《13/Stefanielle》Back Where It All Began.
By the time Stefania reached the twenty-ninth floor, she could feel slick wetness painting her upper thighs. Her boobs pressed hard against the fabric of her bra, and her boobs felt heavy and swollen. She was sure her face was flushed and her pupils dilated, and it excited her to think that anyone who saw her now would surely notice the state she was in.
She cast a fond parting glance around the elevator as she stepped out. This just happened to be the car where she and Danielle had shared their first kiss. It held a lot of very special memories for her, and she let her dreamy musings stoke the arousal she was already feeling.
With a bright smile on her face, she walked down the hallway to Danielle's office. A goateed young man ambled toward her, stopping at the last minute when he realized he was about to walk into her. He gave her a slack-jawed nod and they did one of those side-to-side dances trying to get past one another. Stefania suppressed her giggle at his expression.
Danielle's programmers were never very subtle about their excitement at seeing a woman enter their domain. Stefania's rare visits to the office usually created quite a stir. Her biggest challenge today would be making it through the gauntlet, the name she had given to the two long rows of desks she had to walk between to get to Danielle's corner office.
The gauntlet, populated by staring computer geeks whose eyes would be pinned to her, her boobs, her face. Don't pretend that doesn't make you just a little hot, Stefania. Trying to act naturally, knowing what you're about to do.
Hot, wet, and bare beneath her knee-length skirt, legs weak with sexual need, she worked up her courage and strode down the gauntlet.
The heads swung around almost in unison.
—Having lunch with Ms. Savre today?— A dateless code monkey asked the obvious.
Stefania gave a friendly nod. No, I'm just having Ms. Savre.
His eyes never moved from her shirt front, which was unbuttoned far enough to show a hint of boobs. She'd stopped at home to change out of her scrubs into something a little more alluring before leaving for her lunch date. Her panties were back at the apartment.
After all, she wouldn't be needing them.
—Is Danielle in her office?— she asked.
This complex question was met with several seconds of stupefied silence before Danielle's only female programmer answered, —She sure is. Have a good lunch.—
Oh, I will. Stefania's clenched in anticipation. She felt all eyes on her as she strolled through the rows of cubicles toward Danielle's closed door.
Stefania knocked and stepped inside, breaking into a sunny grin when she saw Danielle sitting behind her large oak desk.
—Hey, baby— Danielle said in a low voice. Her gaze traveled slowly over Stefania's body. —Why don't you close that door behind you for a minute?—
Stefania stepped inside and leaned back on the door, shutting it with a gentle click. —I've missed you,— she murmured. The absolute truth, never minds that it had only been a little over six hours.
Her body burned from the way Danielle looked at her. She could see Danielle's hands curled into fists on the surface of her desk.
—I missed you, too,— Danielle said.
—Have you been thinking about me?—
—You know I can't do anything but—
Stefania stepped farther into the office. —Oh, really?—
Danielle's voice grew husky. —When I'm hard for you all day, it's pretty difficult to get you out of my head.—
Stefania swallowed and stepped around the side of Danielle's desk so she could see her lap. Sitting had the effect of stretching her dark pants tight over her, revealing the bulge between her legs. —How is that hard pack working out for you?—
—Good.— Danielle licked her lips. —Excellent.—
Leaning her bottom against the edge of the desk, Stefania bent and spoke into Danielle's ear. —Are you wet under that stiff ?—
A hot, shaky exhalation blew over her neck, raising gooseflesh.
Stefania closed her eyes for a beat, struggling with her desire. She wasn't done playing out this seduction scene, which was just as important to her fantasy as actually getting fucked.
—Are you?— she asked again when Danielle didn't answer.
—Yes.— Her lover's voice was quiet and rough with hunger.
Stefania straightened and scooted up to sit on Danielle's desk, to her left. She lifted the hem of her skirt slightly as she spread her legs. —So am I. Look.—
Danielle released a soft groan as she leaned back in her leather chair and craned her neck to peer up Stefania's skirt. Stefania felt a renewed flood of wetness when Danielle's gaze found her swollen sex and lingered there. Reaching out, Danielle stroked her fingertip along the soft skin on the inside of Stefania's knee.
As she moved up, dangerously close to the juncture of Stefania's thighs, a loud thump sounded outside the office door and Stefania brought her knees together automatically.
—Printer paper delivery,— Danielle explained. —There's a supplies closet next door.—
Laughing softly at her own stretched nerves, Stefania slid off the desk and walked to the office door. —That's why that guy who invented locks, uh, invented locks.—
—How brilliant of him,— Danielle replied with a lazy smile. She paused as something seemed to register. —Wait. Here?—
Stefania grinned as she secured the lock and returned to Danielle. I guess I never really made it clear that I intended to her right at her desk. She dropped to her knees on the carpet, pulling Danielle's chair around. Unbuttoning Danielle's pants, lowering the zipper, Stefania gave her a mischievous smile. —Tell me you've never imagined doing this.—
—In my office?—
—Tell me you haven't.— Stefania reached into Danielle's pants and pulled out the strap-on dildo, easing it into an erect position while licking her lips. —But I'm not going to believe you.—
—I have.— Danielle groaned deep in her throat as Stefania leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of the dildo, then pulled back to swirl her tongue around the tip. —Many times.—
Stefania engulfed the dildo with her mouth. Just as she'd hoped, this time around, she was very much fulfilling a mutual fantasy. Bobbing her head up and down, she milked the length of the dildo with her lips, thoroughly enjoying the tease she was giving Danielle. Such a mental thing, but by the way Danielle's pumped gently beneath her and her fingers threaded through Stefania's hair, she was definitely getting off on it.
—Oh yeah, baby,— Danielle growled in a bare whisper. —Suck me.—
Stefania continued her dutiful ministrations, curling her arms around Danielle's thighs. The firm hand remained locked in her hair, not forcing her movement but keeping her close and focused on her task.
Above her, the phone rang.
—Fuck.— Danielle sagged back in her leather chair with a deflated sigh.
—Goddamn it.—
Stefania released the dildo from her mouth with a quiet pop.
—Answer it,— she murmured, then licked a lazy circle around the head of the toy. —Don't mind me.—
The phone continued to ring.
—I can't answer it like this,— Danielle hissed, then gasped as Stefania reached up to grip the base of the dildo in her fist and ran her tongue down its length. —There's no way I'm going to sound normal while you're——
—You'll be just fine.— Stefania pumped the toy with her hand and lifted her eyes to give Danielle a playful smile. —You're a professional.—
She took the dildo into her mouth again, never breaking eye contact with her panting lover.
Danielle whipped the phone to her ear and greeted the caller with cool authority. Nothing about her demeanor suggested that she was receiving a spirited blow job from a woman on her knees. Stefania enjoyed watching her as she talked shop with someone who was obviously a client. Her face said it all. The challenge of keeping her composure made her eyes flash with pure heat, and she gave Stefania a stern, steamy look. It took all of Stefania's concentration not to moan out loud when the musky smell of Danielle's sex registered so close to her nostrils. She inhaled deeply, sucking and licking as if Danielle could feel every stroke of her tongue and the suction of her lips. Her fingers flexed on the backs of Danielle's thighs, telegraphing her need. She knew Danielle understood when her hand began moving over Stefania's hair, encouraging her as she worked her mouth up and down. They locked eyes as Stefania took as much in her mouth as she could manage.
Danielle's thighs tensed beneath her upper arms. —Thanks, Wayne. I'll see you on Monday, ten o'clock.— She waited a moment, then released a light chuckle. —You bet. Bye.—
The phone clattered back into its cradle and Danielle tightened her grip on Stefania's hair until she lifted her head and released the dildo from her mouth.
—Everything okay?— she asked with a wicked grin. —Did the call go well?—
—You little minx. Get up here and sit on my lap.—
Stefania crawled up and straddled Danielle's thighs, pulling her skirt higher so the dildo pressed firmly against her slippery labia, and leaned close to Danielle's ear. —Are you going to fuck me in your office, Ms. Savre?—
Danielle's hands found their way under her skirt and gripped her bare bottom. She drew Stefania against the hardness between her legs, moving her back and forth in slow counter-rhythm. —I think I might,— she murmured.
—Are you sure?— Stefania pressed Danielle's face into her so that she wouldn't see her smile. —You seemed a little uncertain earlier.—
A desperate hand reached between their bodies, and Stefania felt the head of the dildo guided to her wet entrance.
—We'll make this quick,— Danielle whispered. —And then we'll go out.—
Stefania grinned. It had been all too easy to break down Danielle's inhibitions. Oh yeah, she'd definitely fantasized about this before.
Tracing her tongue along Danielle's earlobe, she breathed, —Fuck me, Ms. Savre. Please.—
The head of the dildo slipped inside. Stefania took it in slowly, holding Danielle's gaze as she was filled.
—Like that?—
Stefania nodded and gasped, —Yes.— She gripped the back of the chair over Danielle's shoulders, rolling her around. —That's perfect.—
Danielle rubbed lazy circles over Stefania's swollen. —Move for me, honey.— Her eyes flicked over Stefania's shoulder toward the door.
—And be quiet.—
Stefania gave a solemn nod, and began riding the dildo that rested so deep inside her intimity. The wonderful fullness, the way she was stretched open, set her bucking in pleasure. The touch of Danielle's hand, the careful attention of her fingers on Stefania's slick flesh, made her want to scream. She leaned forward and thrust her tongue into Danielle's mouth to stifle the impulse.
Danielle's fingers picked up speed, gliding swiftly over the hood of her . Their mouths stayed crushed together, and Stefania rocked her hard against Danielle's body as she sought release. She was so close already, and everything was working to push her closer: the need for silence, the feeling of the edge of the desk pressing into her back as she moved, the knowledge that the only thing separating them from a room full of people hard at work was the locked office door.
Danielle tore her mouth away from their kiss with a low groan. —Come for me, sweetheart.—
Stefania nodded, afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would let loose and cry out her joy. She ground down on the dildo, quiet gasps escaping from between her tightly clenched teeth. Her jerked as the pleasure built. She felt a hand grasp at one buttock convulsively, pulling her onto the dildo again and again, forcing her to take all Danielle could give her.
Stefania tipped back her head, opened her mouth, and came with a silent scream at the ceiling. Her orgasm surged through her, bone-deep and intense.
—That was fast,— Danielle murmured. Pride rang in her muted voice.
Stefania reached over Danielle's shoulder and gave her three firm taps with her hand. —Why don't you let me pat you on the back, so you don't have to do it yourself?—
Chuckling, Danielle whispered, —I was sort of hoping that you'd offer to toot my horn instead. You know, so I don't have to do it myself.—
Stefania grinned. —That could be arranged.—
—Want to get out of here?—
With her hands on Danielle's shoulders, Stefania stood slowly on unsteady legs, easing off the dildo. Glancing down, she gasped, —Baby, I'm so sorry.—
Danielle's eyes fell to her lap and she smiled even as her face flushed red. —Oh my God.— A dark spot of wetness stained the front of her pants.
—I didn't take this into account.—
Stefania's upper lip twitched, and a snuffle of laughter escaped.
—Me, neither. Oh, honey, I really am so sorry.—
Danielle shook her head, face growing impossibly redder. —I think, technically, that it's my fault.— She stood up and tucked the dildo back into her pants, adjusting for a few moments before she zipped up. Then she pulled her jacket on and tugged it closed. Casting a hopeful look at her upper thighs, she scowled at the wet stain that was still slightly visible. —Great.—
—You can barely see it,— Stefania said. Flattening the material of her skirt over her thighs with both hands, she tried to fix her own appearance. —Nobody will notice.—
—Damn right, nobody will notice.— Danielle stepped away from her desk, picking up her car keys from the corner. —You're walking in front of me.—
—It's the least I can do,— Stefania said. —Just act nonchalant.—
—Nonchalant, right.— Danielle lifted her fingers to her face and inhaled.
—No problem.—
When they finally made it to the elevator, Stefania felt like she'd just run a marathon, and Danielle was grinning like an idiot.
Danielle punched the Down button and leaned close to Stefania's ear.
—I don't know why, but that made me so fucking hot just now.—
Stefania's legs went all shaky again, and she turned her head to lick Danielle's earlobe. —Me, too. I want to wear that strap-on and you until you come.—
Stefania stepped inside the elevator as soon as the door opened, then turned and ed her head at Danielle. —Going down?— she asked.
She watched Danielle swallow, then nod. —If I'm lucky.—
After Danielle moved inside the car and the doors slid shut, Stefania half turned to give her a playful look. —You know, I could just press the emergency stop button——
—Don't even think about it.— Danielle laced her hands in front of the dark spot on her pants. —I'm not willing to pay Mike for another surveillance tape.—
—I'm just nostalgic,— Stefania said, kicking at the floor with the toe of her shoe. —You know, you actually fulfilled one of my fantasies the first night we met. Getting fucked in an elevator.—
—And you fulfilled one of mine,— Danielle said. She took Stefania's hand in her own. —Meeting a beautiful woman and falling in love.—
Stefania blinked, for a moment unable to form a coherent response.
At some point when she hadn't been looking, Danielle had become a very expressive lover. Eyes filling with happy tears, she whispered, —Mine, too.—
Mike's head popped up as they left the elevator and crossed the lobby. He gave them a wink, as if they shared a secret.
Danielle nodded at him as they walked past the front desk. —Until next time, man.—
Every time Stefania saw him she wondered if he'd watched their tape before he handed it over. She didn't want to think about that too hard. She waited until they were outside on the sidewalk to speak again. —Brilliant performance, baby. That whole thing was absolutely perfect.—
Swinging their hands, Danielle wore a beaming smile. —I thought so, too.— She stepped closer and bumped against Stefania's hip. —So what next, my darling?—
—The Hilton. Six minutes if you drive. Four if I do.—
Danielle handed her car keys over. —Let's hit it.—
It took them exactly three minutes and fifty-six seconds to reach the Hilton where Stefania had booked a room that morning. She'd already checked in, so she escorted Danielle past the lobby elevator to a stairwell.
—I have a friend who used to work here,— she explained in response to a puzzled glance from Danielle. —I know another way up.—
They climbed a half flight of stairs and emerged into a short, deserted hallway. Stefania led the way to a wide, industrial gray elevator door situated at the far end, and pushed the square button on the wall.
The doors slid open, revealing a large, empty car with a metal rail attached to the back wall.
—Freight elevator,— she explained.
Danielle's nostrils flared. —And why do you want to take the freight elevator?—
Stefania grabbed Danielle by the front of her shirt and pulled her inside.
—No cameras.—
—You're sure?— Danielle asked, glancing suspiciously around at the interior.
—I've got it on good authority.— Stefania sent another silent thank you to Rita, who used to dance at the club and now worked in the Hilton kitchen. —I made a phone call this morning. Trust me.—
Stefania hit the emergency stop button as soon as they began their ascent. Backing Danielle to the wall, she pressed her against the cool metal and kissed her for all she was worth. Danielle's hand found its way to her head, fingers entangling in her hair, and she held Stefania close as she kissed her back.
—I want that strap-on,— Stefania murmured against Danielle's lips.
—Again, honey?— Danielle kissed a path from Stefania's mouth down her throat. —You're insatiable.—
Stefania dropped her hands to the front of Danielle's pants. Unbuttoning and unzipping with shaking fingers, she said, —No. I want it. I want to wear it, and I want to fuck you with it.—
Danielle immediately began to help, pushing her pants down around her ankles. —And you should definitely get what you want.—
—Remember that, sweetheart, for future reference.—
Danielle wore a lazy grin as Stefania unbuckled the harness. —Why, Dr. Spampinato, I think you're taking advantage of me during a moment of weakness.—
—I think you're loving it,— Stefania countered, hiking up her skirt to fasten the strap-on around her . —We've got the room for the night, you know.— She gave a grateful smile when Danielle took over buckling one side. —What do you say you meet me here right after you're done with work for the day?—
The dildo now jutted out from between her thighs, tenting the front of her skirt slightly. Stefania pulled the straps tight.
—I can't think of a better way to start the weekend.—
Stefania eased into a slow smile as she finished tightening the other side of the harness. —Technically,— she said, and gripped Danielle's upper arm, —my weekend has already started. And I can think of a great way to kick it off.—
Danielle shivered. —How do you want me?—
Anyway you'll let me have you. Stefania leered, drawing an uncharacteristic giggle from her lover. —So many choices——
—I'm sure you have an idea about what you really want.—
Something about Danielle's inflection twisted Stefania's stomach and sent hot desire to pool between her thighs. She positioned Danielle so she faced the back of the elevator car and the long metal railing. —Hold on with one hand, touch yourself with the other, and bend over so I can see your pussy.—
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