《13 Reasons Why [L.S.]》Confessions


'Hi Harry. Before you listen to this tape I want you to go outside in the garden. Listen to it without earbuds. xx'

After reading the message I pull out the tape. "Guess I'm going outside then." I breath out in anticipation. Johanna smiles warmly at me before she leads me to a back door. I open the door revealing a large backyard filled with flowers, trees and toys. The rain has died down quickly and it's now just peaceful drips of water gliding down the blades of grass. I step out in the wind, looking at my surroundings for a couple of seconds before I get impatient and start the tape. The last and final tape.


You're probably very confused right now. I asked you to come to my house and stand outside to listen to this, but I'm gonna explain it all now. There's one simple reason for all of this actually.

I'm in love with you Harry."

My heart skips and beat and I gasp. Did I just hear what I think I heard. Did Louis Tomlinson just confess his love for me. After years and years of pining after him, thinking of him as someone I could never stand a chance with, he tells me he feels the exact same.

"I've been in love with you for a long time actually. I remember seeing you on the first day of high school. You were this clumsy, shy, curly-haired dork, but I found you so cute and sweet, and I watched you grow into this amazing person you are today.

I always had a crush on you, but since no one knew I was gay, and I knew what it would do to my reputation, I didn't have the guts to do anything about it. And as If God was on my side, one day I found out you were gay. I remember being so happy about it, and I actually planned on asking you out.


But then Taylor and everything that followed her happened and I became afraid. I couldn't bare the thought of you hurting me, and I figured that you probably found me pathetic. At least until that one time in the bathroom after I had been beaten up. You helped me, and you were so kind towards me despite everything.

So here's my confession. I'm in love with you, Harry, and I would love for you to be my boyfriend."

I could literally burst from all those news. Either from happiness or confusion. My eyes are pinched together as I hear the last bit of the tape, and I can't help but wonder out loud.

"Why would he tell me that if he's dead?" I mumble to myself.

"Because I'm not." My eyes shoot up from where I was looking at the ground. And there, right in front of me, stands the most beautiful person who ever walked this planet - someone I never thought I would lay my eyes upon again; Louis Tomlinson.

My hearts starts pumping against my chest, my breaths getting uneven, but I can't think of anything else to do than run towards the boy. He copies my actions and so our bodies smash together in a breathtaking hug. We fit perfectly together as our bodies mold into each others.

Complete silence - except from the uncontrollable breaths escaping my mouth - fills the air. I'm so at a loss for words I can't think of anything else than hugging the crap out of him.

I pull away from the hug to study Louis. Is this real? This is something I could only possibly dream of right?

"Pinch me." I can't help but say, my eyes shutting closed. I need to know if this is a dream.


"What?" He chuckles by surprise.

"I need to know if this is real or if I'm dreaming." I state, and so he pinches my arm confirming that this is in fact happening right now. I couldn't be happier to ever feel physical pain than I am right now.

"You're alive." I breath out, a smile taking over my whole face.

"Yeah, that's kinda the whole point of this." He jokes. After everything I've heard him go through I can't believe he's still strong enough to stand here and joke about this. He just amazes me time and time again.

My hands travel up from where they were holding his waist, after the hug, to cup his cheeks. I look deeply into his eyes. Those eyes I could get lost in. Eyes like an ocean I would dive right into if possible. A heartwarming smile plays upon his lips as I get lost in the blue in them. I pull myself together, take a deep breath and let out the words I've been longing to for so long.

"I'm in love with you too." I whisper into the peaceful air.

The words almost takes him by surprise before a smile that could make even the saddest man happy is shown on is face. Then his hands are pulling me closer by the waist and our bodies are pressed impossibly closer. We exchange one last smile before our lips mold together in a sensational kiss.

It's so innocent yet sinful. So cautious yet careless. So simple yet powerful. It's everything I could have ever dreamed of to say the least.

My lips are numb from the excitement and sensation as we pull apart. A couple of more moments are spent on admiring each other before I speak again.

"I have so many questions about everything."

"I know. I have one too first of all." He reminds himself.

"Okay. What?" I smile at him. We're still standing very close, and I feel the warmth of his body all over my own.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He smiles, but I can still see the nervousness in his eyes. As if I'd ever say no.

"I'd love to." I smile, kissing his soft lips once again. We share one last look before Louis takes my hand in his and leads me inside the house. I can see by the way his mom gives him a knowing and approving smile that she was in on this and knew he wasn't dead.

Louis leads me up the stairs to his bedroom where we plop down on his bed.

"Okay. Ready for the questions." He steals one last kiss.

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