《The Legacy { Blackpink × Bangtan } ✔》24



"Who were you talking to?" Lisa asked.

"I was speaking with Artemis, she wanted to know if we were going." Athena replied.

"Going where?"

"To your surprise silly."

"Mom, don't get me wrong, but how are you so happy? I mean dad just died a few days ago and you're in such a good mood."

"Lisa I love your father and I always will. Yes, it hurts to know he's gone, but it's always been like this for me. I'm grateful for seeing him one last time, but I know he wouldn't want me sad. He'd want me to be strong and be there for our daughter."

"I guess you have a point..."

"Now let's get going."


"WOW!" Lisa exclaimed once she walks into the house.

"Well, what do you think, baby?"

"Mom, this place is beautiful!"

"I'm glad that you things so because-" Athena was cut off when someone suddenly shouted for Lisa's name.

"Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?" Lisa was confused about why the said girl was in the house.

"Duh because this is our new house, we're all living here!" Chaeyoung exclaimed excitedly.


"Chaeyoung sweetie... I didn't tell her yet." Athena sighed.

"Oh, uh... my bad."

"Mom, is what she said true?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, it is. We thought it would be nice for all of you to live together, considering you'll be working with each other."

"If you didn't want me to stay with you, you could have just told me." Lisa said assuming that Athena didn't want to live with her.

"Lisa I can assure you that's not the reason for this. I thought it would be nice to have you around your friends, considering I'm never at my house. Lisa, please don't be mad, I just wanted you to be happy."

"I guess I understand where you're coming from with this. It does geta bit lonely at home when you aren't around."

"Thank you for understanding baby, I'm just looking out for you. And I'm just a flash away if you ever need me."

"Lisa you will love it here, it's amazing!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying it, Chaeyoung." Athena chuckled.


"I am, thank you so much for this, Athena."

"You're very welcome."

"I wouldn't mind showing Lisa around if you need to take that." Chaeyoung suggested when Athena's phone rings.

"Thank you very much, Chaeyoung sweetie. I'm going to take this call, I will catch up with you after, Lisa." Athena said and excuse herself.

"I can't believe we will be living here!" Lisa exclaimed, still couldn't hide her excitement.

"I know! You've got to check this place out, it's beautiful and we're all living here!"


"Yup, all of us are here. Even Jungkook!"

"Does this mean Jimin's here too?" Lisa teased back when Chaeyoung joked about Lisa blushing at the mention of Jungkook.

"Sadly, yes... but then again I don't care about him. I'm here to be like my mother, I don't have time to worry about silly little boys."

"Fair point." Lisa chuckled.

"Anyway, let me show you around! Well, this is our lounge, where we can just come and relax." Chaeyoung said and gave a house tour to Lisa.

"Wow, this is so beautiful!" Lisa said looking around her room after Chaeyoung brought her to it.

"I'm glad that you like it." The familiar voice said, causing Lisa to blush immediately.

Lisa was fantasizing about the said boy, Jungkook and didn't pay any attention to what he was saying.

"What do you think Lisa?" Jungkook asked, finally bringing Lisa back to reality.


"What do you think about that idea?" Jungkook asked once again.

"Yeah, it's a great one..." Lisa said unsure as she didn't know what the question was.

"You think Jimin jumping off the roof is a good idea?"

"Jumping off the roof?!" Lisa was beyond shock.

"You didn't hear one word I said to you huh?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Honestly... no, I didn't. I just zoned out." Lisa sighed.

"Is something wrong?"

"Um no, of course not."

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm feeling better, actually. I guess being around everyone again helped me out."

"I hope I'm a part of that happiness."

"Of course you are." Lisa said, looking away shyly.

"Look at me. You know if anything's bothering you, you can talk to me right?"


"Of course I do Jungkook, but I'm perfectly fine."

"Then why are you shaking so much?" Jungkook chuckled once again.

"I guess I'm just getting used to the weather here..."

"You know that's a terrible lie right?"

"Yeah..." Lisa laughed it off.

"I really missed you these past couples of days."

"Then why didn't you visit me?" Lisa asked, approaching for a hug which the boy gladly returned it.

"I thought you wanted some time alone."

"That's not true..." Lisa mumbled into Jungkook's shirt.

"Well, I'm here now, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Actually, I wanted to talk about us and-" Lisa was cut off when someone walked in.

"What's going on in here you two?" Athena asked.

"Mom!" Lisa immediately detached herself from the hug, looking on the ground too shy to look up.

"Everything's fine, I was just checking up on Lisa." Jungkook told Athena. Then, peck Lisa's forehead and leave the room after saying "I'll talk to you later."

"I see you've both become very close since last time."

"I don't know what you're talking about, we're just friends." Lisa said, trying to be oblivious about the topic they're talking about.

"You know you're speaking to the goddess of wisdom right? I'm not an idiot Lisa. So why don't you just be honest with me."

"Well... I have strong feelings for him, mom. We've been friends for a very long time, and I guess after everything... he's always been there."

"That's so cute." Athena cooed.

"You mean you're not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"Because gods or demigods shouldn't be together..."

"You remember I married a human when they sure as hell shouldn't even be together right?"

"Oh, yeah." Lisa chuckled.

"Lisa if Jungkook makes you happy don't let him go. Remember that's what Chaeyoung did, and it ended badly for her. She had no choice but to put on a brave face and hide her pain from the world. You do whatever feels right to you, but you need to talk to Jungkook about this too." Athena advised.


"It'll be better to understand his point of view on this. Besides, you two can talk to each other about anything, he won't let you down."

"Thanks mom."

"You're welcome, baby. But right now I need you to come with me."

"Why?" Lisa asked once again.

"You ask so many questions, you know that?"

"Hey, maybe I get it from my mom..."

"Fair point... But actually there's one last thing that needs to be done before I leave. So come along, we need not keep Zeus waiting." Athena said leaving the room with Lisa trailing behind.

"I want to welcome all of you to our home! Because of your determination and dedication to become like your parents, you are now all here. You have worked very hard to prove yourself to not only your parents but to me! And now I welcome you all here with open arms, willing to accept this. Now, of course, I didn't want your parents having half-blooded children, to begin with." Zeus said, rolling his eyes at the last sentence.

"But you have accepted our children! And you will not use them as your soldiers and treat them as one of your own!" Athena said on behalf of the other gods.

"Right of course. As I was saying... You've made us all proud but that is not the only reason I've brought you all here. Now that you are demigod in training, you must be marked!"

Hearing what Zeus said, all the parents gasped in shock as they were not been told about their children being marked.

"Zeus we never agreed to-" Artemis tried to say but was shut off.

"THAT IS ENOUGH OUT OF YOU! You all wanted this and made your rules, now you will accept mine! As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted! To live here you must be marked, you are neither human nor god but are in the middle. You are not only special to your parents but to all of Olympus, and this mark will show you as that. And to make this easier I will put them on you myself!"

"You bastard, if you lay one finger on my son I will cut it off myself!" Hades exclaimed.

"Zeus if you hurt any of the children, you will suffer serious consequences!" Poseidon warned.

"Relax brothers, your children will just feel a pitch." Zeus chuckled and proceed to mark the demigods.

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