《13/Stefanielle》A Glitch.
Danielle stalked out of the bedroom with a grumpy scowl on her face, looking beautiful but surly in a dark gray suit. Stefania stood in the kitchen, silently packing each of them a bag lunch to take to work. Spreading mustard on a turkey sandwich for Danielle, she watched her cautiously.
Would Danielle break the ice, or would she have to do it?
They'd traded sharp words just minutes ago, Danielle storming around after finding a wet towel hanging over the shower door dripping onto the floor. She hated untidiness, and apparently water on the bathroom floor was a high crime. Her first words to Stefania that morning were sharp. What the hell? Are you trying to make a mess?
Stefania had sniped back, irritated at the reproof in the place of the hug and kiss she'd grown accustomed to. Well, you're charming this morning, my little ray of sunshine.
And that was the last time they'd spoken before Danielle shoved the bathroom door closed and Stefania stomped away to the kitchen. Exactly seventeen minutes had elapsed. Stefania knew because she had been keeping count, her stomach uneasy because of the mood between them.
She listened but kept her head down as Danielle swept into the kitchen and shuffled around preparing a fresh pot of rich-smelling coffee. Danielle didn't say anything as she worked. Neither did Stefania, leaving their morning routine to be carried out in silent efficiency.
It was the end of their second week in the new apartment together, and as they neared the end of unpacking all the boxes, they were going through a crash course in each other's habits. Danielle was the consummate neatnik, just as Stefania had expected. Stefania was more mellow than Danielle, though she guessed her lover would label her ways messy. Stefania really had been trying to be more conscientious about her environment, and until this morning, Danielle seemed to be exercising a remarkable amount of good-natured patience whenever she slipped up.
Learning all of Danielle's pet peeves wasn't an easy task, and Stefania thought she deserved more credit than she'd been granted in the bathroom.
—Where's my briefcase?— Danielle's voice was strained. She stood on the other side of the kitchen counter, in the dining room. —I left it by the door, but I'm not seeing it there.—
Stefania lifted her eyes. —I put it in the front closet.—
—The front closet. Of course.— Mumbling something inaudible, Danielle strode away.
Fighting off tears, Stefaniastuffed a banana into one of the brown paper bags and rolled the top closed just as Danielle returned. Managing a pained half-smile, she offered it to her. —Here's your lunch.—
Danielle's face softened a little, and she set her briefcase on the floor and took the bag, carefully avoiding Stefania's fingers. —Oh. Thanks.—
—No problem.— Stefania met her gaze warily. She itched to touch Danielle's hand but held back, not sure the contact would be appreciated.
—It's just a turkey sandwich.—
Danielle expelled a deep sigh and put the bag down on the counter.
—I'm sorry, honey.—
Despite the way her stomach ached with tension over their argument, Stefania wasn't quite ready to let it go. —Why?—
—For causing our first fight.—
At the hangdog look on Danielle's face, Stefania managed a faint smile.
—Too late. You already apologized to me for that.—
Danielle tilted her head, obviously confused. —I did?—
—This isn't our first fight. I'm not even sure it's our second. The first—if you recall—was in your office, and the hallway, and the elevator. And it lasted a lot longer than this.—
Shaking her head, Danielle said, —Oh, yeah. So I guess I'm sorry for causing all our fights.— Her expression turned glum, and she couldn't meet Stefania's gaze.
Stefania walked around the kitchen counter and wrapped her arms around Danielle's shoulders. —We're not fighting.—
—We're not? It felt like it, a little bit.—
—We're bickering,— Stefania corrected. —That's what couples do sometimes.—
—Doesn't excuse my shitty mood,— Danielle mumbled.
—It's not a big deal. It's forgotten, okay? I forgive you.— She kissed Danielle on the lips, licking at the indentation below her nose with the tip of her tongue. —It happens. And I'm sorry, too.—
—So it's over?—
Stefania rested her face on Danielle's chest. —Yeah, it's over. Now we're going to do the whole young couple who are madly in love thing again.—
A sigh of relief. —Thank God.—
—I'm not sure we ever really stopped doing that, honestly.— She could hear Danielle's heartbeat against her ear, steady and reassuring. —At least I didn't. I love you even when we're picking at each other. I hope you know that.—
—I do. And me, too.— Danielle placed a hand on the back of Stefania's head and cradled her close. —I can be so terrible in the morning sometimes. I guess now you know.—
—I can handle you.—
—All you have to do is look at me with those sad eyes and you've got me. I'd say you can handle me, all right.— Danielle kissed the crown of her head. —How did I get lucky enough to find a girl who will put up with me?—
Snorting, Stefania murmured, —You have a very thoughtful friend who paid to have a woman dance for you, that's how.—
—That reminds me,— Danielle said, lips curling into a grin, —I need to take Jane out to dinner sometime. Again. I owe her.—
Stefania giggled. So far, Jane had netted a very expensive Christmas gift, a weekend trip to Toronto for his birthday, and multiple lunches out at his favorite restaurants, courtesy of Danielle. It was almost a little embarrassing how grateful her lover was for that serendipitous lap dance.
How grateful they both were.
—So do you want to tell me what's wrong?— Stefania asked. —What's got you so edgy this morning?—
—It's nothing, really.— Danielle shrugged, kissed her neck. —I'm just grumpy. I don't want to go to work.—
Stefania pulled back, blinking in surprise. —Excuse me?— That didn't sound like Danielle at all.
A petulant frown took hold of her lover's mouth. —It's been a long week. We just launched our big project and there won't be much going on today. And honestly— She stopped and glanced away. —I want to spend time with you right now. I don't want to leave.—
Stefania fought the urge to swoon. —I love you, bambina. I'm sorry.—
—Yeah, well, I'm an idiot.— Danielle shook her head in disgust. —I'm upset because I'm going to miss you today, so I act like a bitch while I've still got you here. Brilliant.—
—Eh, we'll just chalk it up to one of your minor faults,— Stefania said. —And letting wet towels drip onto the floor is one of mine.—
—I don't care about the towel.— Danielle eased gently out of their embrace. She seemed fidgety. —I'm sorry I'm a jerk.—
—Stop it already.— Detecting something unspoken, Stefania said, —Something else is bothering you. Is it about your parents?—
The Savre were coming to dinner on the weekend. Danielle had said very little when Stefania first suggested the get-together in their new apartment, but she'd been moody ever since.
—Well, you know I'm not thrilled,— Danielle said.
Stefania thought carefully before she spoke. She always felt she had to tiptoe in discussions about Danielle's family. —What's your main concern?—
Danielle's gaze faltered as though she were looking inward and didn't understand what she saw. —Things have changed,— she said. —It's like I don't know how to act around them anymore. They just love you, and I can certainly understand that. But sometimes I feel like they're all over us. Dad's always asking me about the job and getting into conversation about stuff like home buying and 401k investments. And my mom dropping all the hints about babies? That comment the other night about your femininity was bizarre.—
Stefania feigned an aggrieved stare. —Are you suggesting I don't have child-bearing ?—
Danielle choked on her laughter.
Before she could reply, Stefania said, —Darling, listen to me. Your parents have been closed out of your life for years and now you've let them in a little. They're excited, that's all. They're both reaching out.—
She hesitated, hoping her next words wouldn't drive Danielle out the door.
—All I'm doing is reaching back. For both of us.—
Danielle was silent for so long Stefania prepared herself for the clomp of departing footsteps. But her lover stayed where she was. Something passed across her face. She looked like a woman lost in a crowd who'd suddenly spotted a friend.
In a voice as serious as Stefania had ever heard, she said, —Until you came along I didn't know how to do that. I thought I could never be close to them again. Breaking out of that habit feels strange, but the truth is, I kind of like it.— She flushed.
Stefania stepped in close and hugged her again. —You'll get used to it, I promise.—
Danielle squeezed her tight around the middle, lifting her slightly off the floor. Stefania laughed and grabbed her shoulder until she was deposited back onto her feet. —Stefania, you make me so happy I sometimes can't believe this is happening. And I guess I've been afraid to show Mom and Dad in case it all just evaporates.—
Knowing what it took to admit this insecurity, Stefania placed her hand over Danielle's heart and looked deeply into her eyes. —I love you and you love me.—
Chuckling, Danielle pressed her nose to Stefania's hair and breathed in.
—I really will miss you today.—
—I'm only working until noon,— Stefania reminded her. —Half shift, remember?— It was recompense for the double she'd worked the day before.
Danielle sighed. —Maybe I can cut out of the office a little early.—
—Or I could come and have lunch with you.—
That made Danielle smile. —Really? You want to go out somewhere?—
—Yeah, really. I'd love to meet you at your office.— Stefania broke into a sudden grin as pure, wicked inspiration struck. —Ooh—
—Uh-oh,— Danielle said, cutting her off before she could share her fantastic idea. —You're up to no good. I know that look. What are you thinking about, naughty girl?—
Stefania was caught somewhere between a laugh and a moan, hearing Danielle call her naughty. She couldn't help but be amused that certain phrases they'd made their own turned her on so much. Already she could feel that her panties were damp, and she knew it was going to be a long morning.
—My third fantasy,— she said. —Maybe I should redeem it today.—
—Oh, really?— Danielle slipped a hand under the hem of Stefania's Tshirt, and smoothed her palm up her back. —And there I was, thinking you'd forgotten all about it.—
—Trust me, your bedroom repertoire has kept me rather preoccupied. But why settle for fantastic sex when I could have the perfect fulfillment of a long-held fantasy?—
—Are you trying to boost my ego or give me performance anxiety?—
If Danielle was attempting to hide her delight, she was failing miserably.
—I'm just trying to remind you how impeccably you granted my last fantasy. Sometimes when I have a moment to breathe at work, I close my eyes and think about how fuckiing good you felt in my ... .—
Danielle was positively beaming. —What a great way to end a long damn week.—
—Is that all it takes to improve your mood?— Stefania threaded her fingers through Danielle's hair, scraping her fingernails over her scalp. She grinned when Danielle shivered. —You're so easy to please.—
—Nah,— Danielle rumbled. —You're just so good at pleasing me.—
—That, too.—
—So what are you thinking?— Danielle asked. Her hands found Stefania's bottom, cupping her gently through her uniform pants. She wore an excited smile. —I've been wondering what you'll come up with. I'm not sure how you're going to top the first two, quite frankly.—
—Oh, I've got an idea.— Stefania moved her hands down to tickle the nape of Danielle's neck and pushed her into Danielle's.
—I'm dying of curiosity.—
—It was cruel of me to make you wait till after we moved,— Stefania said without a trace of remorse. —Sorry.—
—No, you're not.—
Stefania glanced at the digital clock on the microwave. —Isn't it time for you to go to work?— She couldn't decide how much to tell Danielle and how much to surprise her. She knew what she wanted to do, but she wasn't entirely certain how Danielle would feel about it. —Do you trust me?— she asked.
—Implicitly.— The response was quick, immediate. Unthinking.
Stefania smiled at the excitement in Danielle's eyes. —Are you up for a quick wardrobe addition before you leave for work?—
—Oh, my. This is going to be naughty, isn't it?—
Stefania slowly traced a finger down Danielle's chest, until she reached the waistband of her pants. —Very.—
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