, and it's meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen. With you, uh, it makes no sense at all!
Well, to be honest Twilight, when it comes to Pinkie, common sense doesn't exist.
Exactly what (Y/N) said Twilight. Sometimes it's a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call 'em "combos".
Sure! You know, like, ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!
Yeah. . . sure.
Twilight then approaches the Golden Oak Library until catches something.
Uh-oh, I feel a combo coming on. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!
Uh oh! I know that combo!
(Y/N) then blocks Twilight's path from the door which confuses her.
(Y/N), why are you in my way?
Because of-
The door suddenly slams open at (Y/N) which made Twilight and Pinkie gasp and Spike comes backing out while carrying a stack of books. The door then creaks back and (Y/N) falls to the ground flat as a pancake. Both Twilight and Pinkie then rush over to him as he got up from the ground, rubbing his head.
(Y/N)! Are you alright?!
Ow! Clearly, I did not think that through. And to finish my sentence, the combo Pinkie did meant to watch out for opening doors.
What? Pinkie, I thought you said that combo meant "beautiful rainbow".
Oh no-no-no-no-no. You're thinking of an ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. This was an ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch. Are you okay (Y/N)?
Yeah, I'm fine. I'll remember not to do that next time.
I know you were just trying to protect me (Y/N), but next time try not to hurt yourself like that.
Yeah, thanks Twilight.
Still, I don't believe this.
You don't believe because you don't understand.
Hmm. . .
Twilight had a thoughtful look on her face and (Y/N) could tell what Twilight was thinking as he went wide eyed.
No! No! No! Twilight, I know what you're thinking and let me just say that researching and experimenting Pinkie Sense is impossible. So, let it go already.
No way (Y/N). I will research Pinkie Sense and I will figure out how it works.
Ugh, fine. Then I might as well help you with it.
Later, in the basement of the Golden Oak Library, Twilight turned it into a laboratory where she has Pinkie hooked up to a machine with a helmet on her head with cords connected from it to a machine that was printing out graphs and her fore-hooves are strapped down to another machine while (Y/N) sat down on a chair nearby reading a book.
Okay. Now when you get another twitch, we'll have all kinds of scientific information.
They all waited for Pinkie to twitch. . . but nothing was happening.
Any twitches yet?
They all waited some more and there were still no twitches coming from Pinkie which annoyed Twilight.
Now? Anything?
Pinkie then concentrated a little, but nothing came out.
Wait! Hold on! Uhh, no.
Are you kidding me?! After a whole day of nonstop twitching, now that I've got you all hooked up, you're not getting a single one?
I don't control it, they just come and go.
That makes no sense!
Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out.
I will not believe in anything I cannot explain.
Oh, really? Explain this then. Why are there different dimensions? How does all of reality exists?
Uh. . . well. . .
Twilight looked up for a second before having a look of defeat on her face.
Yeah, there a ton of things in life we can't explain like Pinkie Sense. Just face the facts and accept it how it is Twilight.
Okay, fair point, but this is Pinkie and she's like all of us.
Eh, in a few ways. . . not really.
Oh come on (Y/N). There is no possible way that in all of reality, Pinkie has as so much unpredictable power that it doesn't make sense.
Wait, you two! I'm feeling something. . .
Twilight then points at (Y/N) with an excited look.
Ha, speak of the devil! What is it Pinkie?! What is it?!
Twilight and (Y/N) looked in interest and waited for a twitch. . . but it only Pinkie's stomach growling. (Y/N) then started laughing hard as he was on the ground and Twilight gave him an annoyed look.
It's my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry! Let's eat!
*chuckles* Actually as a matter of fact, I could go for a bite to eat as well.
Urgh. . . You know what?
Twilight then takes the cords off of the machine and turns it off.
Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it! I don't even care!
Well, in that case let's go somewhere to get a snack.
Pinkie then takes the helmet off of her head and hopped up the stairs past Twilight and (Y/N), towards the door. When they all reached the door, Pinkie stopped and started to twitch her beware of opening doors combo which (Y/N) noticed and he stopped, but Twilight ignored it.
Twilight stop!
(Y/N) then uses his magic to bring Twilight to wear they were.
Pinkie just did her beware of opening doors combo.
The door suddenly slams open which is revealed to be opened by Spike.
Geez Spike, you don't need to be so dramatic and always slam open a door.
Sorry about that, I was just seeing if you guys were around.
Twilight jaw dropped and looked back and forth between both (Y/N) and Pinkie and the door that Spike opened which she pointed to.
Did you three plan this?
Plan what?
Nope just Pinkie Sense, Twilight.
Urgh! Enough with the Pinkie Sense excuses already! This is ridiculous. This can't be happening. This makes no sense. I have to figure this out.
Twilight then rushed up to (Y/N) with a serious look on her face.
And you're going to be needed for this (Y/N).
(Y/N) rolled his eyes at Twilight's demands.
Ugh, fine.
Later that day, Pinkie Pie is happily hopping along the road while a bush was quietly following her from a distance before stopping and a pair of binoculars popped out of it. It was Twilight who is wearing a safari pith helmet and (Y/N) then pops up next to Twilight with an annoyed look as he was also wearing a pith helmet and carrying a pencil along with a notebook to take notes for Twilight.
Seriously Twilight, were the helmets really necessary? This isn't some kind of safari journey and Pinkie is not some kind of wild animal.
I want to get as much research as possible (Y/N). And when it comes to scientific stuff like this, you have to do it in style.
*sarcastically* Really? That's more of something Rarity would say if you ask me.
A voice surprised both (Y/N) and Twilight as they both looked behind them to see Spike.
Honestly, Spike, don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies?
Oh, sorry, but, um, well, isn't that what you're doing?
No! I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name: Pinkius Pieicus, in its natural habitat.
Again! She's not a wild animal!
In my case she is. There's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it. So, shh. Come on, Pinkius Pieicus is on the move.
(Y/N) rolled his eyes as Twilight picked up the bush she's hiding in and they both went after Pinkie with Spike following them as well.
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