《13 and pregnant》Chapter 26
Signing the last document, I handed the stack of paperwork back over to the nurse. The release papers were done, now time to get myself ready.
Going into the bathroom, I threw on a simple laid back fit.
I wore a black tank top with grey sweat shorts. I slid on my fluffy puma slides, topping my look off with a messy bun.
I walk out the bathroom going over to my bed, getting comfy. The door caught my eye as it swung open. Darvis and Marvin enter the room, trying to keep quiet as my son slept.
Nike and Chris was already here. They had already took their swab test earlier this morning, we were just waiting for the other two to arrive before we could leave.
Me and Messiah had been stuck in this place for 2 weeks now, Messiah had been in and out of the NICU. Needless in and out my arm, as blood was transferred from me to my son. Thanking god he's stable enough now to go home, I hate it here.
"Wssup" Darvis spoke as he entered the room.
"Hey" I spoke back being polite. Without a greeting Marvin walked over to the crib, picking up Messiah.
"He's so small" Marvin said admiring my precious baby. Messiah let out little grunts as he did a big stretch. "When we taking the test" Marvin asked as he made his way around the small room, dapping up Nike and Chris
"I don't know, I gotta let the nurse know" I grabbed the small remote connected to the hospital bed, pressing the white button at the top. Notifying the nurses.
A nurse dressed in blue scrubs from top to bottom, peeked her head into the room. Her blond pony swayed in the wind as she spoke. "Yes ma'am" she said tapping her finger nails against the rim of the door way.
"We're ready for the other tests" I spoke up, letting her know
"Alright I'll be right in". The nurse disappeared into the hall. She soon came back in with a clear package in her hand. Inside it contained, two clear small containers with swabs in them. Marvin handed Messiah over to Darvis as the nurse walked up to him, handling him first.
She swabbed the inside of his mouth, repeating the same with Darvis.
"The test takes up to 3 weeks for the results through mouth. Could I get a address and phone number for it to go to." The nurse asked, grabbing a clipboard from off the long blue counter in my room. She grabbed a pen starting to write, we all exchanged our information with her. I would get a copy of the results, as well as the boys would.
"Alrighty we're all set here. I'll give everyone a minute then I'll bring a wheel chair up so we can get you set to go home." The nurse grabbed the containers, letting herself out.
Everybody got to bond with Messiah as I finished packing up my hospital bag. Marvin was the first to leave, considering he had work. Not too long later the rest of the boys followed in his footsteps, leaving. Nike was coming by later after he was done handling business at work.
I sat in my room alone, waiting for the nurse to bring up the wheel chair. Ashley was coming by to pick me up since moms had work. An hour pasted by, Poetic Justice played through the small screen of the tv. It was the part where my husband and Lucky hooked up, man Tupac cheating on me right in my face!
The door swung opened, in walked Ashley. The nurse came in behind her wheeling in a black chair.
"Hey girl" I said jumping up heeding her way. I pulled her close giving her a big hug, I missed my hig headed ass cousin.
"Girl you ready to go?" Ashley asked, we parted and she walked over to my bed messing with Messiah. "Auntie baby" Ashley picked Messiah up cuddling him.
"You brought the car seat?" I asked, grabbing my packed bags
"Yeah, bring it here so I can put my baby in it" Ashley said pointing over to the blue car seat sitting by the door. Ashley fixed Messiah up as he spit up a little. "Girl you need to stop feeding my baby so much, him gon be fat" Ashley joked. I put the car seat on the bed so she could place him in.
"Yo baby need to stop being so damn greedy" I snapped back. Ashley placed Messiah in, buckling him up. The nurse did a quick car seat check before we headed out. Hopping in the wheel chair, the car seat was placed in my lap. Messiah was so handsome, he reminded me of my dad, he resembled him a lot in the face. Ashley grabbed my bags trailing them on her hip as we made our way downstairs.
Moms grey Ford Explorer stood, parked in front of the hospital's entrance. Mom must've let Ashley borrow it, I must be real special because moms wouldn't let Ashley hold any of her cars, not even to save her life.
Ashley placed my bags in the car, then got Messiah situated in the backseat. The nurse helped me out of the wheel chair and into the backseat as well. I was still sore from birth. Two dissolvable stitches sat sewn into my swollen vigina, ice packs sat under to ease the pain.
"Ashley hurry up I'm ready to go home" I complained, rushing her. The nurse disappeared, going back inside. Ashley ran, appearing from behind the car. She speed walked over to the driver side, hopping in.
"Where too?" she joked. I rolled my eyes, this girl don't realize how bad my ass was ready to get the fuck ASAP!
She started the engine, and on we went.
[Back At Home]
We pulled up into my driveway, parking in front of the entrance. I sat there for a minute just staring out the window. I just couldn't get the Coopers out of my mind, I felt so bad. They accepted my baby as if he was their own. Too many heartbreaks in their family and there I go, causing another. Was this a mistake? Did I make the wrong choice? Did I rob another mother out of a happy life with her child? My mind ran crazy.
"You good?" Ashley asked. Her body was turned around facing me, I don't even know how long she had been sitting there watching.
"You got a lot on your mind?" she asked resting her head on the front of her head rest.
"Nah, I'm straight" I unbuckled my seatbelt, letting myself out. I really didn't want to talk about it at the moment, everybody would tell me the same thing. 'You did the right thing, a mother's intuition doesn't lie.' I didn't wanna hear that. What if it wasn't the right decision. Moms honestly didn't want me to keep the baby, she couldn't even look at me or Messiah after I made the decision i did to keep him. Peep the fact she'd rather work then be here for her daughter and grandchild at the time they needed her most. She was embarrassed of me, I was a disappointment to her.
Ashley hopped out the car making her way over to the backseat. She grabbed the car seat, letting up the cover.
We made our way up the porch, inside. the first thing I did was flop on the couch.
"A couch ain't ever been so damn comfortable" I said scrunching up my my body, as I threw myself onto it. Ashley placed the car seat on the couch across from the one I was on. Taking out Messiah, he let out a long stretch.
"Look at my big boy" Ashley said, placing a kiss on his cheek
"Dont be kissing up on my baby trick" I snapped, scrunching up my face.
"This my baby now, you was just the surrogate" she said talking in a baby voice, as she gazed down at my precious baby.
I held out my arms, asking for my child.
"No. I got the baby, you rest up I know you gotta be tired as fuck" Ashley spoke, shooing my hand away.
"Awe look at you on auntie duty" I got up grabbing a small cover from out the hallway closet. I made my way back over to he couch getting comfy. Love and hip hop ATL played though the 65 inch tv, hanging on the mantle. It was the episode where Karlie and Joseline got into it in the dressing room. Man I swear Joseline wild asf.
I looked over, seeing a sleeping Messiah, he was laid up on Ashley's chest knocked out while Ashley sat there, talking to the television screen. She better not wake my baby up with her big ass mouth. Not long later sleep took over my body as well.
I sat up. The cold gel was wiped away from my stomach. Pulling down my shirt, fixing up the top of my leggings. Today was my 40 Week appointment, officially Nine months. Lil mamma does not wanna exit the building!
My fit for today was a cute lil sum sum.
Black leggings for the pants, I paired it with a orange sweater.
'Psycho' read the black printed letters across the cleavage area. A silver cross necklace topped it off, with a pair of orange navy printed sneakers.
With a light makeup look. Ya girl looked good!
Baby girl was nice and healthy, just taking her precious time. I've been doing great lately as well, I'm planning on finishing school early so I could start my four years in college. I wanted to go for nursing since I was a little girl. Now I just have a motivation, Brielle Jade. My baby girl.
Me and Ray have been good lately as well, besides the arguing 24/7. I know Ray isn't the best, but he's still the father of my child, the father of my future children, the love of my life.
Me and Ray been through a lot that nobody else even knows about. Money lost, trust lost, children lost. I'm just blessed to have Brielle, my beautiful rainbow baby.
I got up from the chair, being guided out. Once I got into the waiting room I scheduled my induction for next week. I was past due, babygirl had no choice but to make her surprise entrance soon.
Making my way outside, there sat Ray in his all black Audi A6. "Hey baby" he spoke as I hopped in. "How'd it go?"he asked. The engine rumble as he spoke, he pulled off making his way out, to the crib.
"Good" I said adjusting my seat.
"You hungry?" Ray asked, he threw his hand over rubbing my stomach. Brielle went wild to her daddies touch.
"Yeah" I said, I laughed from the attention Brielle was showing her daddy, she don't even do all that for me and I'm the one carrying her.
"What you want?" Ray asked pulling out into the busy street
"Chick-fil-A" I said, doing a small dance as I spoke.
Ray chuckled, shaking his head side to side. It didn't take long to arrive at Chick-fil-A, it was right around the corner.
"Hello, what could I get for you" the lady asked, as we pulled into the drive through. "Just a minute" Ray responded. "What you want baby" Ray turned his head my way, asking me.
"A French vanilla ice coffee, Four piece chicken strip meal with a medium fry and ranch" I said. Ray whipped out his phone, getting on a FaceTime call
"What it do" the person on the other end spoke. "Yo you home?" Ray asked. Nike entered the camera.
"Nah, I'm headed to Anaya crib right now." My face scrunched, making a face. The fuck he at that bitch house for? Probably for that Demond child she pushed out. Suh thought she was gon get Ray caught up in her mess like she got Nike, Zoe told me what wassup. That night Trey threw that party, apparently her and Nike slept together. She got pregnant and now sis don't even know who her damn baby daddy is! Zoe and Nike aren't together no more because of the whole situation. Nike isn't this perfect, wonderful, caring person that he portrays himself to be. Playing daddy and shit.
They talked for a while, Nike told Ray his order.
After we got everybody's order situated, we made our way up to the window.
"28.19" the lady said typing on her little computer in front of her. Ray gave her the money, then on we went to the next window.
We got our food, I made sure we had everything before pulling off..
Nike dropped the addy, and on we went. Pulling up, the house was a nice baby blue color. The porch sat nice modern white rocking chairs with a small wooden coffee table. Nice good sized house.
I grabbed the bags full of food, gliding out of the car.
"I'm coming with you" Nattily spoke, Taking a sip of her iced coffee. She unblocked her seat belt swinging open the door.
"Nah chill, I got this. I'm just dropping off the food and coming back" I said. I know how short nattily's temper is, plus he pregnant. Shit she might just start an argument just so her voice could be heard.
She gave me a look, before closing the door back. "Yo behind better not take long either, chatting it up" she said tryna be funny.
I nodded my head, not even wanting to argue. Closing the driver side door I made my way over to the porch, knocking on the door. It took a while for someone to answer, but when they did, Just my luck. Anaya stood in the doorway. A baby boy laid in her arms sleep, man they look just alike it's crazy.
"Wssup, what you doin here?" She stuttered as she spoke. Gazing down at the baby, I could do nothing but stare. He was a handsome baby, I just knew he wasn't mine. I knew about the others taking a test bout him, I wanted nothing to do with that shit. I know that ain't my child, I just know.
"Hello" Anaya said, her voiced raised a little. She snapped her fingers with one hand getting my attention. I broke my concentration looking up at her. "What you doin here?" She repeated her question.
"Nothing, I was just dropping off food for Nike. He said he would be here." I said, clearing my throat before I spoke.
"He's not here" she said. she kinda scooted behind the door, closing it slightly.
"Ight" my voice way raspy and low as I mumbled. I nodded my head up and down, without saying a word I turned around heading off, back to the car.
"Hey, you can leave it on the kitchen table. He'll be here in a few" she talked, semi yelling. Just enough for me to hear. I hesitated for a little. Nattily ass better not over react over me dropping off some damn food.
I nodded my head. Walking past her she smelled strong of vanilla. I made my way over to the table. Ashley laid back on the lounge section of the couch, she greeted me as I walked past.
"Wssup" I spoke back. Not gon lie, it was kinda awkward being in that predicament especially after Zoe spreading them allegations. Mane I swear that little girl can't shut her mouth for a second.
I made my way over, back to the door. "Hey, can we talk" Anaya opened her mouth, asking before I could step out. I glanced over at nattily, than back at at Anaya. Nattily wasn't paying attention. Thank god, she probably would've got out and dragged my ass back over into the car. She walked over handing the baby over to Ashley.
"What's there to talk about" I spoke as she walked back up to me
"Ray, you know. Stop playing dumb" leaning against the door, she gave me a stank look.
I raised a brow at her scrunching up my face. "Aye, ion know what you talking bout shawty" I rubbed my hands together as I talked
She's stared at me with a blank expression. "Okay" she spoke. She cleared her throat, Looking past me, her and nattily made eye contact. Nattily eyed her with a stank face. A smile came across Anaya's face as she looked back. Petty ass.
I nodded my head up and down, not saying a word back as I stepped away. Mane I ain't gon hear the end of it with this girl when I get back into this car.. Wish me luck..
I pulled up into my driveway, earlier today I slid over to Anaya's house to spend some time with Messiah. After I slid back over to the trap. Work wasn't that heavy today. I been in this game for a little while, I got into it heavy since I found out Anaya fell pregnant. Imma provide for my own ion ever wanna be like my father, he was never there.
I gotta grind extra hand for my momma as well, ma been going through some shit lately and on top of that. Her finding out that her now 16 year old son got a baby, she ain't spoken to me since she found out. It's hard living up under the same roof as someone thats not communicating heavy with you. Bills slipped, I had to pick them up. People left hungry, I had to provide. This trap shit was the only thing keeping a roof over my head at the moment.
I hop out the car, going straight into the house. It was quite, moms must've been sleep. I creeped upstairs goin straight to moms room. She was sleep as I expected. She laid there, the empty Hennessy bottle gripped tight in her hand as she slept.
I shook my head, taking a deep breath. That's my momma tho. Walking over to her, I pulled the covers up on her getting her comfy. Taking the bottle out her hand before I exited the room. Mane I hope she ain't back on the drinking shit again, that's a conversation for a whole other time.
Walking down the hall, into the bathroom. I took me a quick shower. The water was hot as it flowed down my body. I got out, heading straight to my room.
Drying up. I threw on some black Calvin Klein boxers, over it I wore white basketball shorts with a black wife beater. I ran my fingers through my hair a few times. I flopped on my bed, taking out my phone.
scrolling though it, going on my phone icon. Taping Anaya's name 'Baby Momma🙃' the FaceTime call went through.
The phone rung for a while before it connected.
"Where's my son?" I said as she answered
"My son!" She said back, joking.
I chuckled shaking my head side to side. "Mane you trippin, what Messiah doing?"
"He sleep" she said back. We talked for a while before she hung up to go to bed. Mane ion know, ion want Messiah to be mine I got so much shit to do with my life still. But I have so much love for that kid, I don't know what I would've did if Anaya went through with that adoption. I know my momma want better from me, I know she don't want that baby to be mine I know she thinks I'm gon be just like my father. That ain't ever gon happen. Watching my moms go to bed with a black eye, hungry, broken. That shit was traumatizing. I wanna be better than him, both of them!
I laid in bed thinking bout deep shit. Not long later sleep took over me.. mane this gon be a long ass road. imma just trust god's process..
To be continued....
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16 students locked in a mall, forced into a killing game, murder or be murdered, investigate or be executed. Hope? Despair? Where have I heard this before?Danganronpa ocem includes the names of my in real life friends in a continuation of Danganronpa V3. Expect spoilers for the whole Danganronpa series.Currently at: Chapter 4!Thank you for reading! Read below!!!!This is a legit fangan!!!These people in the story are real people who actively read and comment on this fangan, please note that they are not fictional characters. This is however, not an accurate portrayal of everyone's real personalities as many of their personalities were greatly exaggerated or changed a lot all together in order to make the reading experience more exciting and give more depth to the characters. Even though their personalities were altered, you still do not have the right to:- Disrespect - Ship (unless its tl x chicken man)- Threaten- Harass - Do or say anything that harms Any of the people mentioned in this fangan. Anything is allowed as long as you are being respectful and not violating anyone's basic rights. Not complying to these simple rules will have your comment removed and repeated offence will get you blocked and reported. Trigger warnings, may be applicable, I will add or remove depending on how the story ends up, but this is what is currently planned: m*rder, pink bl*od, [email protected] scenes (visual), detailed executi*n scenes (written), s*icide, mentions of dr*g @buse, adult language, detailed descriptions of g*re (written or visual), self [email protected], mentions of Danganronpa V3 characters, p*ison, [email protected], vi*lence!!READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!Danganronpa is a Japanese video game franchise created by Kazutaka Kodaka and developed and owned by Spike Chunsoft. The series surrounds a group of high school students who are forced into murdering each other by a bear named Monokuma. Gameplay features a mix of adventure, visual novel, and dating sim elements.
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